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Ipads for Homeschooling . . . ?


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For those of you that have an Ipad and use it largely for homeschooling and educational apps . . . what size Ipad would you recommend?


I don't want to use the Ipad for music, movies or surfing the net but would like to use it for homeschool planning and for the children to use the educational apps - when they think they aren't learning anything :D


The 32GB or the 64GB?


Also, for those of you that bought an Ipad for homeschooling how long have you had it and do you still use it for the reason you intended? I don't want to buy an Ipad and then have it sit on the shelf after 6 months (like the Wii) :glare:


Thanks in Advance :D

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If you plan on loading audio books then I would get the largest you can afford, each book is a lot of space, even downloaded from librovox.

As to whether it's useful...I can not believe how it has transformed the way I school. In fact, we're doing something I swore that I would never do (it seemed obnoxiously indulgent to me) - we're buying a second one (from eBay, but still)!

I scan almost every workbook we have (using my husbands iPhone and the Genius Scan app) and then load in into the PDF-notes app and we use a stylus to write. That alone...going completely digital with workbooks is world-changing but there is so much more!

I wrote a post on it in the Fall and now it's only a portion of what I know, badly in need of an update but it might be interesting to you...http://catholiclovelife.blogspot.com/2011/10/ipad-as-homeschooling-tool.html

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We just received a refurbished iPad 2 with 16 gb--I got 16 because I also have a Kindle and prefer to use that for my books. I am not into games or apps that don't have an educational component--I really want to use this primarily for homeschool, which means it will primarily be used at home with our wifi connection, so we can store apps on the Cloud. The 32 gb was another 120 bucks, and I just couldn't justify it.


So far we have downloaded a bunch of educational apps and I can really see its usefulness.

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I scan almost every workbook we have (using my husbands iPhone and the Genius Scan app) and then load in into the PDF-notes app and we use a stylus to write. That alone...going completely digital with workbooks is world-changing but there is so much more!

I'm interested in the whole scanning workbooks as a PDF. Are you saying that I could scan ALL my math workbooks and have my child do his homework on the Ipad? I've been saving up for a Kindle Fire because of the free downloadable books I can get for ds's curriculum, but now I'm wondering if the Ipad would be a better investment? I'm not one to update to the latest and greatest so it would last as long as it could.



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We just want to use it for the educational apps that the kids can play when they aren't doing 'homeschooling' :D. We currently have another PC for this purpose and they use JumpStart and other similar CD to keep themselves entertained.


How does the Icloud work with apps? Can you access them and play them from the Icloud (like another drive on your PC?) Or, do you need to download them from the Icloud to your Ipad each time you want to access them?



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In response to the interest in scanning workbooks, here are a few details...

It isn't really tedious when you consider the benefits...

-I can use one consumable workbook over and over for as many children as I want.($$$)

-I had been putting every workbook page into plastic sheet protectors and using dry erase markers...that was much more time consuming and expensive.

-I can do almost every single subject on the go...math books (I even have an app that has base-10 manipulatives if I need them with me...it's called Table Tots), grammar or spelling workbooks, SOTW audio and text and activity book- these are all with me all the time.

-My kids think its infinitely cooler to write with a stylus on the iPad then with a pencil on paper.

-If you need to have a portfolio put together everything is on the iPad. I literally opened my PDF-notes app for my school board overseer mtg and showed her what he'd done.

For these benefits the hour that I spent taking pictures with my husbands iPhone of our Singapore workbook is really no big deal. Especially when you watch a fun movie at the same time. It's soothing, actually.:001_smile:


In terms of it being awkward to write small enough that would be a problem with other PDF-writing apps but with PDF-notes all you need to do is pinch to zoom in and out. Our writing always fits the page perfectly. To write you use one finger (or stylus) and to navigate around the page you use two fingers...

Plus there's an undo button which, if you have a child who needs to erase every little mistake, is a HUGE timesaver. There's also a regular eraser function obviously.

The Notable app also claims to make the writing fit on the page but it takes several steps and is a lot less natural then PDF-notes.


