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I need some tips on getting rid of throw up smell out of carpet...

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A few nights ago, my daughter's late night ice cream snack/ spagettio dinner made it's way back up in the middle of the night. She sleeps up in a top bunk bed and she couldn't make it anywhere in time. Needless to say, it was all over the carpet and although I've scrubbed the zone for an hour the night of, and again the next morning with bleach water, it still smells. What should I re-clean it with, or do I need to rent a shampooer?

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Yes! I second Nature's Miracle..if you don't have it you can also sprinkle baking soda on it for a bit, then use a solution of 1 cup vinegar, 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide, tsp palmolive or other liquid soap in a gallon of hot water...shake it up in a container, and use the bubbles from the solution to clean the carpet....I just keep shaking it up and it makes more bubbles then use a sponge to work it into the carpet...

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Yes! I second Nature's Miracle..if you don't have it you can also sprinkle baking soda on it for a bit, then use a solution of 1 cup vinegar, 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide, tsp palmolive or other liquid soap in a gallon of hot water...shake it up in a container, and use the bubbles from the solution to clean the carpet....I just keep shaking it up and it makes more bubbles then use a sponge to work it into the carpet...


I will try this mixture in the morning...if it doesnt work I think we will be stopping by someplace to get the Nature's Miracle:)

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White vinegar, smells very vinegary when it goes on put as it dries it removes the smell. It is the only thing I use on my carpets.


I agree. I've used vinegar on all types of yucky smells on carpet, upholstery, and mattresses and it works great. I've also used it in the laundry occasionally...especially if I left something sitting in the washer for too long :glare: and wanted to get the musty smell out.


I just pour a vinegar water mixture right on the offending spot... and blot with a towel or two.

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I highly recommend BioKleen's Bac-Out Enzyme Cleaner. It uses natural enzymes which work excellently on natural odors.


We have cats, and this is the only product I've found to totally get rid of cat smells....and it gets rid of stains as well :-)


I order mine from amazon.



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Thanks for all the replies...I tried a mixture of vinegar, peroxide, dish soap, alcohol, and water, and used a scrub brush to clean the carpet. The alcohol is a bit strong, but I threw it in before I realized that it was peroxide that was mentioned, not alcohol. It's drying and so far is masking the smell. I wonder if it's really getting to the root of the smell though..If this doesnt work Ill look into buying something. But I might want to invest in something before there is a next time...

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I was going to suggest Nature's Miracle also. We've bought other, similar enzymatic products and had great results with them too.They also work great on blood. Our family has issues with bloody noses in bunk beds. :tongue_smilie: If you put enough on, it will sink down under the carpet to the padding also. I think this would be essential with vomit.

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We had an epic vomit situation on our carpeted stairs (one of the few places in our house with carpet, of course) a few weeks ago. DH was so distressed about it that he immediately ran out to Home Depot and rented a carpet steamer for a couple of hours. I would have tried Nature's Miracle first, myself, but DH was determined to get that carpet CLEAN! and indeed it got the smell out completely.

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