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I have damaged myself.

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I'm a side sleeper. Somehow or another I'd damaged by left shoulder by sleeping on my left side.


It almost feels as if the arm is coming out of the socket. I've been trying to not sleep on it with a bit of success. But I had pain in it a couple nights ago be cause I was sleeping on my right side and the left arm was hanging a bit oddly.


Today when I was putting on my shirt I though I was going to die. I put my arms in my sleeves and had to give it that extra little shove to get the sleeve fully on my arm. I thought I dislocated it. The pain was worse than giving birth. I thought I was going to throw up the pain was so severe.


It dissipated and now is a 1 on a scale of 1-10. I know I have to go to the doctor, but she is moving offices and won't be open for another two weeks or so.


Since dh has gone through shoulder issues this year I know I'm going to end up with an MRI and I fear that just a bit. Not so much fear, but I'm anxious with closed spaces.


I guess I'm just complaining and looking for sympathy. Of course I'll love someone to come up with a brilliant cure.





On another note... What supplements or foods (besides plenty of water) to support kidney function?

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I had something similar two years ago. The pain was excruciating for me, as well. I actually called my husband at work (gasping) to pray for me. I didn't ever seek medical attention because the pain dissipated through the day. Switching my sleeping side was the only cure I needed. Hopefully, it will be the same for you. :grouphug: The only time my left shoulder hurts now is if I'm on my feet all day, on a hard surface (like concrete).




Kidney function: Magnesium and potassium.

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I am a side-sleeper, and have found often one or the other arm goes to sleep and I wake up with a numb, heavy limb. I use a triangular pillow now most nights to sleep more upright yet still on my side - somehow it works, and my arms do not get sore or wake my up with the Limb of Death flopping around. I drape a shawl over my shoulders when i go to bed since the covers tend to slip down when I sleep upright. Oh, well.

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That sounds really painful. I hope you get better.


When I'm pregnant and have to sleep on my side every day, I get a lot of shoulder pain but not that extreme. I've found that having a high, lofty pillow that holds my head up helps a lot. I think that supporting my head takes some weight off my shoulder and aligns the neck so the necks muscles aren't being pulled and pulling the shoulder muscles as well. Those are my theories anyway.


I'd switch sides often because both shoulders would hurt until I found a way to sleep more at a 45 degree angle towards my tummy rather than directly on my shoulder.


When I'm not pregnant, I'm a tummy sleeper and have no problems with my shoulders.


I hope you find a solution.

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:I'm really sorry. That sounds awful!!! Maybe a collection of pillows, including a body pillow, will help?


I usednto have pain on my sides from sleeping on them. They disappeared when we got out Sleep Number. The soft air made a huge difference and now I almost never experience pain.


Not sure about supplements...

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My dh was having issues with his shoulder from side sleeping awhile ago and what helped him was to make sure he had a high enough pillow so his neck/back vertebrae were horizontal and his neck wasn't bending towards the bed. We ended up having to get him 2 thick memory foam pillows that he stacks on top of each other (he's a big guy). I don't know if it's the same type of pain you're experiencing, but that seemed to relieve some of the pressure on his shoulder and it doesn't bother him now.

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You have my complete understanding and sympathy.


That's part of how my RSD presents...feeling like my shoulder is ripping out of it's socket, a little bit at a time. Freaking horrid.


I also understand your concerns about the MRI. I never knew I had issues w/claustrophobia until I had the MRI.


Do yourself a favour, and make sure they know...and accept any sedative they give you. Like I said, I was totally caught off guard by my reaction, and was stone cold sober during...ACK!


They do give you a button to push if you can't take it. I made it through promising myself, "Another 5 mins, and I'll push the Holy-Crap-Let-Me-The-Hell-Outta-Here-Button!" Sure, I was a wreck when I did get let out, but at least I was able to finish.


A few tips in the meantime for you...

1) When dressing, put your sore arm in first.

2) When undressing, sore arm goes last.

3) Try an anti-inflammatory (ie ibuprofen/advil)

4) Alternate heat and ice.

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You have my complete understanding and sympathy.


That's part of how my RSD presents...feeling like my shoulder is ripping out of it's socket, a little bit at a time. Freaking horrid.


I also understand your concerns about the MRI. I never knew I had issues w/claustrophobia until I had the MRI.


Do yourself a favour, and make sure they know...and accept any sedative they give you. Like I said, I was totally caught off guard by my reaction, and was stone cold sober during...ACK!


