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Spinoff on "words" threads. What's your favorite phrase?

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When dc get "hurt" I like to say "is there blood or fire?, No? then you're ok" or "don't worry, it's a long way from your heart"


When I lived in Georgia my favorites phrases included but were not limited to: "you see what I'm sayin'" "I'm fixin' to" and the ever popular "that dog won't hunt":lol:

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I just asked my kids what's my most oft repeated phrase (so I could answer really honestly as far as practice is concerned) and my son answers (in his voice, hoping he was answering correctly), "Be quiet?" :smilielol5:


I like "dumber than a bag of hammers" from Oh Brother Where Art Thou. :D

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"Sounds like a personal problem to me!"


I also say this frequently, in response to whining or complaining, etc...


My dh votes for: "Half of one, six dozen of the other."


Ds 6 votes for: "To protect the world from devastation, to unite all peoples within our nation..." (it's a Pokemon thing). Dh and I think his favorite phrase is: "It was an accident."


Ds 4 votes for: "Doo-doo dancey paper clip." Which he has never said before until I asked him what his favorite phrase is.

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I just asked my kids what's my most oft repeated phrase (so I could answer really honestly as far as practice is concerned) and my son answers (in his voice, hoping he was answering correctly), "Be quiet?" :smilielol5:




:lol::lol::lol: That too!

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Either "Oh, good grief!" or "Bless your heart!" depending on how I'm feeling at the time.


But the one I seem to use the most is, "What part of 'no' don't you understand?"


Oh -- and "How's that workin' for ya?" and "Well, did you *learn* anything?!"

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No blood, no foul.

It's all fun and games, until somebody loses an eye. Then it's just fun.

You can't spell Slaughter without Laughter.

Sic transit gloria mundi.

Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

With all his chariots and charioteers.

So let it be written, so let it be done.

Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.

Lock and load.


Che bella!


I know there are more, but that's just off the top of my head.

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Being an Okie by birth, I use 'Okie dokie' a lot, but it gets lost on Texans for some reason. They just kinda look at you funny.:001_huh:


And 'Up a creek without a paddle'.



Just FTR...I am not an Okie...and have never lived there...but I have used "okie dokie artichokie" pretty much my entire life...LOL

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I like to threaten my children with "I'm going to snatch you bald-headed". They love that one. It means they aren't really in trouble.


I have one like that too. I use it on my ds8 and the neighbor kids too..."Do you want me to beat you with a stick?" For some reason they always laugh. Neighbors mom made me a smooth cherry stick that says 'Mrs. Scarlett's Big Stick" on it.

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Mine is "Go figure."


When I was a young girl (about 19-20) I used to work with a gal named Polly at a very stressful job (we worked on commission at a health salon). I'd come in the break room, ranting and raving about not getting paid my proper commission, and how someone better figure out how to do math and real fast or heads were gonna roll (I guess I was like this even back then!).


Polly would just shrug, say she didn't get paid the right amount either, and say, "Go figure." I loved that she could be so calm, and here I was always about to pop a blood vessel.


I don't know whatever happened to Polly, but even 20 years later, when I find myself getting so worked up over why people do the things they do, I sometimes just stop and say to myself, "Go figure."

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