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It's March, in Michigan. I just killed a mosquito!

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We're planting here. Granted we usually plant the spring crops as soon as we can work the soil after March 15th, but we're not usually out in shirtsleeves with the soil having been worked for about a week already.


I'm wondering if we should have planted earlier. The bugs and heat could also be about 2 weeks earlier than normal - and we're planting (broccoli, lettuce, peas, spinach, radishes) on a normal schedule. That might be a problem. :glare:


I'll have to contemplate whether to put our other crops in earlier.


I've already dried laundry outside (which we only do in nice weather) and I've had the heat 100% off in our house for about a week now. I'm looking forward to the lower electric bill! We've also turned our ponies out on grass already - about 2 weeks earlier than normal.


And yes, we've killed mosquitoes as they are here, but "our" bats aren't. :glare: I hope the bats come out soon IF the mosquitoes are going to stay.


Overall, I'm loving it and hoping this IS the new normal!

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This does not make me a happy person.


I like having my windows open for the fresh breeze so early in the year. The thought of beginning so soon with these evil little beasts, does not improve my Monday morning!




I've already gotten several mosquito bites. I wasn't very pleased either. I'm praying for a good freeze to kill them off.

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Are you sure those aren't "skeeter eaters"? Skeeter eaters look like huge mosquitos but they actually EAT the mosquitos.



Nope, definitely skeeters. The one I plastered had already chewed on someone and I had to clean blood off the wall. I hope it's me or dh because we don't react much. Youngest ds has to take benedryl because he gets HUGE welts and nearly itches himself crazy. So, I'm really, really hoping it is not him. Maybe it's Lewis, the cocker spaniel. Lewis is too busy to notice such a minor inconvenience! :lol:



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Isn't this weather absolutely nuts!? I've got to admit I'm loving it!!! Mosquitoes and all . . . .


I wonder if this will bring the bats out earlier too?


We had a camp fire on Saturday night here in the Thumb and watched the bats flying all around. Very strange, that and fighting off the mosquitos in March.

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We are in the deep south where Mosquitos are the state bird, but this year it has already gotten ridiculous. They were out biting us at 1 in the afternoon, swarms of them. We are usually safe at that time of day. They sure put a damper on this beautiful weather. Our winter was non-existent.

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I'm in MD and I've had some in my house all winter. I've been experiencing them outside for at least 2 weeks. It's going to be bad this year. :(


My bro said in November that the Farmer's Almanac predicted a big storm to start the season, then a mild winter, and then finish up with a big storm. So far the first 2 parts were correct, so I'm waiting for that final big storm. But unless it somehow blankets us in a couple feet of snow that lasts for a few days, it won't kill off all the bugs.

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I'm waiting for the usual Michigan spring snow storm to pop up anytime now.


My sister lives up north and she has pics two weeks ago of the kids playing in a couple feet of snow and then this weekend, hiking in shorts and visiting the beach. (but not swimming since the water's still cold.)

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My sister lives up north and she has pics two weeks ago of the kids playing in a couple feet of snow and then this weekend, hiking in shorts and visiting the beach. (but not swimming since the water's still cold.)


We went to the lake this weekend and we all (except dh) went in the water. Wading in or jumping off the dock. My mom even dove off the dock.




You couldn't stay in longer than a moment. You also had to sometime break up the ice. But we still have all know officially jumped in the lake in winter.


ETA: The water wasn't cold, per say. It never felt cold. You would be hit with a burning sensation if you stayed in longer than a few seconds.

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I am truly sorry for your mosquito problem - really. I am not sorry for your warm & sunny weather. We had snow here yesterday, wind and lots of rain during the weeks prior ...yada yada yada. Tired of it all. But hey, it's "sunny" at this moment.


BTW, I believe there is a big mosquito problem because of the very low bat population (I forget what species). I think it may be moving, or has already done so, to the endangered species list. (Sorry, I am not very specific, my brain is mush.)

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i have ant in my house. :glare: March!!!


Oh yes, those too *sigh* The exterminator has already been here and is due back on Friday for more treatment. I found one crawling on my knee while I was sitting on the toilet the other night *cue panicky mental images of all the other places ants could hide right then*



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Scuff, what do you consider up north? I think of the U.P but other family members think pretty much anything north of Pinconning.


I had to look up Pinconning. :) but, yeah, that's up north for us SEerners. If you have to cross the Zilwakee bridge, you're not close to home anymore. Usually up north is closer to the top, though.


A funny story: I grew up in a farming community, turning suburbs. My cousins lived Just outside of Det. They would say they were going up north when they visited us, even though we were only 40 min. away and actually to the south of them.

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