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What did 1st grade involve in your HS?


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In a month, I will be able to say that I've survived hsing first grade twice. Here's what we did:


ZB handwriting (1/2 page per day)




read-aloud (this is child reading to me--we've used Horrible Histories-- 2/pages/day)


SOTW (Jim Weiss, maps, a project every once in awhile, five library books per chapter)


science: one read-aloud per day and two experiments (Janice van Cleave) per week


Looking at Paintings (one page per week)


one art project per week


Harp and Laurel Wreath (three minutes per day)


Horizons Math




math facts practice on computer


Music Ace


read-aloud (me reading; just finished Mark of the Horse Lord and now doing Mysterious Benedict Society)


I don't plan on changing anything when #3 does 1st in a few years.

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For my first, I used an all in one curriculum that came in a big book from B&N, hated it. For my next 2, we have used: Teach Your child to read in 100 EZ lessons, HWT, MUS alpha, Comprehensive Curriculum (grammar), SOTW, library books for science. That was much better than the other one. 100ez works until about Chapter 55-60 around here, then they are done with it and struggle for a bit until they can read DR. Seuss. We all really like HWT and MUS. Comp. Curr. and SOTW is ok. The main problem with SOTW is craft stuff. MY oldest hates it, the middle 2 love it, but aren't old enough to do it on their own (although they try) and I am not organized enough to get stuff together for them when we do the reading and by the time I get something, they lose interest in that subject.


What would I do different? Not have a toddler helping :)

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I have now done first grade twice and each time was totally different.


When I did it with my oldest, she was already reading quite well so we used Natural Speller, RightStart Math, FLL, SOTW, and LLB1 (didn't like this.) We also used copywork for printing. We did alot the first time around.


With my ds, we went as bare bones as you can get. He had no interest in anything that remotely resembled academics. He was having difficulty with reading so I decided to just focus on the basics. This year we used OPGTR (eventually ditched it and made up my own cirriculum,) RightStart Math, ETC (love this) and copywork for printing.


I think it depends on your child as to how full your year should be.

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Having gone through first grade four times, I have finally learned simpler is better. If I don't cover science in first grade, guess what - they will learn the same concepts later. I don't do grammar in first grade, and probably not a separate spelling program. I focused on phonics and reading, math, and history - just because I liked SOTW!

Phonics - have tried several, but really like McRuffy. It has an easy to implement integrated curriculum for LA.

Math - BJU or MUS

History - SOTW

Add lots of library books and readers, and our day is complete! (For that child anyway. The other three, not so much)

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I'll have a 1st grader this year -- and for the fourth time!


With my first 1st grader, I used all Abeka (I was fairly new to homeschooling and didn't yet feel confident to try to mix and match curriculum). She had a very good year and learned a great deal, but by 3rd grade, she was burned out on workbooks! That was the same year that I read TWTM and felt confident to stretch my wings beyond one publisher!


My second 1st grader has high functioning autism and that was quite a year because he struggled with learning how to read. I remember stumbling our way through numerous phonics programs before I tried a word ladder approach in 2nd grade that helped him tremendously (AlphaPhonics). We did discover Math-U-See in 1st grade and he loved it!


For my third 1st grader, we used Sonlight for everything except math (we used BJU) and he had a terrific year! He loved to read, and was reading very well by the end of that school year -- but I wouldn't have chosen it if he hadn't because their phonics program is more of a 'natural approach' vs drill -- if that makes sense. (If you have a child who struggles and needs to move slowly, it wouldn't be my first choice).


Now I'm up to my youngest -- and last 1st grader! She'll be using Sing, Spell Read and Write (she's also on the autism spectrum and I'm hoping the musical jingle approach to reading instruction will be a hit with her, but I'm not doing the writing portions of this program. We'll be using Handwriting Without Tears My Printing Book for that because she has some fine motor delays). We'll be using for Abeka for math (math is her best subject and she loves colorful workbooks!). I've also chosen Abeka for art because they're simple cut-and-paste activities and will help her with her fine motor skills. She'll also be listening to Sonlight Core 1, although I'm not sure how many of the readers she'll be able to do -- we'll have to see how that goes! I'm also using BJU for science, which has a very simple approach to science for young children.