I think that addresses some questions...I'm happy to check back for others later. I've got sick kids today so maybe, just maybe, I'll have time to update that blogpost...I have more then double the info then I had when I wrote it.


And for the record, I am very frugal and plan to use this iPad until it goes up in smoke...we are not "techies"...we don't even own an iPod...we will not be replacing this with the latest and greatest. Having an iPad is very unusual for our lifestyle. That's probably why I see it as very important that I discover all the uses for it and then USE it. It's too much $ for me to just use it for a few games and educational apps. I think there are a lot of people in the same situation - who need to see that the cost is justified before committing the hard earned money to a "gadget".

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And for the record, I am very frugal and plan to use this iPad until it goes up in smoke...we are not "techies"...we don't even own an iPod...we will not be replacing this with the latest and greatest. Having an iPad is very unusual for our lifestyle. That's probably why I see it as very important that I discover all the uses for it and then USE it. It's too much $ for me to just use it for a few games and educational apps. I think there are a lot of people in the same situation - who need to see that the cost is justified before committing the hard earned money to a "gadget".


I hear you! I've delayed getting anything expensive like that because I don't just want it for educational games. If I can see more reasons to get it than just an e-reader (which we need because it will eventually save tons of $$$), I may switch to an ipad purchase.



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I ordered an iPad 2 that will be here Monday. My mom has one that I tried first. it was really great being able to have DS use a PDF annotator to do his work. He found it much more enjoyable, and it saves money on printing or repurchasing workbooks. We have been using dry erase. There are so many great apps, there's the ebook capabilities and ability to watch educational videos.


A lot of the things we'll be using, he can use on the iPad without my having to invest time in scanning. Just off the top of my head, Math Mammoth, WWE, FLL, SOTW, and TOG Activity pages are all available as PDFs already.

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We have one now (16) and I have some learning apps loaded but not books for her. She has used it for watching some learning stuff and some Khan academy lessons, etc. We are just starting the Discovery US Geography game today.


My concern is how much screen time to allow - there is a point of it being helpful and it being too much. We are not huge tv people and I feel that since we've brought the Ipad into our home it is a constant 'can I use it' moment... which less than thrills me. It has changed the dynamic for us.


How do you find a balance?

What exactly do you use it for?

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We've had our iPad for awhile and I had no idea about scanning workbooks. What a great idea! Everytime we get one I have to try and decide if it's worth it try and keep it for my other kids or just let it be consumable.


We have a 16gb and I haven't had any problems. I also have a Nook so I keep all of our books on that and leave the iPad for educational apps. It doesn't get used for anything else (despite DHs constant requests ;)) so that helps save space. We have almost 100 apps and still have space left. It's a pretty significant price difference and since we have a laptop, desktop and ereader I knew that I could spread out the programs and not rely on the iPad for everything.

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We have owned a 32 gb iPad 2 since July. We all share it. Mostly my older son uses it for khan academy and MIT open course ware. He also downloads audio books from the library. Its primary usefulness is being able to do things like sat question of the day on the go (have to load them before we leave our house since we do not have a data package). DS also uses evernote to record mandarin vocab from his tutor. He tends to review his vocab in the car ob the way to classes. I read some documents on it, but do not like to do so for long. We have tried MEP worksheets, but we never got the hang of it.


In the fall DH got us iPhones (previously we didn't have any cell phones, so we really made a huge technology leap!). For my needs (wants) the iPhone does it all. FIL offered to buy the kids a second iPad for a late Xmas present, but the kids decided they do not really need a second iPad.


Younger son uses some apps (magic piano, stack the states) but he prefers to use his screen time on the laptop where he can build games in game maker or play minecraft. Last night DS #2 was rolling dice to build a random dungeon (he plays D&D) and DH suggested using the iPad app for random dice rolls. DS said he prefers physically rolling the dice. So, yes we love and use technology, but we still enjoy a good tactile & auditory experience.


DH has a laptop he takes back and forth to work each day and he is trying to figure out if he could achieve the same results with the lighter iPad.

