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Happy Festivus!


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I knew this had staying power the year after the episode aired and a local pizza parlor put Happy Festivus! on its changeable marquee. I talked to the owner between Christmas and New Years, and he said it was his single biggest day of revenue in the history of the place!


I must say, you all irritate me much less than my family does. ;) (Crappy grievance, I know!)

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My feat of strength was performed this morning when I wrestled a pregnant cow and jabbed it with a needle. (Antibiotics. She's not doing so hot, poor girl.)


For airing of grievances:

1) I cannot buy Tim Tams locally. I have only recently discovered that I need Tim Tams. Frequently. D#mn you Tim Tams for being so exclusive!


2) People who turn left on red. That was a LEFT! A LEFT! Jacka$$.


3) I saw a pair of Michael Kors boots that look EXACTLY like my barn boots -- minus the $#!t. Who the heck wears Michael Kors barn boots?? And, why the heck does Michael Kors think he can make barn boots? Michael Kors is an annoying pretentious jacka$$ (who makes purty purty clothes, and dang I want those barn boots).


4) As for all of you, I curse some and love some. I'll leave it to you to figure out which one you're getting for Festivus.


Happy Festivus!!

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2) People who turn left on red. That was a LEFT! A LEFT! Jacka$$.



Sing it. (Hope your cow is feeling better.)


The dean of DH's school held a Festivus party this year, which I thought was beyond awesome. A bunch of tenured academics? The airing of the grievances could take DAYS.

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