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The first half of first grade went like this:


Spell to Write and Read 10 words per week alternated with First Language Lessons and copywork


Story of the World (The Greeks) with Usborne's Book of Greek Myths for Young Children alternated with Christian Liberty Nature Reader I


Rightstart Math


The Greek Alphabet


It went well. We enjoyed ourselves.


Second half:


30 minutes reading corner

Singapore Math

Story of the World I (the rest of the book)

Christian Liberty Nature Reader



It went OK.


I have to say as I go into teaching 1st for the second time that less really is more. I think it is best to focus on Math and phonics. This time around our plan is:


Spell to Write and Read phonograms with Rod and Staff phonics workbook, stories and key word pictures to help remember what the phonograms say.


Rod and Staff Math/Singapore math combo working on 1 concept at a time.


Everything else is done through lapbooking topics that she is interested in.:001_smile:

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I don't know if I qualify as a veteran, but we're done with first grade. Does that count? :D


We focused on Latin, math, and penmanship/copywork and mostly did read-alouds and a few hands-on projects for literature, history, science, geography, and religion. The specifics are in weekly reports on my blog. (Our school year ended in April, if you're looking.)


The only thing I would do differently is to be happy with "just reading" and not to stress about narrations or other written work. Definitely no workbooks beyond the core subjects. Also, dd was signed up with a homeschool academy for record-keeping. In retrospect, that was unnecessary and ended up making more work for me, but I couldn't have known that in advance.

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For first we concentrate on math and reading/writing. We have used:


Abeka math and my older ones used Saxon

HWT for writing

Copy work

Teach Your Child to read in 100 EZ Lessons and SWR for reading

ETC Books

BOB Books and other read alouds


Science and History they sat in with the older children.

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for my oldest (who is now going into 8th) we did

KONOS we did a weekly coop with lots of fun hands on things(dropped this after K or 1st and did SOTW, continued with coop though

italic handwriting

no phonics.. just practice reading.. he was fluent by first grade.. in K we did Playntalk and games etc

Miquon math

can't remember when we started R&S English (think it was 2nd grade)

LOts of reading

library visits

cooking together

can't remember what else..that was a while ago..


For next ds (will do 1st in the Fall this year)

*combo of Biblioplan (year 3 of the rotation) and a free online Am History plan


*Miquon/Singapore combo

*my own science plan.. trees/snow/weather/astronomy/gardening again in the spring.... as well as any other books we decide to read...we do lots of nature stuff (love Thornton Burgess books)

*italic handwriting

*maybe some copywork

*story bible/character books

*crafts to go with history and/or science

*library visits


*nature walks


think that's all.. don't have my plan in front of me... but I think I got it all


***edited to add that I did some FIAR with my first.....tried with my second.. but it didn't go as smoothly.. I may do a little here and there.. and also with my second we are using ETC.. love it*************

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I spent a TON of money on different phonics and math programs when my oldest was in K and 1st. Looking back, I wish I would have spent that money on good books to read aloud (and readers), museum and zoo memberships, field trips, art or music lessons. I have done some of that with my younger kids, and it has really paid off.

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and am starting with my second 1st grader. We focus on L-R-R-R: Latin, reading, writing, math.


Ds' core 1st grade subjects:

Lively Latin

Singapore 1A&1B

copywork/handwriting practice

read alouds -- me to kiddo and kiddo to me

music -- I'm teaching him piano; so, he gets theory, etc integrated into his piano lessons.


We're using SOTW 1 for history and are taking it slowly, i.e. we didn't finish the whole book in one year. Meh--I'm not in any hurry. Science is interest driven and mainly library books.


The only thing that is different with my upcoming 1st grader is that I'm using RightStart and I haven't begun Latin with her as of yet.


Our school day usually lasted, oh, an hour or so (depending on attitudes {mine and his :D}) for the core subjects. As Melinda TX mentioned - simpler is better. I think the biggest assignment for me in the early grades is to begin instilling a love of learning.

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A question for the veteran HSers: What stuff did you use? (and was it good/bad) What was your schedule like? What would you do differently if you could?



