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Another socialization vent

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I work with one particular woman who irks me to no end. She has said many off color comments about me homeschooling. (she is negative towards everyone, not just me) I will call her Nurse Ratchet.

Yesterday a couple of us were discussing homeschooling and one of the nurses genuinely wanted to know about my curriculum choices, what I thought about standardized testing, etc. This Nurse Ratchet then asked me "Well, when are you going to expose her to the normal stuff that happens at school like bullying and normal girl fighting, etc?" :confused: I promptly replied "NEVER if I have my way!" to which she pretended to hand me her glasses and said "Do you want to borrow my rose colored glasses?" I just rolled my eyes at her and said "At the ripe old age of 8, I get to pick who she hangs out with and what she is exposed to, plain and simple. She will get real life lessons later, but doesn't need to be exposed to stuff like s3x and dru8s at age 8. That's the beauty of it, I get to have control."


Pass the bean dip!

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"Well, when are you going to expose her to the normal stuff that happens at school like bullying and normal girl fighting, etc?"


Why anybody would consider it necessary and beneficial to expose a kid to bullying and fighting (and considering the later as "normal") is beyond me.

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I think next time, you should say, "Take your daughters to work day is on April 26. I will bring her here so she can learn firsthand from you."


Well, maybe not. But it'd be fun to imagine saying.


Or you could tell her you've paid a neighbor kid to beat her up once a month?


My kids get teased by various neighbors, they haven't needed to attend school to find that garbage.

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Like "normal" parents celebrate that first day their kid comes home with a black eye or bloody nose? "Hey, Junior was in his first lunchroom brawl today! Congratulations, kiddo! Now you're ready for the big time!"


Strange things people say.


Maybe homeschool co-ops should offer a couple courses just to keep the playing field even. "Midieval bullying." "Advanced suckerpunching."

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Like "normal" parents celebrate that first day their kid comes home with a black eye or bloody nose? "Hey, Junior was in his first lunchroom brawl today! Congratulations, kiddo! Now you're ready for the big time!"


Strange things people say.


Maybe homeschool co-ops should offer a couple courses just to keep the playing field even. "Midieval bullying." "Advanced suckerpunching."



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"Well, when are you going to expose her to the normal stuff that happens at school like bullying and normal girl fighting, etc?"


Me: "Wow." Stare at her for three seconds, then turn and continue conversation with other person.


There was a great thread in the past few days with various responses. I learned a lot from it.:D

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"I'll let her meet you on 'take your child to work day'. That should teach her all she needs to know about bullying and mean girls." (I wouldn't actually say that but would sure think it.)


Haha I love it. "You know, Ratchet, school is an institutional setting most comparable to a prison. Out there in the real world and in adulthood, all this bullying of which you speak just doesn't happen much. I mean, I can't remember the last time somebody picked a fight with me in the supermarket while I was comparing toilet paper brands, or called me names while I was doing my banking. Of course, every now and then, you run into a coworker who likes to give people a hard time at work. I suppose I could give her some early exposure to that by bringing her in on take your daughter to work day and introducing her to you!" wink wink, nudge nudge.


That is hilarious! How I would love to see her face!

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This Nurse Ratchet then asked me "Well, when are you going to expose her to the normal stuff that happens at school like bullying and normal girl fighting, etc?" :confused:


Pass the bean dip!


How sad and ironic that the thread immediately below yours on the General Board is discussing a middle school girl that committed suicide due to the fact that she was exposed to what Nurse Ratchet considers "normal stuff."

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:lol: Saw this on Facebook the other day...

Maybe homeschool co-ops should offer a couple courses just to keep the playing field even. "Midieval bullying." "Advanced suckerpunching."

:lol: Saw this on Facebook the other day...
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I think next time, you should say, "Take your daughters to work day is on April 26. I will bring her here so she can learn firsthand from you."


Well, maybe not. But it'd be fun to imagine saying.


Or you could tell her you've paid a neighbor kid to beat her up once a month?


My kids get teased by various neighbors, they haven't needed to attend school to find that garbage.







I would have picked up her glasses and inspected them closely. "Nope. That's not rose coloring, honey. It looks like splatter from the bed pan you just cleaned, Bless Your Heart! No wonder you are in a foul mood." Then offer her a hug.:tongue_smilie:

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The Nurse Ratchet reference just made me laugh. I have known some nurses like that. Sorry about the conflict, though.


Did being exposed to bullying and mean girl talk make Nurse Ratchet into the wonderful person that she is?

Is that why she is recommending it for your child--so your child can grow up to be like her?

I tend to take advice from people I admire or aspire to be like.

I tend to do the opposite of what people like the Nurse Ratchets of the world say.

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Because bullying and fighting is normal behavior :confused: Maybe she needs to read a few more articles about children being bullied to death. Does she have kids? If so, she probably one of those "kids will be kids" moms when it comes to that kind of stuff.


Exactly, it is not normal and even if it were normal I don't want to expose my children to them. She does have one son, a "perfect" popular, all around sports, good grades, living off mommy and daddy while in college and grandma's trust fund kind of kid. She brags about having bought him a $35,000 truck for high school graduation. Maybe I do need to borrow her rose colored glasses because I don't live in her world. Yes, she is a nurse but does little patient care because she is the charge nurse most days and charge doesn't take patients if they don't need to.

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