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I ordered a 32GB ipad3. There have been threads on this in the past and basically the majority said 32. A few people were fine with 16, and a stray person who uploads a ton of video needed 64. I don't plan to upload that much video, so I eliminated 64. I filled my 8 GB card in my phone pretty quickly (android), so I figured 16 wasn't going to get me where I needed to be. That left 32.


A lot of vendors now sell curriculum as pdfs. Even your mainstream ones like Evan Moor have ebooks you can buy, either directly or through currclick. Before I spent time scanning pages, I would check to see if they're already available that way.


We have enough accumulated little uses that I think it will be worthwhile. I particularly look forward to using it for organization and scheduling, with checklists for dd's work, etc. I'm getting a Gumdrop case to make sure it's toddler-proof. And I love how many tm's now come that way, eliminating the paper hassle. What I don't know is who will use it the most and whether we might end up wanting two.


If you have a wireless keyboard from apple, they can type at it. Means dd can do her writing anywhere.


Your wii goes unused? Maybe you need some new games? Sometimes kids with SN find it challenging and you actually have to plan it into your day or prod to get it used. My dd has enjoyed the mystery games you can get for Wii (Malgrave Incident, Nancy Drew, Guilty Party, etc.). She loves Mario Kart. Super Mario Bros she avoided for quite a while because it was hard for her. I've been breaking her into it with the coin battle option. They like the planes you fly on Sports Resort, and we like the Remington hunting (not the ones with stories and blood, just turkeys and fish). But like I said, it's hard enough for them that they don't suggest it on their own. I usually suggest it or sit down and play with them.


There's talk of a 15" macbook air this year. If that comes out, I'd probably do that instead of a 2nd ipad.

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I've been saving up for a Kindle Fire because of the free downloadable books I can get for ds's curriculum, but now I'm wondering if the Ipad would be a better investment? I'm not one to update to the latest and greatest so it would last as long as it could.




You can download both the kindle reader app and the nook reader app for the ipad. Also, the website that I use for the free classics ebooks (project gutenberg) allows downloads in multiple formats and has its own app (which I discovered five minutes ago, so I haven't used it yet!)


I hope that helps!


ETA: there is no specific app for project gutenburg, but they explain how to use the website on the various devices. sorry if any confusion!

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A few of us moms just went to a class free 1 1/2 hr class at the Apple store yesterday. We were able to tailor-make a class specifically about topics we were interested in. We spent some time looking at how to use the Ipad for school. Our instructor showed us how kids can make video presentation for school projects. Also, how you can download textbooks or other educational materials onto IBooks. Apple has launched I Tunes University where you can watch actual college lectures, view class notes and much more from actual universities...all for free!


If you have an Apple store nearby, they are more than willing to schedule a class for kids (or parents) specifically showing how to use the Ipad for school. Our instructor Rick was great; very accomodating, willing to answer any question and invited us back for another class in a few months.


I've downloaded WWS and Mr. Q's Science onto my Ipad and use it everyday. All this to say that I love my Ipad!! Also, here's a cool link on the Apple website.


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My hesitancy with an ipad is the whole games/apps issue. I wouldn't want to use it for those because I feel like they are time-wasters even if they are educational. i have 3 children who would LOOOOVVVEE to use an ipad all.the.time. I just don't want to fight them on another media product when I'd rather see them reading a book. Any suggestions on that one?



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My hesitancy with an ipad is the whole games/apps issue. I wouldn't want to use it for those because I feel like they are time-wasters even if they are educational. i have 3 children who would LOOOOVVVEE to use an ipad all.the.time. I just don't want to fight them on another media product when I'd rather see them reading a book. Any suggestions on that one?




I just don't let them use it for games. I do not have a single game on mine except for crosswords, which are for me - on vacation. I do have a very limited set of educational games (stack the States, aliens vs. presidents, and a multiplication drills one) which my oldest gets to "buy" time with by doing chores.

It's mommys tool. Period.

My kids have no idea what they're missing...:001_smile:

For me, I am opting out of that battle, it's not a fight I want to start so I don't really "balance" it...I just eliminate it.