For the 3 R's (plus thinking skills):



  • Phonics: Phonics Pathways, a set of phonogram flashcards, early readers (ETC is a possible supplement, but there's usually a good amount of overlap w/phonics & spelling at this level; it's a great phonics worktext but may not be necessary)

  • Spelling: Spelling Workout A

  • Handwriting: HWT

  • Grammar/usage/mechanics/copywork/narration: FLL, some very simple nature journaling

  • Literature/comprehension: Five-in-a-Row, other great read-alouds

  • Poetry: Poems for Memorization (published by R&S, I think)

  • Math: Singapore Math PM-1

  • Thinking skills: Building Thinking Skills 1



I used a reading program (Pathway Readers), which consisted of a reader plus some coordinating workbooks, for the oldest child but realized it was unnecessary and skipped it for the second child, who just read the reader for fun. I think this was fine, since we used something else for the discussion of literature (FIAR & other read-alouds) and since I had dd read aloud selections from the easy readers from time to time to check her progress. She's 8 now, and I still have her read aloud to me once in awhile, but much less frequently than before.


If I had a 1st grader to teach this year, I'd also use the Writing With Ease Instructor Guide. After reading the sample pages, I think it would help me get a clearer idea of what to expect in terms of writing skills for this age (I just pre-ordered, too.)


For the other subjects:


This will really depend a lot on your personality, teaching style, the ages of all the other kids, and time availability. I loved doing lots of hands-on activities when the kids were young. Here are some of my favorites for 1st grade (I didn't do these all at the same time!)...


  • History/geography: Bible, Konos, FIAR (for geography & social studies), and lots of historical fiction & biographies for read-alouds

  • Science: experiment kits, nature studies, making my own science unit, lots of science-topic books to read aloud, Konos

  • Art: Drawing with Children, other crafts




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I will be starting my 3rd son in 1st grade next year. Here is our schedule:


R&S Art (once a week)

R&S Math

R&S Music (once a week)

R&S Reading

R&S Patterns of Nature (twice a week)


SOTW II (twice a week)


Looking back at the 1st grade schedule for my middle son, I am using more R&S programs this time around, and I don't have as much seatwork planned. My youngest son's schedule is very fluid because I work him in around my older boys. My goal is to give everyone one-on-one time throughout the day, but the amount of time fluctuates each day depending what I'm trying to teach and the level of understanding of each boy.



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ABeka Phonics (readers, letters & sounds, spelling, penmanship)

Math -- I used Singapore with oldest, and ABeka with DD#2 and DS#3

Grammar -- ABeka (DS#1) and First Language Lessons (DD#2 and DS#3)

History -- K12 (similar to SOTW)

Science -- K12

Art -- K12

Music -- K12

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This is my third trip through first grade. I was way too hard on my oldest because I didn't know to relax and take things at her pace. She wasn't ready for "English For the Thoughtful Child" but, by golly, the book said to use it. Most of the materials I chose were way too mature and not her learning style. Both of us cried often that first year. I even thought she had a learning disability for a while because she seemed so behind other kids. I know now that I had no concept of "learning curve". Nor would I let her be where she was academically.


Chilld #2 is a workbook kid. We went with straight Rod and Staff 1. Overall it was a good fit. Luckily for her I was prepared for a rough year so every day was exciting because she understood the material. No tears. :)


Child #3 begins first in a few more days. Here's the plan:


Math/Logic: CLE Math 1

Developing the Early Learner


Language: CLE Reading 1

CLE Language Arts 1

daily reading aloud to Mom

daily reading aloud from Mom


History: SOTW 1 read, maps.

SOTW AG Lit./addt. reading suggestions


Science: God's Design for Life (with 5th grade sister)

Videos and library books as desired


Art/Music: Harmony Fine Arts 5 (with older sisters)




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We just finished 1st grade... we used:


Horizons/Singapore combo

Rod & Staff 2 grammar

Explorers Bible (Beginnings II)

Copywork (AWANA verses & some history narrations)

American history w/ older brother

No formal science, just living books

No phonics-- ds was fluent, even advanced, at an early age.

Tons of reading, esp. readers from Sonlight Cores 2 & 3

Classical Conversations-- Foundations


All in all, a good year. I plan to use the same resources w/ my 2 younger ones when they get there... :o)

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Disclaimer...I am by no means a veteran...but I have done first grade.


