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I was reading the thread, "Admonished Teacher with Agenda" and noticed several people discussing "Trolls" who "were trying to get us going."




Are there fake posters out there? Is there a conspiracy against homeschoolers? What are the agendas of these trolls? Why? Why would they bother?


Man, I hate to come across as an idiot, but I had to ask. Obvioulsy, I do not want to be naive and would like to know what to watch out for.



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It's just anyone who wants to poke around on the internet, upsetting the balance at hand. They are minor (some of them worse than that) sociopaths who derive pleasure from other people's frustration and consternation. Emotional vampires.


You have them in every kind of internet discussion there is.

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So they are basically internet scammers??? Do you find that more are just trying to satisfy sick senses of humor or more criminal in nature??


I feel like Pollyanna! I would never have anticipated scams on WTM. It has been more of a lifeline to me. I have found gem after gem of brilliance that has truly helped me on this new homeschooling adventure.


Geez, people need to get a life! Who has that kind of extra time on their hands?

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There are some long-term posters on this board who have been falsely accused of being trolls. Sometimes people really do have "unbelievable" things happen to them. Sometimes new posters who are still working out the forum socialization "rules" break them by accident. And sometimes people who do not have English as their first language have a harder time communicating. But there have been people who feed off of controversy who have come here to "mess with us". The moderators have been pretty good, I think, in taking care of them so that they don't come back. (Though there was one who took multiple tries because he/she kept making new accounts.)

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I posted a sincere post the other week, and was called a troll by someone, then the thread disappeared. :confused: I'm not a troll. I'm a real person that posted about a real event in my life. So, I'm a little confused myself about the whole troll thing.

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It happens.


There is another board I am on where a woman posted several unbelievable things in a row of things that were happening to her.


I admit my first thought was "troll!!!!!!!!" Then I found her on FB and it was all true. I was a bit ashamed.




I posted a sincere post the other week, and was called a troll by someone, then the thread disappeared. :confused: I'm not a troll. I'm a real person that posted about a real event in my life. So, I'm a little confused myself about the whole troll thing.
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I posted a sincere post the other week, and was called a troll by someone, then the thread disappeared. :confused: I'm not a troll. I'm a real person that posted about a real event in my life. So, I'm a little confused myself about the whole troll thing.


FWIW, I have seen several of your posts and never thought you might be a troll, but I have no idea whether or not I saw your thread that was deleted.


If your thread was in any way politically-related, it would have been deleted by the moderators because we're not allowed to talk about politics here (and believe me, that's a good thing!) If you can post a brief idea of what your thread was about, we might be able to let you know why it was deleted. If you weren't banned, I doubt the moderators thought you were a troll; it's more likely that the topic was something that might lead to a trainwreck.

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For me, it's hard to know who the trolls are. Because of the wonderful community we're in here (WTM), I tend to take what people say at face value, because 99% of us are non-trolls.


But, after a thread starts to turn, you can sometimes tell if people are trying for sensation and reaction or are just getting frustrated and defensive. I know only one regular troll here for sure. Others who have been accused, I will give the benefit of the doubt. I do think the mods do a great job of figuring things out.


I do remember another troll. It was someone's first post, and he/she asked a question that caused an immediate uproar and strong response. Most first-time posters don't do that.

Edited by JoMama
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There are some long-term posters on this board who have been falsely accused of being trolls. Sometimes people really do have "unbelievable" things happen to them. Sometimes new posters who are still working out the forum socialization "rules" break them by accident. And sometimes people who do not have English as their first language have a harder time communicating. But there have been people who feed off of controversy who have come here to "mess with us". The moderators have been pretty good, I think, in taking care of them so that they don't come back. (Though there was one who took multiple tries because he/she kept making new accounts.)


Funny enough I just found out the big purple fuzzy friend in Abby's flying fairy school on Sesame Street is in fact half troll. Someone was being funny when they named him Blogg.


An Internet troll is someone who tries to start arguments for fun but aren't really interested in the subject being discussed.


Quote about trolls:

"As soon as more than one troll shows up, they will feed off each other until everyone else is gone. You have to control them. And don't start talking about free speech; the troll's goal is to shut down speech, to either fill the channel with noise until no one can talk to each other, or to get everyone talking about him instead of the subject at hand. He's a guy in a coffee shop screaming nonsense over a bullhorn."

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I've been accused of a troll for putting in my two cents' worth when I felt the "other side of the story" wasn't getting a fair shake. Not so much here, but on one or two other sites where the majority of posters subscribe to a particular bias which I consider ignorant. Of course I usually just let them stew in their own juices, but I'll occasionally speak up if I feel the uninitiated are being influenced in a bad way.


I agree that newer people can get themselves into troll-ble unintentionally by not realizing the way we usually converse. Most folks seem to give newer people the benefit of the doubt up to a point.