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I'm also VERY interested in the whole idea of scanning workbooks onto the iPad. I spend my summers prepping ALL of our paperwork from workbooks - math, English, spelling, handwriting - and putting them into big 3-ring binders so I can just pull them out at the beginning of each week. We don't have an iPad yet, but if I could pull this off, it would save me a TON of paper and time. And justify purchasing an iPad to begin with. ;)


Specifically - where/how do you store the workbook pages? On the cloud? On a laptop?


Do you scan one page at a time, then save it as it's own file, or save the entire workbook as a whole file?


How big are the PDF files?

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We have a 16 and I'm not sure how I ever lived without it. Someone is always using it. We have lots of educational games, ebooks, and Dd is doing MM on it, which I love because there is nothing to print. There are even handwriting apps. We bought a $15 stylus pen and it is wonderful. I think something that helps us with storage are apps like Dropbox where an online service is storing your stuff until you need to add it.

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I'm also VERY interested in the whole idea of scanning workbooks onto the iPad. I spend my summers prepping ALL of our paperwork from workbooks - math, English, spelling, handwriting - and putting them into big 3-ring binders so I can just pull them out at the beginning of each week. We don't have an iPad yet, but if I could pull this off, it would save me a TON of paper and time. And justify purchasing an iPad to begin with. ;)


Specifically - where/how do you store the workbook pages? On the cloud? On a laptop?


Do you scan one page at a time, then save it as it's own file, or save the entire workbook as a whole file?


How big are the PDF files?


I too spent loads of time/$ over the summer getting workbooks ready to be used but saved for the next kid.

As to where it is stored I can't tell you for certain but I believe that they are stored locally on the iPad if you use the app PDF-notes to write on them (as you would for workbooks).I would need to spend more time tracking that info down. But they are pretty small files. You can also store the files in an app like Dropbox so you can access it from your laptop and you i-device.

To give you an idea of the size of the files, my Singapore 3B workbook was a file (single file) was 1.88 MB and the SOTW text book was 3.10 MB. You have the option to upload from Genius Scan to PDF-notes as a large, medium or small file. I find small to be adequate. A medium size file I uploaded was the Miquon Red Book and it was over 10 MB. Small is really better..so much less space and it's not like we're scanning works of art here...although you could...hmmm...

If you use "genius scan" -or a similar scanning app you save as many pages as you want into a single file and then you have the option to save it within the app, email it to yourself or save it to another app (like PDF-notes or Dropbox). Obviously you snap a picture of each page separately but you can save it to an existing file or create a new file.

Hope that helps.

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My hesitancy with an ipad is the whole games/apps issue. I wouldn't want to use it for those because I feel like they are time-wasters even if they are educational. i have 3 children who would LOOOOVVVEE to use an ipad all.the.time. I just don't want to fight them on another media product when I'd rather see them reading a book. Any suggestions on that one?




I was in your camp initially. But, I was quickly converted. They aren't all time wasters, really. Just as an example, my DD4 uses the Montessori Stamp game app to check her math problems in SM1b. She's already doing addition with regrouping and it has been much faster for her to move the stamp game tiles with a swipe of a finger than taking each one out of the box onto the table. My DS2.5 uses some counting apps and phonics apps when I am busy teaching DD4 and he calls that his "school work". They still spend Hours reading (or looking at books) and being read to.

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When I bought my macbook I got a homeschooling discount from apple.


Is there a similar discount on the ipad?


I can't really tell from their educational online store.


It seems only for the Ipad 2, not the newest model.


** On further research, I don't really see a discount.

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What a good thread! My dh and I are seriously considering getting iPads this summer. I will only look at the newest one because of the screen and the fact that I want to use it as an eReader. I will likely look at the 64GB one because of alll the books that I have on my google bookshelf. And, we might want some movies. Maybe. Not much music, though, for me. I'm not a music person - but dh will have a ton of music on his. Can you put music from your own CDs on the iPad? He has hundreds of CDs and would not be happy to have to repurchase songs.


My dc would love all the games, but it's going to be mommy's toy and not theirs. I can see letting them play educational games, though.