Did a lot of growing during this year. Figuring out my teaching style and making it compatible with his learning style. Also integrated more of CM ideas and theories into our classical style. Switched a bunch of curriculums (is it suppose to be curricula?), but finally found the ones we are comfortable with now. (And yes, I did switch some even for this coming school year.)




Math...started out using Saxon but switched to Right Start. Better fit for my ds.


Grammar...started out using FLL but switched to Growing with Grammar. Love it!


Spelling...started out using SWO but switched to All About Spelling. Love it!


Science...started out using Christian Kids Explore Biology but switched to doing the Green Hour Challenges and Nature Study with lots of exploring. So glad I did this! We have learned a lot more this way and have strengthened our love of nature.


History...started out using SOTW vol1 and are still using it! (But switching to TOG next year.)


Holy Cow! Now that I see it all typed out, I have switched everything! You know what though? It's all been good! Just finding my way.


About our schedule, we would get our seat work done in the morning and have the afternoon available for play time.


I hope this helps you in some way.:001_smile:

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We just finished first grade. Here is what we used:



Earth Science from a mix of resources and informal Nature Study

Horizons Math 1/started 2

Leading Little Ones to God




ETC 4/5/6

Art Class

Violin Lessons


These were not all done daily!


My son started off first grade reading at a third-grade level, so we did a lot of reading as well.



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I just finished "1st" grade with my 7 yo...She did


Abeka 2 for La, Math,

Zoology 1 science

Sotw history with activity books

R+S Social Studies 2nd grade

Abeka Spelling

Tons of Library books

abeka 2 cursive writing


My 5 yo just started 1st grade...


She is using


Sonlight LA 1

Sonlight Core 1 & Sotw 1 cont.

Mind Benders Warm Ups

SOS Spanish Elementary with me

Abeka Math 1st

Abeka letters and sounds, Language 1

HWT 1st grade book

Sonlight Science 1

artistic pursuits

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I've just finished 1st grade with ds and will start K/1st with dd in September. We've been through a lot of different curricula, but it all worked out.


Ds finished R&S Math 1 and we're doing Singapore 1A and 1B over the summer. Once we start R&S Math 2 in the fall we'll finish up Singapore when we need a break. I like this pairing a lot because they complement each others strengths. Dd is 15 lessons into R&S 1 and really likes it so I think we'll follow the same path for her.


Ds is currently reading Henry and Mudge books. I thought we'd never get to this point, but we did. Along the way we used LLATL Blue, Pathway 1st grade readers and workbooks, ETC 1-3 and SL's first grade readers. Dd is doing Bob books 1 and will finish up Calvert K and the first part of the Pathway program before following this same route.


We used FIAR for our content subjects this year and we all loved it. The kids learned a lot of science, geography, literary and art terms and, most important, learned to love learning. We've also used SL PK 3/4, SL PK4/5 and K for more read alouds. Don't let the names worry you, all three have books that a first grader will love and they're wonderful if you'd like to include younger siblings in school.


I hope you enjoy 1st grade as much as we have!

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We're in the process of finishing 1st grade...


Started with Spell to Write and Read and have moved to All About Spelling and OPGTR. Better fit for my ds. (I'll get back to SWR at some point, I think!)


Started with RS math, not a great fit for us. Moved to Singapore. Still working on math facts!




Some SOTW, but not consistent. I hope to finish vol. 1 and 2 by the end of next summer.


Favorite project...solar system lapbook and wall display.

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I just finished teaching first grade for the 4th time. First grade around here means lots of music, art projects and wonderful read alouds. Lots of nature study. Lots of playing. Daily: copywork, some kind of math (could be a workbook, could be a computer game, could be a math lit book, etc), daily reading lesson (very informal; snuggle on couch with phonics reader and talk about phonics and practice blending words.) Since we're Catholic it also included stories from the Bible, saints lives, liturgical celebrations, learning prayers, praying together and talking a lot about God.


This past year we snuck in a little Latin too.


I've been through so many programs, I can't even begin to list them. But the above gives the general idea.

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Dd now going in to 8th


Abeka Phonics/Language 1

Abeka Math 1



Italic handwriting

SOTW 1 with activities - We compiled the most precious notebook from 1st and 2d grade using SOTW. I wrote all her narrations down and she drew a picture to go with it. By mid 2nd grade she was copying all her narrations. This is a precious keepsake that we still pull out and look at!

