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Who's trying Motivated Moms cleaning calendar....again??

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Me. :D


I don't do everything on her list because it's far too much to get done every day when homeschooling -but even one or two extra chores a day is helpful right ;)


I have a hard time choosing what needs to be done on my own because there are always so many cleaning options:glare: so I like just having a list and picking one randomly that fits the amount of spare time I have.

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I have the lite ap. I've also purcahsed the calendar many times.


I'm thinking of revamping it. As in, using an old calendar to copy the chores down on index cards to rotate through a box. Cause um.. well it's just pointless to wash my windows in july which is the middle of winter around here. :lol:

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Glad to know I'm not the only one who has tried and failed with this, but wants to try again. There are a few things on the calendar (can't remember now) that were pretty much useless for me, which is why I am debating just making my own weekly chore list and then adding a monthly addition to the bottom, sorta like the housework DOC file on this page

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Glad to know I'm not the only one who has tried and failed with this, but wants to try again. There are a few things on the calendar (can't remember now) that were pretty much useless for me, which is why I am debating just making my own weekly chore list and then adding a monthly addition to the bottom, sorta like the housework DOC file on this page


I converted the pdf to a word doc and made my own changes. The biggest thing I did was change the daily side bar to include chores for each of the kids. We fall off the wagon quite a bit, but when we use it the house looks sooooo much better! And since my biggest hold up isn't the labor of cleaning but deciding what to clean, Motivated Moms is great for me.

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I'm waffling. I got Bootcamp for Lousy Housekeepers after someone recommended it here (thanks!!), but I may take my old MM lists and make sure I've got everything covered. Kind of the best of both worlds for us: daily checklist that takes into account our schedule.

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Glad to know I'm not the only one who has tried and failed with this, but wants to try again. There are a few things on the calendar (can't remember now) that were pretty much useless for me, which is why I am debating just making my own weekly chore list and then adding a monthly addition to the bottom, sorta like the housework DOC file on this page


I like the app better than the paper one. I could hide the ones I didn't use (like feed the pets and whatever else) and I could add other daily chores I do indeed do, like "take out the recycling" (assigned to my son), fill workboxes, etc., etc. App is much better for me in that respect.

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Guest submarines

What kind of chores are listed / suggested daily?

Is it fairly random, or well thought through? Is there a logic?

It is not something I can quickly assign myself and create a file, and then pretend it was someone else? :001_huh:

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I just printed 2012 a few days ago. We kept up with it for the better part of a year and really liked it. Then we moved and got derailed, but we are now settled and ready to jump into it again. DH actually asked me to print it again. He likes having a list there with everything on it so he knows how to help me without being asked :001_wub: It makes it easier for each of us to bite off little bits in 10 min increments here and there. Sometimes I'm getting the youngest down for bed and DH is downstairs, and he likes knowing what he could be doing to help.

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What's that? :bigear:


It's a book that rather helps you put together your own chore lists, based on block scheduling. It has you working on daily tasks in four short blocks, then larger and seasonal tasks in a larger block each day. Days have topics (ie Monday is laundry day, Tuesday town day, etc in her examples), and large, seasonal items are done one of those days during the month.


Two features that stand out for me are a) I can make my own lists. If I want to change the dishtowel once a month, or don't have a guest room, those things aren't in there. B) is that she has you consider and make lists for contingency days (yellow and red days) when you're thrown off schedule or everyone in the house is sick, so you don't get completely derailed (which has happened to me more than once and probably the reason we need such a system here).


Full disclosure: it is written from an Evangelical Christian perspective. It didn't bother me (Catholic), my non-religious husband, or my Jewish friend who is also using it, but I know some may find such a perspective off putting.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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Not me! :D I got it last year and I so-o wanted to be able to do it, just didn't get it done... *SIGH*

This year I've been looking at organization boards on pinterest for inspiration! I'll probably end up spending all my time staring at those pins & not doing a dang thing around my own house!!

Edited by EmilyinND
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I've looked at it. It seems easy enough to do. What I need is something to help me stay focused. I tend to go off on rabbit trails too often. Things get done but I will end up spending all my cleaning project on this or that and not do what I was intending to do.


I will have to tweak it though. On the sample I saw that she only has the dish towel and cloth being changed every other day. That would give me the heebie jeebies. I need it changed daily (and even multiple times a day). No biggie to alter that though.

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I've looked at it. It seems easy enough to do. What I need is something to help me stay focused. I tend to go off on rabbit trails too often. Things get done but I will end up spending all my cleaning project on this or that and not do what I was intending to do.


I will have to tweak it though. On the sample I saw that she only has the dish towel and cloth being changed every other day. That would give me the heebie jeebies. I need it changed daily (and even multiple times a day). No biggie to alter that though.



I hear you on changing the cloths. :D


I think, though, that the best thing about MM is that it helps you establish a routine, so that many, if not most, of the tasks become your habit to do and you no longer really need that daily list. Then, the MM system is there to help you remember those non-routine chores that are easy to forget.


It's a pretty good system if you can just make yourself stick to it for at least a month so those tasks become habits.

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Not me! :D I got it last year and I so-o wanted to be able to do it, just didn't get it done... *SIGH*

This year I've been looking at organization boards on pinterest for inspiration! I'll probably end up spending all my time staring at those pins & not doing a dang thing around my own house!!


Can you share your Pinterest name?? I would love some good organization pins! :D

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I've looked at it. It seems easy enough to do. What I need is something to help me stay focused. I tend to go off on rabbit trails too often. Things get done but I will end up spending all my cleaning project on this or that and not do what I was intending to do.


I will have to tweak it though. On the sample I saw that she only has the dish towel and cloth being changed every other day. That would give me the heebie jeebies. I need it changed daily (and even multiple times a day). No biggie to alter that though.


That's what I like about the app. I just hide the dish towel change since I do that automatically a couple of times a day.

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I'm using it again, this will be our 3rd or 4th year. I used the app in 2011 and loved it, and we stuck with it pretty well until morning sickness hit. Never really got back on board, but we at least stuck with the daily habits we had started. When I make my own to-do lists they end up being totally unrealistic, so I appreciate that MM is doable much of the time.

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I was looking at the iphone app.


I like that I can assign the chores to Alice, Connie, Bob, and David. My house will be clean and I'll not have to do it.

I just have to put up with these strangers who come into my house to clean. Hey, I think I can do that! :lol:




Well in that case then the $7.99 is most definitely worth it!!:lol:

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I hear you on changing the cloths. :D


I think, though, that the best thing about MM is that it helps you establish a routine, so that many, if not most, of the tasks become your habit to do and you no longer really need that daily list. Then, the MM system is there to help you remember those non-routine chores that are easy to forget.


It's a pretty good system if you can just make yourself stick to it for at least a month so those tasks become habits.


That's what I like about the app. I just hide the dish towel change since I do that automatically a couple of times a day.


I think you all sold me on it. :grouphug: Now I just need to decide between desktop or app version.

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