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Anyone else hopelessly behind?


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Other people are wrapping up their years and planning for next year and we are still stuck in the first semester. Part of it was because a friend was going through a family crisis and I ended up watching her kids a lot, supporting her, and school just fell to the back burner for both of us. She is doing better emotionally and crises is working out so , for that, I am thankful. And in many ways I am not sure I would change how I did things- I really can't see myself saying sorry can't help you today we have to do math or whatever......but at the same time. *sigh*. The other part of it is I am disorganized so when I did have time to do school it was never a simple matter of sit down and do it, or I had housework to do, or something else......And in general we are not the best about routines for school. We have gotten better over the years as he has gotten older. Ds is 9 and in the 4th grade.


I am so irritated with myself. And worried he would be better off in school

:-( . ANd embarrassed. I really wanted to start logic stage "on track".


I went through the other day and if we work daily we can still finish FLL4 and WWE4 near September ..In WWE we are on week 12, how pathetic is that!? :glare: MM we are starting level B soon, LL, Science Jim's Bite Size book, Middle Ages. I hope we can do all that this summer. I am hoping if we add in a little on weekends maybe, sometimes. Ds is bummed. He found out when we read Anne of Green Gables this year about 2 month long summer breaks :lol: but there is just no way. I always plans for the summer but never follow through- we get sidetracked by the pool and beach. In the past the plans were always extras not basics so I do not have that luxury this summer.


Confession is good for the soul they say :tongue_smilie: I've been embarrassed to say anything. Now it's time to get back in gear.

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Other people are wrapping up their years and planning for next year and we are still stuck in the first semester. Part of it was because a friend was going through a family crisis and I ended up watching her kids a lot, supporting her, and school just fell to the back burner for both of us. She is doing better emotionally and crises is working out so , for that, I am thankful. And in many ways I am not sure I would change how I did things- I really can't see myself saying sorry can't help you today we have to do math or whatever......but at the same time. *sigh*. The other part of it is I am disorganized so when I did have time to do school it was never a simple matter of sit down and do it, or I had housework to do, or something else......And in general we are not the best about routines for school. We have gotten better over the years as he has gotten older. Ds is 9 and in the 4th grade.


I am so irritated with myself. And worried he would be better off in school

:-( . ANd embarrassed. I really wanted to start logic stage "on track".


I went through the other day and if we work daily we can still finish FLL4 and WWE4 near September ..In WWE we are on week 12, how pathetic is that!? :glare: MM we are starting level B soon, LL, Science Jim's Bite Size book, Middle Ages. I hope we can do all that this summer. I am hoping if we add in a little on weekends maybe, sometimes. Ds is bummed. He found out when we read Anne of Green Gables this year about 2 month long summer breaks :lol: but there is just no way. I always plans for the summer but never follow through- we get sidetracked by the pool and beach. In the past the plans were always extras not basics so I do not have that luxury this summer.


Confession is good for the soul they say :tongue_smilie: I've been embarrassed to say anything. Now it's time to get back in gear.

Hey, at least you made it to week 12. Truth be told we are still at week 5 in two subjects. My only saving grace is that we finished everything but math and those two subjects this past week. Come tomorrow we will be hitting 3 books hard and heavy for the duration of school (5 weeks) in order to get as close to finished as possible.


Honestly I wouldn't worry too terribly much about the science and history. Those subjects will roll around again and he will catch up. I'd concentrate on math, grammar and reading/lit. Everything else will come out in the wash.

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We are. We started falling behind 2 years ago when I started having symptoms related to a chronic liver disease, and last year we really fell behind when those symptoms got a lot worse and the doctors were trying to find a treatment plan. That lasted until about Christmas time.


So while we've made progress, we are not where I wanted to be. I'm trying to figure out what I can let go and what we need to finish over the summer. I'm totally burned out, but my oldest is going into 8th so I have specific goals that I need to meet to get him ready for high school.


The hardest part is mentally knowing that we hit our required number of days tomorrow. Like you, I don't know what I would've done differently and I've really done the best I could. But I wish that all those days could've been more productive.

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Hopelessly behind in writing, a few months behind in grammar. I spent time looking for the perfect standards-aligned grammar program for DD (we have to test, charter, blech) and ended up doing nothing since January. Crud.


We've done math consistently and yet, last week, she couldn't remember how to write out the problem 243 + 492 (she wrote the first number in a column (??) 2 then below that 4 then below that 3 ) and has completely forgotten how to regroup. So we're going backwards in math, despite our working consistently on it this year. :banghead:

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We are too - I don't even know what week we're on anymore. I think it's somewhere around week 5 though. I just call it year around school now and hope we finish by December.