For Science we read a lot of science titles from the library, did a few experiments from books, and enjoyed nature. Dd loves science to this day!


Just finished 1st with my Ds


Abeka Phonics/Language

Miquon Math

Italic Handwriting

AWANA memory work and copywork - This has been great. I write down his verses and he copies them. This has helped tremendously for learning and retention.

Lots of science titles

Sonlight 1- Will switch to TOG or WP for next year so he can compile a notebook too!

Arts and crafts supplies-I just let him go, he's very creative.


I'm going to try to add music appreciation next year!




Kelly, Mom to my three jewels

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I am by no means a veteran either, but my oldest just finished 1st grade 2 weeks ago and here's what we used:


Singapore Math--loved it

FLL never got done, switched to Growing with Grammar and we like it

Spelling Workout--ds loved it, I thought it was busywork


Science--the WTM way, we absolutely loved human anatomy and used My Body Book from Rainbow Resource, adding body parts every week, then studied animals with library books and a zoo pass and began Outdoor Hour challenges which we're continuing, we really love those


History--Used SOTW and LOVED it!! It was everybody's favorite subject. We had a great year and did tons of reading and projects, we were a very history minded family to begin with though.


Latin--We started Prima Latina about a month ago and plan to continue it in the fall.


Art--Artistic Pursuits, about 3 projects a month--It was a nice book, but I would rather have spent more time learning HOW to draw (we're not artistically minded) so am adding in Drawing with Children this summer.


Music--Focused on one composer a month and pretty much just listened. We used composer coloring books and Classics for Kids to learn a little bit more. All my boys also attended Kindermusik classes and ds7 began piano a month ago. We attended a lot of concerts for enrichment.


Reading--Ds7 is a very advanced reader so he just read tons--literature, history books, science books.


Religion--We focused on the Old Testament as it went along with history and ds would read a chapter of scripture aloud to me daily.


I really like what we accomplished this year. We had a lot of fun together but I had to really learn to relax and be ok with the fact that not every day is the perfect homeschool day. Life happens and things don't always go the way you had planned (and I'm a big planner.;) ) I probably wouldn't change anything we did though, other than what we did change, but I know 1st grade will probably be a lot different and a lot less relaxed for my others just because they won't be the oldest child and receiving as much one on one attention as my oldest got this year.

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Thanks for all the replies! I especially love reading those who have done 1st grade with more than one dc, and hearing what has worked and what has changed.:001_smile:


OK - I'm feeling better about my 1st grade choices - LOL!


SWR - we are modifying this right now in K for ds's fm delay, but I hope to start it "the right way" sometime in 1st grade


Miquon math, maybe adding calculadders


AO Literature readings

Apologia Astronomy

I Can Do All Things - art

Mommy's crazy experiments for a book :lol:- music


Ds LOVES listening to me read so science and history will just be low-key reading and narration.


I'm intrigued by those that start Latin in 1st grade. I want to add in Korean b/c we have family that speaks only Korean, and I want my dc to start it young. I think both languages would be way too much, but maybe when dd is in 1st (ds will be in 3rd) we can do it together???

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we had a watered down first grade b/c of the toddlers and babies......I went down to just reading, writing and math, but dd was bored, so we went back to some science and SOTW. We used that and did Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, and now we're on ancient india and china for the summer. I just did oral narrations to build up their 'paying attention skills'. We did 100 ez lessons, ETC, BOB books, Horizons math (we're switching to different programs next year), and lots of books from the library, copywork of various things, and we're going through FLL1 this summer and will do FLL2 next year.

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My first 1st grader (now entering 3rd)

LLATL Red Book

ETC 2, 3

Math U See - Beta

Reason for Handwriting A


My second 1st grader -


FLL 1 & WWE 1 - she just finished the LLATL Red Book.

Wordly Wise 1 - not necessary for the average 1st grader but this one has real trouble learning vocabulary.

Spelling Workout A

ETC 4, 5, 6 or 4 1/2

Starting Comprehension Phonetically 4 and 5 (EPS) - Probably not necessary but she has comprehension problems in general so I'm going to work on reading comprehension.

A Reason for Handwriting A

Math U See - Beta

Calculadder 1

Apologia - Botany - mostly in her own world while we read this and SOTW.

SOTW V1 - Ancients

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