They do give you a button to push if you can't take it. I made it through promising myself, "Another 5 mins, and I'll push the Holy-Crap-Let-Me-The-Hell-Outta-Here-Button!" Sure, I was a wreck when I did get let out, but at least I was able to finish.


A few tips in the meantime for you...

1) When dressing, put your sore arm in first.

2) When undressing, sore arm goes last.

3) Try an anti-inflammatory (ie ibuprofen/advil)

4) Alternate heat and ice.

Thanks, Imp.


Man, if you have to go through that kind of pain every day I have a new found respect for you.


I couldn't do anything but lie on the bed and whimper so as to not scare dd by screaming.

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It might just be a pinched nerve. That is seriously painful and I have done it sleeping wrong. Hopefully the doctor wont jump to expensive tests before seeing if it is possibly minor and will correct on its own. Either way I hope you feel better, and it stays away.

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I sleep on both sides, but usuallly have pain in my right shoulder (my neck and shoulder are usually really tight on that side and my shoulder pops when I put on shirts, change sheets, etc). I went to PT for a little while and they had a suggestion that helped me. When I sleep on my left side and my right arm (the one that hurts) is kind of dangling/laying weird, I put a standard size pillow on my side and lay my arm over it (the pillow is up near my armpit). This relieves the pressure on my bad shoulder because it isn't dangling anymore. Hope this makes sense.


Worth a try...

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:grouphug:That kind of pain makes you miserable, and not being able to sleep just intensifies the hurt.


Try new pillows, follow Imp's recommendations and be careful of your purse. I had to give mine up and move to a wallet with a strap.:tongue_smilie: (Do yourself a favor if your bag is heavy and don't ruin your other shoulder.)

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Do you sleep with your arm up? My mom had a rotator cuff injury from sleeping with her arm up. You know, the same type of injury that professional baseball pitchers get. (and probably non-professional baseball players, but I don't know any to ask.)


Hope you are healed soon.

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Thanks, Imp.


Man, if you have to go through that kind of pain every day I have a new found respect for you.


I couldn't do anything but lie on the bed and whimper so as to not scare dd by screaming.

Yes, every day, to varying degrees.


When it's bad, or heading there, it's like I can feel each tendon stretch and snap, like the muscles are shredding from the bone.


I actually wrote an article for a chronic pain group about it at one point.


The imagery I used was of a dragon made up of broken glass living in my arm. It's always there, so the pain is always there...but some times the dragon is sleeping. The heat of it's breath, the jagged glass of it's scales still cause pain...but then there are times when the dragon wakes. It's stretching and moving makes me feel like I'm being shredded from the inside out. When it's really bad, it's like the dragon is actively trying to escape. I have caught myself literally staring at my arm, waiting to see jagged glass erupt from under my skin, b/c the sensation of being shredded and ripped apart is just that real.


At times it feels like my shoulder is a rotted tooth, or that I have battery acid instead of blood running through my arm. My hand and fingers often feel like someone's taken a hammer to them, or I've slammed them repeatedly in a car door.


Things aren't good for me right now b/c my pain specialist decided we'd just try one form of treatment, the lidocaine infusion. That works to bring things down for about 18 hrs...but leaves me w/out anything for the other 6 days a wk. And things are progressively getting worse. Each day I'm flared up more than the day before, and by night time, I'm fighting back tears. When its really bad, I am reduced to a red fog in my brain, making horrible keening noises in my throat...enough left of me not to scream out loud.


Pain specialist is out of the country, and I can't get in to see him til the end of Feb. GP won't Rx me any pain meds b/c then it could look like I'm Dr shopping. I have a few breakthrough meds left, but they make me throw the heck up.




Now that we have a heating pad that has an insert to wet down, so it provides moist heat, I've found that will take an edge off...and am grateful for any edge I can get! :lol:

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:grouphug:That kind of pain makes you miserable, and not being able to sleep just intensifies the hurt.


Try new pillows, follow Imp's recommendations and be careful of your purse. I had to give mine up and move to a wallet with a strap.:tongue_smilie: (Do yourself a favor if your bag is heavy and don't ruin your other shoulder.)

Oh, I've only ever used a wallet on a string (cross body purse).

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Do you sleep with your arm up? My mom had a rotator cuff injury from sleeping with her arm up. You know, the same type of injury that professional baseball pitchers get. (and probably non-professional baseball players, but I don't know any to ask.)


