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So last week, I mentioned several stressors. Let me give some updates :)


First, hubby's physical and medical issues have both resolved well. I think he is supposed to go back to the doctor one more time about the one to make sure; but it looks good. And he didn't crystallize (how is that for a side effect?) from the one medication. YAY!


Second, hubby got a new job. He starts Monday. It is basically the next step from a position he used to hold at this company he is leaving. It will be GREAT experience and go awesome with a new certification he is getting. New job pays a couple dollars more per hour and has similar hours allowing him to be home in the afternoons :)


Friday, hubby and I did a big step towards adopting the children. It finally felt like we were doing something. YAY! At this point, we are trying to decide what to do fostercare wise. A LOT has changed in our minds with the adopting of the three. We may either close our home or take one baby (or young toddler) at a time. We'll see.


Yesterday, I asked the baby's biological parents to fill out some paperwork. I don't know why it upset them so much, but they insisted there was no issue with her and gave answers like saying she sat up at 8weeks, counted 1-10 at 2months, and did things at 5-8months old she still isn't doing (though we're working on it). So I guess the doctors aren't going to get much background. Stinks. I'm sure they'll figure it out anyway :)


OH, my parents are doing well. My dad is seeing a therapist (first one told him he's going to hell as if that was helpful :001_huh:; but the second was better). He also got some medication.


I'm SO glad school is almost over. A couple programs (I spent today making zebra and monkey costumes) and field days left. Conferences, ARDS, etc are done. I still haven't decided if A is going to Kindy next year (we sure do love the Kindy teachers...*very* gifted women). Otherwise, we are DONE with public school. YAY!


Well, so those are my updates. I feel I can breathe which is nice :)

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I kinda wondered what it would be like if he had crystallized. How does a man do that? what does it look like? What is the consequence of that? I kinda picture him as a big block of rock candy. LOL


:lol: That would be terribly awkward to explain to the neighbors.

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I kinda wondered what it would be like if he had crystallized. How does a man do that? what does it look like? What is the consequence of that? I kinda picture him as a big block of rock candy. LOL



I think that one consequence would be that he would need new pants.:lol:


I'm glad it has gotten better for you.

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Sounds like some of your stressors are lessening--that's GOOD.

Sometimes I look back thru my journals and see how hard things have been, and then am amazed I'm still here--gives credence to "this, too, shall pass." :001_smile:


I needed to hear this today.:001_smile:


Pam, so glad to hear of all the good news!!!

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