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is it just me?

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I keep getting the same homeschool question, over and over again. In the last few weeks I have been asked more than once if I would like to homeschool a family members children. This is odd to me since I'm usually put down for homeschooling. When the subject was brought up I politely declined. I love homeschooling my children but I don't want to take on anyone else's children.

Is this odd to anyone else?:confused:

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I would be honored. I am actually hoping to take in one other child so that I can stay home and not work my part time job. I think it's would be a great way to add to what we are doing. Providing the child is well behaved, there is good communication with the family and the kids are similar in age/grade.

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Not odd, they're obviously very impressed, if you've not only won them over to homeschooling, but actually got them to the point of asking you to homeschool their own children. Wow, well done!


In my situation, knowing my family members, there's no way I'd agree to homeschooling any of their children - it would, without a doubt, end in tears.


Best wishes



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I've never been asked that, and I wouldn't want to be asked that. It's a huge responsibility (especially here in Pennsylvania which is one of the most regulated states of them all) and I put all my time, energy and resources into homeschooling my OWN children. I would never take on homeschooling somebody else's, too, or even babysitting somebody else's on a regular basis.

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I've never been asked that, and I wouldn't want to be asked that. It's a huge responsibility (especially here in Pennsylvania which is one of the most regulated states of them all) and I put all my time, energy and resources into homeschooling my OWN children. I would never take on homeschooling somebody else's, too, or even babysitting somebody else's on a regular basis.




I wouldn't want the responsibility of someone else's homeschool expectations for their children impacting what I wanted to do with my own. Not to mention that I'm not sure it is even legal in my state.

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I homeschooled a cousin along with my older kids for a year. It worked out really well BUT I already knew that she was a delightful, helpful, kid before I agreed, she was the same age as my oldest, her parents paid me relatively well, and I was free to do whatever I wanted with her education. I just treated her like my own & everyone was cool with that. All these things would have to be true for me to ever agree to an arrangement like this again.


In NC, two-family homeschools are legal & requirements are pretty minimal.

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Several of my friends have mentioned that they would just love it if I homeschooled their kids! Maybe I could start a charter school! :svengo:


I think it's because they're dissatisfied with their school but don't feel capable of homeschooling. So they imagine that I know it all.


Their kids are all very nice but it would KILL me. I can barely manage to educate my own two. No. freaking. way.

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My brother came to visit over the Thanskgiving Holiday with his children. He is from Texas and we are from Pennsylvania.


My brother used to be very anti-homeschooling, very condesending about it and basically criticised it all the time. He thought all homeschoolers sat around all day and learned nothing.


Boy has things changed for him. He told me he pays 12 thousand dollars per year for his two children to go to a very good private Christian school in Texas. He spent the few days he was here finding out about all the things my children are learning in our WTM homeschool. He said he was so impressed and very humbled !! He said he spends a small fortune on private school and his kids are not learning a 10th as much as mine do on a very limited homeschool budget. It made me smile because it was the first time he ever complimented or said anything nice about our homeschooling endeavors.


He and his wife have no interest in homeschooling their own children, they are both very, very career minded and work all the time.


He also said that if he lived closer he would pay me the 12 thousand dollars he pays the private school every year to homeschool his two children. And if he lived closer.......I would gladly accept !! :lol::lol:

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My son's friend's family back in Indy said they were going to ask me about it (hs'ing their child) but found out we were moving.


A friend of mine hs's 2 of her friend's children. But they are in the same grades as her own children so it's like a little school. I don't know how she does it as besides those 4 she has two preschoolers. ACK!

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Here you can call them a "tutor" and get away with it, OR you can if you have teaching credentials.




Here a paid tutor must be certified and only parents can homeschool. Kind of odd since private school teachers don't have to certified. I guess their assuming a private school teacher would be held accountable by more then just parents.

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It's funny to read this thread, because the other night I got the distinct feeling that a friend was hinting around about asking me to do this. Her child is being homeschooled by Grandma this year, but Grandma can't keep doing it indefinitely and they don't think the child will be caught up enough in math and reading to go back to ps next year.


I wonder if we are all going to live to see more alternatives to ps. In many locations the public schools are entirely failing the children, and people are beginning to notice. But homeschooling will never be the answer for every family.

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