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Evening Snack suggestions

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If you are a person that just feels that you need to have a little something after dinner to complete your day, what healthy things do you munch to satisfy your craving? Salty and sweet suggestions welcome!


Light beer and popcorn don't qualify:D

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Thanks for the suggestions. I positively love watermelon and am glad that it is almost in season here. We eat a lot of popcorn here. I just can't seem to stop reaching in the bowl and tend to eat too much. Boiled eggs are something that I ever would have thought of. I love them with a bit of salt. Yum.

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Smoothie-my kids often have this as their bedtime snack so I make enough for all of us

Half an avocado with soy sauce

deli meat and cheese rolled up, maybe dip in some mustard

hard boiled eggs


half an apple and PB or almond butter

almond flour muffin in a mug

unsweetened chocolate almond milk with a little sea salt and stevia heated in microwave for hot chocolate


unsweetened yogurt with some berries or a touch of stevia

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Coconut Oil used for Popcorn... We make it on the stove with the old fashioned thing you turn. :) I also used the example of someone here who did a bag of chocolate chips (organic :)) and some coconut oil... and dipped Bananas. I don't actually think these are too bad for you :)

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When I 'm craving something sweet, I take a frozen banana (I freeze the over ripe ones) and put it in the food processor. After a few pulses, it comes out the consistency of ice cream! It tastes like an indulgence, but it's healthy!

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A square of dark chocolate (85%) or this a-maz-ing chocolate pudding recipe from Tracy Anderson. It's incredibly delicious and decadent!!


Choco Chestnut Pudding (Portion size: 4 ounces)

1⁄2 cup semisweet chocolate chips

2 tablespoons peeled and cooked chestnuts

1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder

4 whole pitted dates (you may substitute prunes or dried blueberries) I use prunes

2 tablespoons unsweetened coconut flakes

1⁄2 cup water

Melt the chocolate chips slowly in a double boiler. Puree the rest of the

ingredients. Add the melted chocolate and pulse until all the ingredients

are combined. Add the water and check the consistency. It should be soupy.

Don’t worry—it will harden as it cools.

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This sounds intriguing. Could you post/link the recipe? Thanks!

I don't think I am allowed to link to another site, but I'm not sure. Google minute muffin recipe and look for links to lowcarbfriends.


Many people use flax (ground golden flax specifically). I try not to overdo flax so I sometimes make it with almond flour. You can make lemon poppyseed, blueberry, add some banana extract to make it like banana bread, etc.

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The one minute muffin with flax is decent too:


1-Minute Muffin

1/4 cup flax meal

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

sweetener of choice (1 packet, 1 tsp, whatever..to taste)

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 egg

1-2 teaspoons butter or coconut oil or other


Mix the dry ingredients in a large coffee cup. Add egg and butter; mix well. Microwave for 50-seconds to 1-minute. Muffin pops right out


I don't think I am allowed to link to another site, but I'm not sure. Google minute muffin recipe and look for links to lowcarbfriends.


Many people use flax (ground golden flax specifically). I try not to overdo flax so I sometimes make it with almond flour. You can make lemon poppyseed, blueberry, add some banana extract to make it like banana bread, etc.


Thank you both. I will have to try these!


BTW, I'm sure there is no prohibition against links. The board rules say nothing about it, and people post links all the time. I myself have many times without any sanctions. So link away!

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Frozen purple seedless grapes. Let em sit in a bowl for 10-15 minutes and they have just the right amount of slushiness when you bite into them.


Your mouth will sing and you can thank me later. :D


This is a favorite here.


Popcorn is an evening staple for me- from the air popper with a little butter and sea salt.

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I just have to say, with such prevalent nut allergies and milk sensitivites in this house, getting something protein-happy and low in sugar has felt impossible. I want to thank all those with frozen fruit suggestions, I'm bookmarking this thread for eternity.

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Dang it, those are my "go to" choices. :D


Ha! Mine too. That's why I need suggestions;)


These suggestions have been great. I am back into working out again. I just need some creative snacking ideas to add some variety.

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