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Accelerated Learner Sass


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I should scan a copy of my oldest's smart-@$$ response last week to a question in one of the reading comprehension workbooks that assumed a knowledge of typical PS schedules. :tongue_smilie:


My DD wrote a paragraph response to a Singapore Math decimals section that involved rounding money, explaining that you couldn't round money because stores won't take less than the price they charge, and that furthermore you have to multiply the price to account for sales tax, which differs depending on state and local tax rates, so you ALWAYS should estimate prices at least 20% higher than the list, unless you know for sure it's tax exempt. (DH is a software engineer for NCR, and spends a lot of time making sure point of sale systems calculate sales tax correctly).


It would have taken her FAR less time to do the two or three silly problems than to explain why she couldn't do them.

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Sometimes it starts early. We went to the library Tues. and I let the olders go browse for books while I kept the little, now 25 months, with me. We were at the catalog computers and she was up on a library stool drawing on one of the little pieces of paper they provide for jotting down call numbers. I found the books I wanted to get and I turned to her and said, "Ok. We can go now. Mommy wants to go find these books."


She turned away from me and announced loudly, "I too busy."


The guy at the reference desk nearby overheard and was cracking up!

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A few minutes ago, as I was reading my almost-three-year-old a book, she pointed at an animal on the page and asked, "What is that?" I told her, "A turtle." She responded, "No, it's a tortoise" in that loud, over-enunciated tone of voice that you sometimes hear people use with someone who is deaf, foreign, or not very bright.

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A few minutes ago, as I was reading my almost-three-year-old a book, she pointed at an animal on the page and asked, "What is that?" I told her, "A turtle." She responded, "No, it's a tortoise" in that loud, over-enunciated tone of voice that you sometimes hear people use with someone who is deaf, foreign, or not very bright.

:lol: DD4 does that to me.

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