We've had 2 deaths in the family and a foreclosure {which we're still dealing with} as well as numerous medical issues.

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We are "on track" for math and history, and that's about it.


DS broke his writing arm in October so that was a hindrance. Then I went back to work 2 days/wk in January and am sharing schooling with DH so... yeah. That's an issue. And we switched LA's programs in late February to accomodate DH.


I plan to make a good push through June and see where we are at that point.

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Once we begin again, we'll be *just* under 3 months behind "public schools" in our country. We didn't really finish the K curriculum as it was laid out (more followed rabbit trails, and read the lit over and over lol), about Sept/Oct last year I had a bad relapse of my CFS and couldn't really move much, or concentrate. Then of course we had DH home for the holidays, and I finally worked my way out of the fog about a month ago (I haven't had a lapse this bad since I was first diagnosed, I think it was a mixture of setting up the new house/homeschooling/and little time to myself, plus of course money...it always boils down to money problems lol) So since I had no idea where I was upto for planning this year I had to start again. That took 3 weeks, and now we've stopped any unit studies, and are overhauling the house (finally figured out what to do with this weird shaped house lol) and we'll begin on 21st May (couldn't start till then anyway, cause of budget restrictions, I had to spread supply purchases over 2 months).


I figure as long as we don't take too many breaks, we could be on schedule by next year. Delays happen in life, homeschooling gives you the option to be able to work round those delays and help others/be there for people. We're not too bothered by start/finish times, I only keep it there as a general rule in case my state laws change.

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Various stages of "behind." We had massive amounts of last-minute house-building and moving from October to December.


My oldest dd is about 50% through literature, 50% done with science and on track with everything else.


Oldest son... about 50% done.


Younger son...behind in math, literature and science.


It will be okay. We'll just have more work to do this summer than we normally do.

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I feel like I got nothing done this year except math. I changed to Oak Meadow in Feb and older DD does not like it:glare:. It feels like I have been doing American History for 6 years and we are only at the colonial period! It has been largely due to my waffling with the curriculum. We plan to school all summer and next year I am putting the girls on TT and they are enrolled in IEW writing courses. That takes that off my plate.

I did succeed in getting older dd through PR 2 and into week 8 of PR 3 and that is one thing we are getting done! Younger DD is right on track with PR 2. DS was not at all in sit down stuff this year until recently(when he turned 6) and we are starting PAL reading and he is doing well. He is good with math naturally thank goodness!

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I don't know if it's reassuring at all, but almost every one of the teacher's manuals for school-designed curricula I own includes a plan for skipping units when you run out of time at the end of the year. You don't have to skip material just to say you are done, because you aren't handing your student over to someone else for next year.


Personally, I would focus on accomplishing as much as possible in skill areas. I would let the housework slide, or at least not make it a higher priority than schoolwork.


It sounds like you have a schedule for when you want to finish your programs and know how much time you need to spend to get there. You also know that schoolwork needs your full attention for a season.


You know what you need to do and you're moving in that direction. I think you'll be fine if you keep on task (easy to say, right?), but I would be careful not to let it spiral further. I have a nasty habit of avoiding things when I get behind in them, so I really need to take myself by the shoulders and keep moving forward if things get away from me. That's me though. :grouphug:

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The other part of it is I am disorganized so when I did have time to do school it was never a simple matter of sit down and do it, or I had housework to do, or something else......And in general we are not the best about routines for school.

I am starting a new routine that might be helpful to share. Every morning my children get up, get dressed, straighten their rooms, eat, and if needed, straighten up the room we do lessons in. Then we "do school" or something educational, even on the weekends. On Saturdays, for example, I read aloud while they color or do a craft. It's easy to do once it becomes a habit. Without it being a habit, we waste time wandering around in our nightgowns and the house is a mess.

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We are never done in May. Truth be told my children do a lot of school work in the summer because we are always "behind". I'm about halfway through our plans for the year. My oldest dd who did CC Challenge is pretty much done aside from Math (which she is half through and she knows she'll be doing it all summer to start Algebra for 9th grade). She's in the best shape of the 4 I'm officially homeschooling. My 6th grader has done a lot of work on her own but we have lots of language arts and science to do this summer. She has a hard time with math and really struggled with division so she'll be doing that all summer. She's finally almost to Epsilon and she'll be in 7th grade this fall so we can't afford to take time off. My twins aren't reading anywhere near as good as they should be so we'll be concentrating on that this summer.


