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Poll: What do you miss about the old board?

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Really the only thing I miss is the funny one-liners that I could join in on when I see them, but if a person doesn't open that post they miss some of the jokes going on. I love the pm feature and I actually like the rep thing, but only because I think of it as kind of a fun thing to give out rep. I also like the avatars and signatures.

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It's been a year since I've posted regularly, and I'm still getting used to the new board format.


The post today about what was different about the old board got me thinking about the good ole days...


What do you miss about the old board?


You stood and fell in each thread and post by the words you said. The way the board got completely giddy at times, usually just before the board "flipped" to a new page when it was full. The inside board jokes that everyone was privy to that migrated from thread to thread. (booKs, shoes, haiku wars, anything Elaine (mis)typed :D)

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You stood and fell in each thread and post by the words you said. The way the board got completely giddy at times, usually just before the board "flipped" to a new page when it was full. The inside board jokes that everyone was privy to that migrated from thread to thread. (booKs, shoes, haiku wars, anything Elaine (mis)typed :D)



Perhaps you should have posted the poll (LOL).


Elaine's typos...too funny.


All the inside jokes :o).


I sound like my parents talking about the 50's. LOL




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I should have said that I do miss some of the people that didn't make the transition.



It seems that a lot of people are MIA, and I really felt like I "knew" them, kwim? At times I will wonder and think of how old boardies who didn't come back to the new format are doing.





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You stood and fell in each thread and post by the words you said. The way the board got completely giddy at times, usually just before the board "flipped" to a new page when it was full. The inside board jokes that everyone was privy to that migrated from thread to thread. (booKs, shoes, haiku wars, anything Elaine (mis)typed :D)


:lol: Yes, I do miss the high visibility of the one liners and giddiness. Pam and her "potty wand" goes down in WTM history for me!:D

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[copy n pasting my original reply]


what i LOVED about the old boards was that i learned so much about stuff i might not have otherwise been interested in just by scrolling the board.


for ME, it was easier to follow discussions -they automatically lined up under each subthread --Q&A's could be done in quick subject line glances. if i was looking for a specific post a control F search was plenty. there seemed to be more room for fun chit chat or silliness. Like Pam changing her alphabet soup name


here, i have to open each thread to see all the responses. i simply am not spending that much time here doing that. I'm sure I am missing out on some FABULOUS one liner posts about all kinds of things cuz i have to be pickier about what threads i open.


But i do like the new community nonetheless. I'm digging all the little amenities and was persistent about learning the ropes to enjoy it. I prefer the old format, and i think teachingmom.com has the best of both the old boards and our new boards.

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I did the poll thing when I posted, yet it didn't show up. Dang it!


These were my options:


1) SWB's surprise appearances and participation in some of our silly discussions.

2) Friday nights....we seemed to share a lot on that particular night..70's song lyrics, personal stories about when we were teenagers (LOL).

3) Baby announcements and miscarriage/losses notifications. It seemed like we were all experiencing that together. I remember crying at times during these...sometimes with joy and other times with sadness.

4) "nt"

5) Easy lurking, no emoticons, creative ways of expressing oneself w/o using the emoticons



What I don't miss and what I feel the new board helps with:


1) It makes me stay focused rather than wandering around the board for hours. LOL

2) Personal messages. I love these!

3) I feel a bit safer here. Does anyone remember the satirical WTM board that was on the web? Remember how it made fun of us? Kind of scary and funny at the same time.

4) Profile info.

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The Sit vs. Stand thread. I swear, I never laughed so hard alone in my kitchen after midnight!:lol:


Yup!! That was a good one, alright!! I think I almost went standing up over that one because I was laughing too hard to make it to the pot.

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Yeah.. I kind of miss the way you could skim down the board and feel like you were part of EVERY conversation. No missing the funny threads... here if it isn't on that first line of the first post, it's easy to not "hear" about something.


I do also miss the crazy late-night board flipping discussions. More like a chat room than a board, really.


That said, I think this format allows more people to participate, and is far more welcoming to newcomers because there IS less of that "insider" feel.


And I love avatars. And subscriptions to threads. Etc.

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Now there are screen names and I don't know if it is someone that I "knew" or if it's really a new person. I miss the familiarity of the regulars. It's grown but it's different. I do miss scrolling down and being able to get the gist of a conversation quickly but I think there's a better balance of temperament here.


I miss some of the participants that didn't come to the new board, at least not with the same name or they don't post much at all anymore.

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Yup!! That was a good one, alright!! I think I almost went standing up over that one because I was laughing too hard to make it to the pot.




Oh, Mindy! That was soooo funny! And Suzanne in ABQ, remember she mentioned a whip? Wasn't Erica in PA involved, too?

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That said, I think this format allows more people to participate, and is far more welcoming to newcomers because there IS less of that "insider" feel.




I wish I felt that way. I think there's more of an "insider" feel now. I liked the way we were all "equals" on the old board. You could agree/disagree with anyone out in the open, and no one's "feedback" counted more than anyone else's.

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It's been a year since I've posted regularly, and I'm still getting used to the new board format.


The post today about what was different about the old board got me thinking about the good ole days...


What do you miss about the old board?


to see everyone on one page. Of course there are features on this board that make if fun and very versatile.

Being able to resurrect a thread by simpling responding brings popular threads to the top time and again. On the old board one had to scroll down a long way and often skip to the previous board.

But it was fun to wait for the board to flip...

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Well, feedback is a whole different ball of wax! I'm not crazy about it, but particularly the Neg Rep ability, from which I choose to abstain.


But I think here there are more people having more conversations, making it easier to jump in. On the old board you might find a post like "It's like when the UPS man sees you naked--did he notice your booKs or your nice shoes? Lol!!!" A whole group of people would be laughing and responding, but a newbie might be thinking... "Huh? What the heck are they talking about?" There seems to be less of that here.


I just love the old stories. Who was it who had a family member mistake thier frozen placenta for frozen strawberries when they wanted a smoothie? Oh, the good old days....

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I miss the witty one-liners, the nt and the ease of seeing all the threads. Also, it was easier to get off sooner on that board.


I love the subscribe feature here a LOT, however I also miss lots of threads if I've subscribed to too many busy threads!


But I don't MISS the old board. I did visit it the day this board was off because I was going through withdrawal. I read some math threads on the high school board I'd missed since I'm newer to that one.

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The main thing I miss is being able to get a gist of what's being said in the threads I wasn't particularly interested in. Here, if you don't click on it, you have no clue what direction the thread may go in.


The old board was easier and quicker to view, but it seems like there are a lot more threads now, and more replies within each thread, so I'm not sure that it is the format or just an increased number.

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I just love the old stories. Who was it who had a family member mistake thier frozen placenta for frozen strawberries when they wanted a smoothie? Oh, the good old days....



::sheepishly raising hand::


my oldest son still questions whatever he finds in the freezer......

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What do you miss about the old board?


I miss the simplicity of the old board. It took me all of five minutes to glance through the posts and have an idea what people were discussing. Particularly with regard to the curriculum boards, I was exposed to a lot more information, a lot more easily. Now, it's far more time consuming and tedious to open up individual threads, read through posts, etc.


With this format, I do feel I'm able to get to "know" people more intimately, simply via the signature lines and avatars. But what I most valued about this community was how much info I could gain in short order, and that's just not the case any more.


There are of course pros and cons to each format ~ for example, I appreciate that by posting "after the fact" to this thread, it'll come back up to the front page. It was frustrating, on the old board, to have a discussion get buried. Ultimately, though, as much as I enjoy hanging out here, I find I have to put in more time and effort to truly gain more info.

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