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xpost - if you do testing each year...

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which test do you like to use?

I was planning on doing the CAT, but the Terra Nova looks interesting - the downside is that it seems to be quite a bit more expensive.

So what tests do you like to use? About how much do they usually cost?

(I only have to test my 2nd grader, but would like a test for my K-er just for reference.)



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For the state purposes, I do the CAT...it provides the least amount of information. ;) We do the CAT in June, on-line now.


For my purposes, I do the ITBS, because like the CAT, I can still administer it myself, and it has much more detailed information. We do the ITBS in September (costs less, because it is "off-season."

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We did the CAT for high school and the ITBS for elementary. I liked the ITBS because it gives me a lot of info, and I can do it myself. I order thru BJU. It does take a while to have it scored if you do it at the end of the year, but that's when I wanted to do it.

The CAT was rather disappointing. Turned out they gave us the exact.same.test for two years. At least ds did better the second time...:D

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I test annually to satisfy my state requirements. Because I don't want to pay a lot of money, we use the CAT. My kids like that they can whip it out in an hour or so at the kitchen table. It's $20? $25? per test. There's a really fast turnaround; I've sent the tests in on Monday and had the scoring by the end of the week.


That's important for procrastinators like me.:D

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I have to test for the 1st time this year (required by the state). So...I'm going to use the CAT for purposes of the state requirement. Once I find my diploma -- is packed in a box somewhere -- I will also administer the ITBS for my purposes. I didn't realize it was cheaper in Sept -- that is great to know.

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I like the online CAT myself, mainly because it means I don't have to drag everyone out just to test one or two children. I also like it because it was a good fit for my easily-distracted child -- one question at a time, click a bubble, no finding the right spot on a sheet of bubbles. And the results were in my e-mail inbox within minutes of her finishing the test. Also, when DD took the test, the level she took was given to kids going into 4th, 5th, and 6th grades, so if we needed to test every year, taking this one again would give a good assessment of her progress.

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Those of you who use the online CAT -- do you purchase it through Christian Liberty Press, or is it also available elsewhere?


Are there any sample CAT tests available? My ds has never taken the CAT, and it would be nice to let him try at least a few sample questions, so he would know what to expect from the actual test.


Thanks! :001_smile:

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Does anybody know if Abeka's online SAT is untimed like the paper version is?


I didn't ask that question. I do think it has to do with the form though the SAT 10 is untimed.


So I believe that is what they use. I called and asked my questions you have to listen through the options but I did get a live person who was helpful.


THe online is only available like March 15- April 30, actually that is true for the paper test too.


He said that the week of March 19 is already taken.


The test online starts on Monday. you do not have to have anything to do that test.

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I use the ITBS + the CogAt (once every two years for the latter). And we just finished today and I mailed the whole mess off! Such a relief to be done for the year. We switch to the ACT/SAT starting in 8th/9th grades.


I just looked at this and I like the idea of the CogAt with ITBS. Do you add the CogAt the first year you take the ITBS or the second?

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I like the details provided in the ITBS, but it takes so long to administer! So for that reason, I have a friend give the girls the Woodcock Johnson. It's short, sweet, and satisfies our state's requirement. And I already know what my girls need work on anyway.

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Content. A friend of mine gave her 7th grader the ITBS last year and she got Grade equiv. scores of 13+ on every single section, and she asked me if the CAT or other tests would be harder. She doesn't want to give her the SAT/ACT yet.


I think the CAT is easier than the ITBS. I think the ACT is the accepted above grade level test for 7th grade and above.

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Content. A friend of mine gave her 7th grader the ITBS last year and she got Grade equiv. scores of 13+ on every single section, and she asked me if the CAT or other tests would be harder. She doesn't want to give her the SAT/ACT yet.


CAT is definitely easier than the ITBS.

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