We are so busy during the year and this year has been especially bad because of my special needs child's issues. He has numerous therapy appointments and we've gone through 3 IEP meetings with the school district for him.


We rarely travel in the summer and when it is hot and yucky out we are at home doing school work. Most of my kids activities don't meet in the summer and they are "bored" so we get a lot done.

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I am starting a new routine that might be helpful to share. Every morning my children get up, get dressed, straighten their rooms, eat, and if needed, straighten up the room we do lessons in. Then we "do school" or something educational, even on the weekends. On Saturdays, for example, I read aloud while they color or do a craft. It's easy to do once it becomes a habit. Without it being a habit, we waste time wandering around in our nightgowns and the house is a mess.


I agree. Guilty of wondering around in our nightgown/pijamas.


We are way behind. I don't even know which week we are on to be honest. Math is pretty much caught up and reading is actually moving forward. Handwriting is behind but better now. Science is behind in a weird way: ds is following his own curriculum (i.e. his own interests) but we haven't covered the curriculum I bought and paid for. If I were to follow the UK National Curriculum I would have to say we are back in Geography and History and Art as well.:glare:


Yes we had many health issues last year and a couple of curriculum choices that didn't work. The only way to cover everything is to work straight through summer and we are supposed to go away for 3 weeks to attend a family wedding. :001_unsure:

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Ds is 9 and in the 4th grade.


I went through the other day and if we work daily we can still finish FLL4 and WWE4 near September ..In WWE we are on week 12, how pathetic is that!? :glare: MM we are starting level B soon, LL, Science Jim's Bite Size book, Middle Ages.


First of all, *raises hand* We, too, are BEHIND where we want to be.


Secondly, you did a GREAT thing helping your friend.


Thirdly (tertiary?), let's do a reality check: Some people do WWE a year behind, so you are fine there. Also, you can always start WWS1 in the fall even if you don't finish WWE. (If you use the workbook, remember that it is the concept they need to be getting down before you move on, not that you get all the weeks done.) Also, MM is like Singapore & can be considered a semester ahead.


Don't beat yourself up. Add all that up & you are doing just fine.


If you continue on in the summer, I have a couple of tips (from past experience).

- Do math + one other thing every day.

- The "other thing" can rotate (one day history, next science, next grammar, next writing, etc.) or it can stay the same for the whole week or several weeks.


It is much easier to fit in an hour & a half or two hours of school each day than shoot for half a day or a whole day EVERY DAY when you want to be at the pool/beach. I have a simple list of daily requirements: chores, math, <whatever else> and then we can go do our fun stuff.


Good luck ... and know you are in good company! :001_smile:

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We are "ahead" in math. But that's about the best thing I can say. :) We switched grammar programs halfway through the year and aren't going to finish up. I'm not worried about it, I'll just continue it next year. History didn't go as planned, to put it mildly, and neither did science, but we did other sciency things so I guess I'm ok with it. Other things I planned fell completely through the cracks. But it was extras like vocabulary, that basically amounted to pointless busy work, that I shouldn't have started us on to begin with. We didn't finish any of our writing programs, but dropped all three mid year and are trying something different for writing and it's going well, so again, I'm not worried about that one. Latin and Greek haven't been worked on in a couple months at least. I don't care about Greek (I only got it because they asked for it) but I am going to have to make them start Latin back up soon. I'm not very happy with how fractured this year is, but on the other hand, I learned a lot about what works for us as a family so I'm choosing to see the silver lining and use that knowledge as I plan for this upcoming year. And whatever we don't finish, such as grammar and Latin, we will simply start back up where we left off. This was our second year homeschooling and the first year, I didn't know what I was doing. This year was a real growing year for us so I have hopes for next year being better. :)

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Well, we're about to start "next year" right now, but it's not because we're ahead of the game. LOL, it's because we did pretty much nothing this year. We're only in Kinder. but I've been very disorganized and had a hard time starting and sticking things out. I just finally said "ah, forget it" and we're moving on... :D


(So at least you have a good reason for being behind!)

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What a breath of fresh air. I will confess my third grader is on week 5 in Sonlight Science. We won't finish it or even do week 6 because there are better things to do and I don't think that a third grader will die academically if he doesn't finish his Science. I think I saw him reading the Science books for pleasure and in my opinion that is far better than reading out of obligation. Writing...don't even get me started.:confused:


My oldest was behind in Math (she is in grade 9) and this year we found a Math program that she enjoys and understands so she has completed 2 years of Math this year and is on her third year so miracles do happen. You never know.


