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Today is my 39th birthday! (and more TTC stuff).

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By tomorrow or the next day I should know if my first official month of TTC again after my ectopic last summer, followed by a lot of weight loss/getting healthy, worked on the first try. (Okay probably not but it sure would be a nice b-day present). :D (Tomorrow is 10 dpo and day 28 of my cycle, I have been getting my period by day 28 or 29 for the past five months, except for one month like two or three months ago where it randomly appeared on day 32).


Keep your fingers crossed for me that it happens quick or already happened, it would be nice to have that last baby BEFORE I turn 40! (I'm on 2000 mg/day of Metformin now so hopefully that helps).


P.S. I haven't quite made my -60 lbs weight loss goal yet, I'm down 57.8 lbs, having gone from 247.6 lbs to 189.8 lbs, but I figured that was close enough to start TTC this cycle. If it happens I'll be thrilled and if it doesn't happen this time around, I'll just keep trying to lose more weight while I continue TTC!


Anyway. Yeah. Wish me luck. :)

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Thanks so much, all. DH brought home some pg tests today and I will take one in the morning. We will see what happens! Like I said it will be 10 dpo. Last time (with the ectopic) I got my positive at 11 dpo. Trying to be realistic and not spend every moment obsessing over it and not get my hopes up too much; still, it's hard not to be hopeful now that I'm within a day or two of a period or a positive!

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Thanks again everyone!


Sewingmama, I'm sorry to hear that. :( I hope that it happens for you soon!


I tested this morning and negative. Period likely due today or tomorrow. Will try again tomorrow if I don't get it by the morning.

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