Hope you are healed soon.

No. Not up.

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Yes, every day, to varying degrees.


When it's bad, or heading there, it's like I can feel each tendon stretch and snap, like the muscles are shredding from the bone.


I actually wrote an article for a chronic pain group about it at one point.


The imagery I used was of a dragon made up of broken glass living in my arm. It's always there, so the pain is always there...but some times the dragon is sleeping. The heat of it's breath, the jagged glass of it's scales still cause pain...but then there are times when the dragon wakes. It's stretching and moving makes me feel like I'm being shredded from the inside out. When it's really bad, it's like the dragon is actively trying to escape. I have caught myself literally staring at my arm, waiting to see jagged glass erupt from under my skin, b/c the sensation of being shredded and ripped apart is just that real.


At times it feels like my shoulder is a rotted tooth, or that I have battery acid instead of blood running through my arm. My hand and fingers often feel like someone's taken a hammer to them, or I've slammed them repeatedly in a car door.


Things aren't good for me right now b/c my pain specialist decided we'd just try one form of treatment, the lidocaine infusion. That works to bring things down for about 18 hrs...but leaves me w/out anything for the other 6 days a wk. And things are progressively getting worse. Each day I'm flared up more than the day before, and by night time, I'm fighting back tears. When its really bad, I am reduced to a red fog in my brain, making horrible keening noises in my throat...enough left of me not to scream out loud.


Pain specialist is out of the country, and I can't get in to see him til the end of Feb. GP won't Rx me any pain meds b/c then it could look like I'm Dr shopping. I have a few breakthrough meds left, but they make me throw the heck up.




Now that we have a heating pad that has an insert to wet down, so it provides moist heat, I've found that will take an edge off...and am grateful for any edge I can get! :lol:

Lord have mercy!

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My mom had horrible pain in her shoulder and was worried that the doctor was going to suggest surgery. She decided to try an acupuncturist instead, and that did wonders. I'm not sure if that's a route you're willing to try, but it worked very well for her.

Oh, for want of the big city. I'm a big fan of TCM. Sadly there isn't a practitioner near me.

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Keep in mind, I've been dealing w/this for almost 4 yrs now. It's my 'normal'.


You're in a worse spot, imo, b/c it's just happened. :grouphug:

Yeah, but I'll be better eventually. Not to say that you won't. I'm gonna pray more for your cause. :D

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The physiotherapist I initially saw was also a certified/licensed accupuncturist.


He told me that many ppl find accupuncture as effective as morphine.


Unfortunately for me, all sticking needles in me did was hurt. My reaction to the needles in my *good* hand convinced him not to put any in my bad hand :lol:

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Would slinging it help? Just to keep it There, and Not Moving, and most of all, Not Swelling?

I've thought about slinging it. It really only hurt when I extend the arm. Like this morning I reached out with it to turn off the alarm. I was snuggled down low in the bed and toward the center. That caused a bit of pain. I also can't do a full stretch.


No, no swelling.

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The physiotherapist I initially saw was also a certified/licensed accupuncturist.


He told me that many ppl find accupuncture as effective as morphine.


Unfortunately for me, all sticking needles in me did was hurt. My reaction to the needles in my *good* hand convinced him not to put any in my bad hand :lol:

Only you.

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Yeah, but I'll be better eventually. Not to say that you won't. I'm gonna pray more for your cause. :D

I won't.


Reality of it is, any improvement that's to be had happens in the first 6 mths. It'll be 4 yrs in May.


Best I've felt in that time was during my pregnancy w/Boo. Apparently, many women experience a type of remission w/chronic health issues, from MS to RSD. Some don't, but I got lucky, and was able to manage w/out the pain meds.


Now it's a matter of getting my pain specialist to do something more than just the lidocaine. He was hoping that the reduced pain levels would last after pregnancy, but no such luck.


I've been very, very lucky, though, and am grateful that I didn't end up bed ridden after Boo was born, and have been able to manage to take care of him most of the time. Sometimes I simply can't, and am grateful to have both Wolf and Diva who are always ready to pitch in. Burping Boo is the worst/hardest.


I told Wolf this am, the pain reduction was enough to make me consider having ANOTHER baby. He just about passed out :lol:

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I'm sorry you have an injury -- I haven't read the other responses -- no time.


Anyway -- my suggestion would be Osteopathic Manipulation Technique (OMT) by an osteopathic physican who specializes in that.


