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How Soon did you show with subsequent pregnancies?

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My dh and many people I know are freaking out that I'm showing. I'm 12 weeks pregnant with #4 and have been showing about 5-6 weeks now. I was fairly small to start and my tummy was flat so when it popped it it was noticeable. Dh is anxious for an ultrasound as he is sure it is twins. There is the possibility with it running in the family but I'm also on pregnancy #4 as well. My belly was at maybe 27-28 inches at most and is now at 33. I've gained 5 lbs so far, which is exactly normal for me I always gain 5 lbs by week 12 or 13(with #1- 55lbs total(too many carbs), #2 and #3 35 lbs total).

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I started showing that early with my third, but not until a bit later with this (4th) pregnancy. I only started exercises to reduce my diastasis (the gap where your stomach muscles separate after pregnancy) after my third child was born. It made a huge difference in how much "give" my stomach had in the beginning, but I look plenty pregnant now at 28 weeks.


I would definitely see if you could get an earlier ultrasound if it would calm your concerns. If twins run in the family and you have gone through more pregnancies, you do have a higher chance of twins. I wouldn't necessarily rule it out, but I also wouldn't use my size at that stage as a guide. Does that make sense?

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I was in maternity clothes before the end of the first trimester with #4. I wasn't so big, but there were no muscles left to hold it in and regular clothes hurt.

ETA: I remember with dd1 I went in for my 20 week ultrasound and I was barely showing. I was wearing maternity because I was sick of not 'getting to' and the US tech teased me about the lack of a bump. Oh, for those days now.....

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I am currently about 6 1/2 weeks along with pregnancy # 7 and my pants are already getting pretty tight and uncomfortable! I'm thinking this might be the earliest that I have to start wearing maternity pants! My best guess is (since twins do not run in either mine or dh's family) that after 6 pregnancies and not being in the best of shape my muscles just are not there to hold it all in like my earlier pregnancies :tongue_smilie:.

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I showed early with my first, but much, much earlier with subsequent pregnancies. I was in maternity clothes at 8 weeks with dd13. In fact, I showed so early that my doctor sent me for an ultrasound to rule out twins. It is just how I carry my babies.

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I started showing in advance of the pregnancy!


I am sure I am going to be pregnant again soon because I am already showing again!




No, really, I am not sure the dates, but I definitely showed earlier in subsequent pregnancies. By 8-10 weeks for sure.

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With my second pregnancy, I was showing about 8 or 9 weeks. (I was twins.:001_smile:) With my third, I had a baby bump at 6 weeks that I noticed. I know it wasn't just in my mind because at 7 weeks someone actually ASKED me if I was pg. I was very thin and that little lump definitely showed. (Not twins this time!)

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I've been out of my regular pants for a good while and am officially out of my "fat" pants as well. I started out at my upper weight range(I like to stay with 5lbs). But even if I could get them on they weren't comfortable at all, it seemed they all hit my belly at the wrong spot(which evidently is anywhere on the belly. I've been in elastic waisted skirts, which stinks with our temperature fluctuating so widely.

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I'm 6.5 weeks pregnant with #5. One of my early pregnancy signs about 10dpo was bloating...I couldn't zip my pants despite having lost a few pounds. I'm wearing stretchy skirts for now, but I'm guessing I only have a few more weeks until I have to move into maternity. My weight is slowly decreasing (morning sickness) but my tummy is slowly growing down low.


I do have a diastasis and I've had a c-section....my abs are shot.

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I started showing in advance of the pregnancy!


I am sure I am going to be pregnant again soon because I am already showing again!




No, really, I am not sure the dates, but I definitely showed earlier in subsequent pregnancies. By 8-10 weeks for sure.


:lol::lol: Hey, me too! With my 3rd, I was in maternity clothes by 10 weeks or so. I'm currently 5w with #4, so I guess I'll see what happens in the next few weeks.

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