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I'm on my way to earning an iPad3 from Usborne, so I'm trying to figure out what all I can use it for.:D


I've heard that iPads can't run Flash content. But then I read somewhere that the new Flash IS able to be used on an iPad. Anyone know?


Flash is not officially supported on iPad, and in fact Adobe has given up all attempts to make it work on mobile devices.


That said, there are apps out there where the Flash plays on a computer in the cloud and is broadcast to the iPad, but most reviews I've read aren't very favorable.

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When I finally get mine I think I'm going to spend quite a bit of time on You Tube as there are some great tutorials on there on how to use the Ipad properly.


For the cost I want to be able to use it to its full extent.


I've already been on itunes and have a list of educational apps on my wish list :D.


I've also decided on the 32GB, I think with the icloud the 32GB should be big enough.

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We bought a 16GB iPad a few months after they first came out. We bought it for homeschooling and still use it extensively for homeschooling. Since we move all.the.time. I scanned many of our books (over 600) and we read them on the iPad and ereaders. My oldest does most of his work on the iPad, although sometimes he uses a notebook instead of writing directly on the iPad. We also use iTunes videos extensively, especially for science and history. iTunesU has been great too and we've used lots of podcasts, especially for literature and French. My little one has several apps he uses for math, and my oldest uses a Spanish app.


I don't regret buying the cheapest one we could at the time, but we really do need another. There are times when sharing the iPad gets a little tricky because there is so much we do on it. If I had one each for both of my older boys, I would also use it for geography, current events, Latin, and several other subjects because it's just so much more convenient for us to use an iPad rather than the computer, and it's so much more portable that carrying around 600 books.


As for the scanning, it took me about a month to do the bulk of the scanning. If you're curious how I did it, here's a post about it.

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What a good thread! My dh and I are seriously considering getting iPads this summer. I will only look at the newest one because of the screen and the fact that I want to use it as an eReader. I will likely look at the 64GB one because of alll the books that I have on my google bookshelf. And, we might want some movies. Maybe. Not much music, though, for me. I'm not a music person - but dh will have a ton of music on his. Can you put music from your own CDs on the iPad? He has hundreds of CDs and would not be happy to have to repurchase songs.


My dc would love all the games, but it's going to be mommy's toy and not theirs. I can see letting them play educational games, though.


Yes you can put your CD's onto the iPad. You just need to import them to iTunes first, then sync them.

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Yes you can put your CD's onto the iPad. You just need to import them to iTunes first, then sync them.


Thank you! We've never owned an Apple product before, so I'm totally out of my depth with the thought. My dh used early Macs in college (late 1980s) but I never did - no Apple products at all.


Say, does anyone know if you can use a VPN with iPad? I know it has the youtube app but youtube is blocked here in China. I can only access it with a vpn.

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Thank you! We've never owned an Apple product before, so I'm totally out of my depth with the thought. My dh used early Macs in college (late 1980s) but I never did - no Apple products at all.


Say, does anyone know if you can use a VPN with iPad? I know it has the youtube app but youtube is blocked here in China. I can only access it with a vpn.


I'm not 100% sure but i *think* there might be some apps that support VPNs. You might have to check out the app store or do a google search and see if it turns up any apps.

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What a good thread! My dh and I are seriously considering getting iPads this summer. I will only look at the newest one because of the screen and the fact that I want to use it as an eReader. I will likely look at the 64GB one because of alll the books that I have on my google bookshelf. And, we might want some movies. Maybe. Not much music, though, for me. I'm not a music person - but dh will have a ton of music on his. Can you put music from your own CDs on the iPad? He has hundreds of CDs and would not be happy to have to repurchase songs.


My dc would love all the games, but it's going to be mommy's toy and not theirs. I can see letting them play educational games, though.


Books really don't take much space so you might be fine with a 32G. Music and books on tape, on the other hand, suck space like crazy!

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Is there a specific app that you use for a checklist for your dd?


I use scholaric.com for lesson plans. It's not an app but I use it on the iPad and it's been great this year. It's always improving and the owner is extremely responsive.

For non-school related checklist we LOVE Chore Pad HD. Love.it.

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