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Life is about to get more stressful

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Got a call from the police earlier this afternoon. I knew that a few days ago my kids got into a fight at the playground that is at the school. It was right after school while they waited for their friend to get out. Apparently a teacher interjected and now things are a mess. WHile talking to dd12 and her friends one of them claimed ds13 had chased me with a knife last week. Um nope. Instead of just saying that never happened dd told the teacher that there was never a knife but one time ds13 had snipped hedge clippers at me.


2 years ago while the CPS investigator was here ds snipped the screen on the storm door with them and I wrestled them away from him. He was in counselling etc. BUt last month his therapist closed the file saying ds is fine. Last week I had closed his file with family supports for children with disabilities until ds goes through evaluation at the neurodevelopmental clinic because we only qualified for 4 hours a month of a community aide and never needed one. So the incident was old, no one was hurt, in fact no one was even in danger.


Skip forward to today's phone call. THe police call to tell me they are reporting this incident to CPS and recommending the kids be removed. SO I explain what is the truth of the issue, I ask why if I am the supposed victim of this supposed attack why am I being treated like I am the aggressor (based on the way he was speaking to me). He says he will speak to me again shortly. Apparently he spoke with the teacher again and told her what I said, she agrees maybe she misunderstood what was said. Police phones me back tells me this. SO I say good so that is that. He says no, the ball is rolling now he is mandated to report it. SO I ask how dd and I can file a statement that this incident did not a) happen last week like the teacher first said and b) the teacher maintains dd told her, dd swears on her life she did not say that. Cop says there is nothing to make a statement on, the teacher never made a written statement. He also told me that immediately after I hung up he was faxing his letter over to CPS, though this time he told me he would put on it that the incident was 2 yrs old and had been investigated and he spoke to me. He had no explaination why he has to send it to them at all if he is putting all that on it.


I have not fully recovered for the last bout they put us through. The only investigator in the region was caught having my file open when it should have close months before because she was sure it was only a matter of time before I abused the kids, she was sure I only homeschooled to hide the evidence etc. I filed a complaint against her with her supervisor and it got her into huge hot water.


The cop figures they will just look up my file confirm it was 2 years ago and leave it at that. Problem is this woman was against me then and then she got into trouble because of me. I can see her using this as a retaliation against me.


I am scared to go through this h*ll again, especially over a non-issue. Last time they tried to keep saying that they had been involved in multiple interventions with me. They had not been, there is a sister program called family enhancement that I had phoned myself twice with ds13 was little asking for help. They have used those 2 files against me ever since.


I can't go through this all again. I have been panicking all day. I am hoping they will realize it is old, and maybe at most call me. But I am scared this woman will use this an excuse to do what she wanted to do 2 years ago and take them. I know that is not how the system is supposed to work, but it happens and the crap I went through last time was bad enough that I still have nightmares about it.


So now I am scrubbing like mad just to be extra sure the house is perfect if they show up at my doorstep tomorrow.

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I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. No wonder you're in a panic.


Is there a chance that it will be a different investigator this time? I hope this turns out to be nothing to worry about, and that they realize that you're a great mom.

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I'm so sorry. I wish I had something brilliant to say to ease your fears, but like you, I would be incredibly stressed. I will pray for a quick resolution that falls in your favor. :grouphug:


I know many on here despise them, but is this where HSLDA would be useful??? I don't know much about them, but they were the first thing that came to my mind. :confused:

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I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. No wonder you're in a panic.


Is there a chance that it will be a different investigator this time? I hope this turns out to be nothing to worry about, and that they realize that you're a great mom.



I agree. and praying this is resolved very quickly.

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I know many on here despise them, but is this where HSLDA would be useful???


This was my thought, too. I wouldn't want to go into this alone -- I'd want legal help. You know the school and CPS have their lawyers....... and if this woman has a chip on her shoulder she might try something less-than-legal (knowingly or otherwise). I'd want help.

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Ugh, what an unnecessary hassle!


Does the therapist have documentation of the event from the time it actually happened? Maybe s/he would write a letter on your behalf regarding the timing of the original incident. Also, attach a written statement from dd about what transpired during the conversation and how her comments may have been misinterpreted. If you proactively submit this (or have it ready to submit at a moment's notice), maybe you can burst that CPS bubble before it expands.



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The cop is required, despite how old, to report the incident. CPS DOES have access to your file (an investigator will see it BEFORE a caseworker and decide on IF it should be passed on to the caseworker--the Investigator CAN decide to just close the case). The investigator will look at the file and likely come out (they are allowed to just show up within 7d of the report without notice (24hrs is its life/death). You are NOT legally required to do anything. You can tell them to go away and get a court order if you really wanted, but it does look better to cooperate. DO NOT LET THEM TALK TO YOUR DD ALONE!!!!!!! You dont need more word twisting! DO NOT agree to do ANY "services" with this UNLESS they get a court order!!!!!! Do NOT sign a Case Plan unless its court ordered!!!!! IF the investigator feels theres an issue, they are required to send it to a Supervisor and Caseworker for further Investigation. They will then likely come out and file with the Juvie Court if need be ** They CLAIM they are not required to file for any "referring services/ AKA case plan", which is TRUE, but you can say no despite them threatening you when you do say no and they will HAVE to file in court**. You may not have the same Caseworker as last time and you CAN ask for a new one if you get her again.


IF it goes to court, youll have a court appointed lawyer, yourself, CPS, their lawyer, Guardian At Lituem and their lawyer + the judge. *** They CAN file for custody without you being there- its an Emergency Protection Order But youll go to court for it at a later date to fight it! ***



Edited by Jpoy85
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