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I do find the elaborate trolls fascinating from a psychological point of view. Like coming up with names and birthdates for all your imaginary children.


I have not a blooming clue why someone would bother to come to a board for nothing but poking the hive, but it definitely happens. OTOH, I do think sometimes the community is leery of any fresh poster who says much that could be dramatic or controversial and calls troll when it's really just someone who is used to a different style of board. I have been on boards where it is way more typical to post about inflammatory topics, even as a first post. I think some people "innocently" come here with the expectation that they're going to have a fiery debate but they get shut down because they didn't observe the vibe of the community first.

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There are some long-term posters on this board who have been falsely accused of being trolls. Sometimes people really do have "unbelievable" things happen to them. Sometimes new posters who are still working out the forum socialization "rules" break them by accident. And sometimes people who do not have English as their first language have a harder time communicating. But there have been people who feed off of controversy who have come here to "mess with us". The moderators have been pretty good, I think, in taking care of them so that they don't come back. (Though there was one who took multiple tries because he/she kept making new accounts.)




Duh, SALAD!!!


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I posted a sincere post the other week, and was called a troll by someone, then the thread disappeared. :confused: I'm not a troll. I'm a real person that posted about a real event in my life. So, I'm a little confused myself about the whole troll thing.


Not saying you are a troll, but even trolls are real people.

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I remember one of my first posts, might have even been my first post, on the old boards was a you tube video that was apparently really controversial. I was pretty new to the internet in general and had no idea. I got all sorts of nasty repsonses and I think it was deleted. I was all :001_huh:. Wow these ladies are nasty!!


THEN I asked about young earth old earth questions. :lol::lol::lol::lol: I was sincerely trying to figure out the difference and why, what I believed etc... BUT yeah, I am sure people probably thought I was a troll or pot stirrer.


I should have lurked before posting. :tongue_smilie:

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An Internet troll is someone who tries to start arguments for fun but aren't really interested in the subject being discussed.


Quote about trolls:

"As soon as more than one troll shows up, they will feed off each other until everyone else is gone. You have to control them. And don't start talking about free speech; the troll's goal is to shut down speech, to either fill the channel with noise until no one can talk to each other, or to get everyone talking about him instead of the subject at hand. He's a guy in a coffee shop screaming nonsense over a bullhorn."


Thanks for the help! I really appreciate it. I have seen people like that on other websites and discussions. I had no idea that they had a term for them. I just always thought they were a--holes. At least "troll" is a "G" rated term.

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I had no idea that they had a term for them. I just always thought they were a--holes. At least "troll" is a "G" rated term.


Ha! I think they are a particular subset, that manufactures things and tries to cause problems vs others who are generally rude or unhelpful but in some other manner.

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I used to have an entire file on photobucket with gifs and macros dealing with trolls. Trolls have been around since I've been online and that was in the early '90s. More people with access and easier forums = more trolls.


Anyone remember making pictures with just letters and numbers in IRC? There was a nice troll pic made from 8s and the & sign I remember! Now I'm getting nostalgic for box of old printouts. I thought they were so cool back then:lol:.

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For me, it's hard to know who the trolls are. Because of the wonderful community we're in here (WTM), I tend to take what people say at face value, because 99% of us are non-trolls.

Me too.


I can never, ever tell who's a troll and who's not. Mind you, I've always been the gullible type. I like to believe the best of people.


Sounds like those who are trolls have a bit too much time on their hands.

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An example would be on a site I frequent where I tend to be in the majority for a change. That would be the freerangekids site. There will be a good discussion going on, including honest disagreements, and suddenly this person called "Susan" will jump in and accuse us all of wanting our children to die or some such.


Once another unfamiliar poster took an extreme position (parents should be jailed for their kids being tardy 7 times). In the process of trying to back up her argument but still keep the argument going, she proceeded to build up an unlikely persona - an awesome and universally adored teacher, who has taught every grade level and subject matter in multiple types of schools (urban at-risk, high achievers, etc), who currently has time during the day to argue on the internet because she's on maternity leave, but this didn't disrupt her class because she timed her pregnancy so meticulously; also, she's not married you fools, she's not a single mom, she's in a lesbian relationship; and so on, and so on. OK then! That was a fun one.

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Ed. Explorers, if you aren't familiar with the ignore feature here, you might want to stop to learn where it's at. It's located in your user control panel, then navigate to "settings & options".


If there is some reason you'd rather just skip reading posts by, just enter the screen name there and they don't show up. It can be helpful I think for some.


There's other areas of the site to explore also which are very good, such as communities, you can find like minded people there and join groups to read if you are in a particular phase of specialty learning etc.


The board is a lot bigger than it looks first off. :)

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