I injured my knee two years ago -- really badly -- sat for two weeks with ice on it. For two years, I have not been able to do any kind of workout move that involves lateral knee movement (how is that working for me? :glare:) -- and I am in almost constant pain - some days worse than others, but I was limping at times, my knee was stiff, driving at the end of the day after being behind the wheel for hours was painful -- you get the idea.


My dd31 (who is in med school to become an Osteopathic Physician but is thinking about transferring to an allopathic school) sent me to her D.O. just before Christmas.


The D.O. also worked on my right shoulder (which I sleep on) which was injured 2.5 years ago when I was run off the road while running and landed on my right shoulder.


I am not making this up -- my knee feels brand new! It has been 3 weeks since I went to the D.O., and all of a sudden I noticed that my knee is fabulous and like new. I will NOT try to do jumping jacks when I workout, but I am able to do one-eighties and moguls which I had to quit doing after the injury. I am driving without any pain, not limping -- I cannot believe it.


My shoulder is fabulous and I can sleep on it without any pain.


FTR, this is the same D.O. that my dh went to when the

Insurance Company Nurse gave him a flu shot and hit a nerve -- he was in horrid, non-stop pain till he saw the D.O. One visit - 45 minutes, within 2 weeks, the pain was gone and has not returned.


I would encourage you to consider OMT -- you can PM me if you want some hints on how to find a D.O. who specializes in it.:grouphug:

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Put a thin but fairly firm pillow under your ribs (I find a old non-feather pillow, which has been compressed over the years works) and a bigger, softer one under your neck. Your shoulder will no longer be taking the weight while you sleep.


P.S. die-hard left side sleepers sometimes have nocturnal reflux they are silently trying to control with this posture. The pillows putting you up on a slight ramp can help with this, too, and my right sided sleeping (for a break) more "natural" to the sleeping person.



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If it dissipated, it might be that you had a twisted nerve that you now have relieved. I've had a few times where I've awakened with shoulder or neck pain and wondered if I'd seriously injured myself only to have it go away.


Just thinking positive thoughts here.

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I'm a side sleeper. Somehow or another I'd damaged by left shoulder by sleeping on my left side.


It almost feels as if the arm is coming out of the socket. I've been trying to not sleep on it with a bit of success. But I had pain in it a couple nights ago be cause I was sleeping on my right side and the left arm was hanging a bit oddly.


Today when I was putting on my shirt I though I was going to die. I put my arms in my sleeves and had to give it that extra little shove to get the sleeve fully on my arm. I thought I dislocated it. The pain was worse than giving birth. I thought I was going to throw up the pain was so severe.


It dissipated and now is a 1 on a scale of 1-10. I know I have to go to the doctor, but she is moving offices and won't be open for another two weeks or so.


Since dh has gone through shoulder issues this year I know I'm going to end up with an MRI and I fear that just a bit. Not so much fear, but I'm anxious with closed spaces.


I guess I'm just complaining and looking for sympathy. Of course I'll love someone to come up with a brilliant cure.





On another note... What supplements or foods (besides plenty of water) to support kidney function?


There are now MRI's that are open. You can check around and see if there is one in your area. I am claustrophobic and it honestly helps me to put a cloth over my eyes so I won't accidentally open them and see how close the machine is. Valium helps, too!

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There are now MRI's that are open. You can check around and see if there is one in your area. I am claustrophobic and it honestly helps me to put a cloth over my eyes so I won't accidentally open them and see how close the machine is. Valium helps, too!


This is what I was going to recommend. My mother was claustrophobic and used to get an open MRI. From what I understand they're not always as accurate as the closed type, so when the doctor wanted her to have a closed MRI he had her take valium.


I'm a side sleeper and have woken up with that numbness. Thankfully it goes away after I've been up a while, but I have worried about it. I hope you haven't caused any real damage, and you find relief soon.

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How are you this am, Chucki?

Not too bad. I babied it during tai chi last night and haven't had much problem this morning. I ran on the treadmill with no problem. Trying to finish out my Wii Fit calories I did the Wii Fit obstacle course and it twinges. Nothing like after the shower yesterday though.

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Not too bad. I babied it during tai chi last night and haven't had much problem this morning. I ran on the treadmill with no problem. Trying to finish out my Wii Fit calories I did the Wii Fit obstacle course and it twinges. Nothing like after the shower yesterday though.

Glad it's getting better! :D

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