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NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Say it ain't so!

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Why does Hollywood have to keep remaking movies? Are they so short on ideas that they can't come up w/anything original?


Original Princess Bride all the way!!! <--this movie was the very first VHS my mom bought. I remember her coming home, setting up the VCR, and popping it in. I must have been around 7-8 yrs old.

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Mindy Kaling? She does not fit the description of Buttercup in the book at all.


I will watch it. I'm curious as to how it will be. I wonder if they'll bring out Buttercup's lacking in the brain department more in this movie.


Who in the world is going to play Fezzik?


Nothing will replace the first movie though. It has a special place in my heart.

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The original is perfect! I saw it in the theatre with my parents when it first came out. I can still remember whining at them the entire ride because I didn't want to see it. (guess I was 13 at the time). And of course I thought it was the best movie ever! I think my kids watched it twice last week.

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It was bad enough they remade Footloose....now this? Boo! :thumbdown:


I never saw it. I have not saw any of the remakes I refuse. I didn't see Clash Of The Titans either. And no they cannot come up with new ideas because in risk of sounding rude the people who originally did these movies and such were from another time when original thought and imagination was still a good thing. Hasn't anyone noticed there has been hardly any real movies lately it seems. They do remakes because of all the new computer type stuff they can do so it is better.


Sadly it is not. The Goonies needs to be left alone as well. I still cringe when I see what they did to Godzilla. Granted the originals were all off key when put into english that one they did a few years back was just sad. American television is also making doubles of some of the BBC shows which is just stupid.

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It just really really bugs me that they take perfectly good stories or movies and thing "they" can do it better. It is never better, as far as I have seen. And a whole generation of kids thinks the drivel they are putting out is the real thing. Fantastic computer generated special effects do not a good movie make.


Get used to disappointment...

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Oh, Jan in SC, you have made me so happy! Bless you! :)


I found the Paste magazine article mentioned in the OP link. It appears that someone with a serious lack of comprehension passed along a misunderstanding. Paste makes it clear it was a staged reading.


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Why?!? Why?? Yeah, I guess given the current climate in Hollywood, it was inevitable, but I'm still :eek: at the thought of what they'll do.


Well shoot! **knocks a pile of books over in frustration**


I like Paul Rudd, but come on, NO ONE could play it better than Cary Elwes. That role was made for him.


Why do they always have to re-make everything??

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