There are a lot of years to do more school but the time seems so short to love and nuture my children before they move out. Funny how that is. I really try to focus on what is important and academics is not my first priority (I think it is somewhere around third).

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I didn't read all replies but I just wanted to say this:




When I was in 2nd grade public school I had a rotten teacher. I mean she wasn't even in the class most of the time. I learned NOTHING in 2nd grade. I remember doing no work at all. I went to a different school fro 3rd but you know what? It didn't make any difference. I had a good foundation in first grade so when third grade came I had no issues at all and went on with the rest of my schools years doing fine. Some years I had bad teachers and hardly covered anything, but it didn't seem to hold me back any.


I agree with keeping on focusing on math and reading - you can catch up on the other things at other times. It's all much repeated anyway.


HUGS on your difficult situations.

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I'm pretty much always behind. One year, I was so behind that when January hit....I decided we would start the school year (the school year we were already in) in January. So, at that point I was actually ahead for once!!! :D


This year was the very first year I actually planned things out. I got both kids their own planner and each day it said exactly what subject and what pages to do that day (to do that I had to figure out how many days of school we had and how many pages in the books). This worked *great*. Our goal was to get everything each week done by the start of the next week. Ideally I would have wanted everything done each day (each thing was checked off on the planner every day)....and sometimes that would happen. But, most of the time there would be something that didn't get done. So, that thing got moved to another day of that week. Anything left after Friday needed to be made up on the weekend before Monday started again. The problem came when I got pneumonia. Then when I started feeling better each kid got sick. Dd got the flu and was sick for almost 2 weeks. So, now my next full day of school work is March 14 (it's April 29th today)....so you can see how far behind we got. I thought of trying to double up or something. But, that's not gonna happen. I can't worry about getting caught up....I just have to extend the work into June and maybe July. This wouldn't matter if we were homeschooling all year....but we are schooling through our school district (but...shhhh....they just won't know that we aren't quite done yet when it's June 5th :001_smile: ).

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Don't feel bad. With juggling having two kids still in school, homeschooling my oldest and having had a curriculum for her only to find out that it wasn't working no matter what I did with it for her at all, and having to buy new curriculum for Math, LA, Science and History because of it, and being at a different level then the curriculum. I felt like we had to start all over again.


Not to mention we've been so busy doing fundraising for our youngest daughter so we can take her to Cincinnati for reconstructive surgery. We've just not gotten much done.

So my daughter is going to need to work on her school work while I'm gone for two months , and hopefully when I get back we can continue on from there and maybe get more accomplished now that we found what works for her.

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You know what you need to do and you're moving in that direction. I think you'll be fine if you keep on task (easy to say, right?), but I would be careful not to let it spiral further. I have a nasty habit of avoiding things when I get behind in them, so I really need to take myself by the shoulders and keep moving forward if things get away from me. That's me though. :grouphug:


Me too. Guilty as charged.


I am starting a new routine that might be helpful to share. Every morning my children get up, get dressed, straighten their rooms, eat, and if needed, straighten up the room we do lessons in. Then we "do school" or something educational, even on the weekends. On Saturdays, for example, I read aloud while they color or do a craft. It's easy to do once it becomes a habit. Without it being a habit, we waste time wandering around in our nightgowns and the house is a mess.


Thank you!!! I did not even notice this issue. Another thing I need to work on.


Also, you can always start WWS1 in the fall even if you don't finish WWE. (If you use the workbook, remember that it is the concept they need to be getting down before you move on, not that you get all the weeks done.) Also, MM is like Singapore & can be considered a semester ahead.


Don't beat yourself up. Add all that up & you are doing just fine.


If you continue on in the summer, I have a couple of tips (from past experience).

- Do math + one other thing every day.

- The "other thing" can rotate (one day history, next science, next grammar, next writing, etc.) or it can stay the same for the whole week or several weeks.


It is much easier to fit in an hour & a half or two hours of school each day than shoot for half a day or a whole day EVERY DAY when you want to be at the pool/beach. I have a simple list of daily requirements: chores, math, <whatever else> and then we can go do our fun stuff.


Good luck ... and know you are in good company! :001_smile:



Of course we can do WWS alongside WWE if absolutely necessary! That had not occurred to me. Thank you for your other tips as well! Once summer gets started we will probably start that also- math plus one other thing.



Last night I was thinking that this board is kinda like a therapy group for moms :grouphug: Thank you guys!!! Everyone has been helpful. I am so sorry to hear about some of the challenges you have faced. :grouphug:

Edited by kwg
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I really don't know what happened to school this year- no babies, no moves, ????. I am not sure but we didn't get much done.


So at this point I have cut way back on extras (you know things like memory work and art ;)) and they have a very minimal schedule that we need to finish to be done with this year (mostly math and writing).


And then I am already way ahead for next year because the two big planning things are already done (history and science) since we will just be using all the stuff I planned for them last year :D, and we have done the first 7-9 weeks of lessons :lol:.

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We're doing fair in phonics - now where near what we could be if I could figure out how to motivate the boy, but fair. Math he's actually accellerating in; it's all too easy, so we're just hitting the parts he can't do when we do unit tests as pretests, but science and history... sigh.


I counted about 2 weeks ago. We have 28 chapters left in SOTW1, if we're going to finish it by the end of September that's 23 weeks. And our Moses lapbook is taking *forever*. It's good learning, it just takes longer than I want it too, which has been the story of history this year. And science... poor neglected science. NOT good. I have got to figure out a way to do better with that.


And I don't have the sort of air-tight excuses/reasons that some of ya'll have!


Well.... maybe there was a death in the family followed by a baby with pneumonia. Guess maybe I do have a reason for being behind where I want to be. :001_huh: At least there's that.

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Secondly, you did a GREAT thing helping your friend.


Thirdly (tertiary?), let's do a reality check: Some people do WWE a year behind, so you are fine there. Also, you can always start WWS1 in the fall even if you don't finish WWE. (If you use the workbook, remember that it is the concept they need to be getting down before you move on, not that you get all the weeks done.) Also, MM is like Singapore & can be considered a semester ahead.


Don't beat yourself up. Add all that up & you are doing just fine.



:iagree::iagree::iagree: Sometimes its harder to let go of our schedules, plans and expectations and deal with real life and real people. I think you did a great thing, and displayed right priorities to your dc!

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:iagree::iagree::iagree: Sometimes its harder to let go of our schedules, plans and expectations and deal with real life and real people. I think you did a great thing, and displayed right priorities to your dc!



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We're behind in some subjects and maybe ahead in others. I have been using skedtrak and it says our 180 day is June 1, but based on stuff still scheduled we'll finish up on July 27. I know summer has plenty of distractions too.


I have one subject - Vietnamese - that we started last Jan(2011!) that we have about 2 weeks left. I had to slow that down because dd was not retaining it at all. Several subjects we let slide while my mom was dying, so we're doing double time now. And Science - I've decided if I can't get to it, I'm letting her watch Bill Nye or some other science show at least.


It's small incremental stuff. Some subjects get only about 10-15 minutes, but then I try to get to them more often. The skedtrak has really helped me get more organized though.

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I'm right there with you, and I feel awful about it. I know that if we buckle down through the summer, we'll finish the most important things by September, and I always plan on schooling year-round anyway. But I really didn't want to have as full a load as we will over the summer *sigh*


IMO, as others have said, though, you did a kind thing by helping your friend, and I do think it was a good example for your kids.


He found out when we read Anne of Green Gables this year about 2 month long summer breaks :lol: but there is just no way.


My kids lament this sometimes too, but then I remind them that schoolkids don't get to take a month off in December, and time off to visit family whenever they want, and time off to host visiting family when they come, and time off to lay around whenever they have a cold, etc. They get it. I think they'd take the more relaxed year over two months off for summer.

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We're technically behind, as well. Gosh...we started Kindergarten in September of 2010...started getting into a really good groove by December, and then threw it all out the window when we moved eight hours away in February. It didn't help that we moved twice...the first time was to a temporary rental home...and much of our things remained boxed.


When I packed us up, I packed in such a way that I could easily recover our teaching things...I figured I'd plan for a three week break from school and then hop back in. Well that bombed. After several false-starts and then a complicated five month closing on our forever home...we ended up putting all schooling aside until November of 2011. At that time, we slowly started picking it up again.


Right now, DS5 is well ahead of the game in all subjects. But DD6 is well behind. She's likely going to be repeating Kindergarten math again, and she will definitely be re-doing a phonics program.


At this point, we shelved all SS, Science, etc. We are focusing on reading, writing, and math.


I'm trying to let go of the idea that my kids are such and such age and should be doing such and such grade-level work.

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