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I can't believe what my SIL and BIL did!

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SIL and her family came this weekend for an early Christmas get together. I knew she was bringing presents but didn't know what they were until just a week or so ago.


She bought each of my 5 dc an Ipod Touch and Otter box covers. She also gave them $50 gift cards for apps. She upgraded her I-phone and gave my dh her other I-phone touch along with access to her plan. (We just use tracphones right now):svengo:


I am shocked and amazed and grateful and so, so appreciative of the generosity she (and her whole family) have shown to us. They got other gifts for each of our dc and a board game for the whole family too. I know she doesn't truly know how much it meant to us (Christmas was going to be extremely slim this year in the gift department.) although I did try to express to her how much.


The only problem I have, and I joked to her about it before she left, is that she left before helping me figure these things out!!!


So now I need to know some of the best educational apps out there before my dc use up the whole gift card on silly games.


If anyone wants to see a vid of dd8 getting her present, I put a link on post 11.

Edited by 5LittleMonkeys
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SIL just e-mailed me this. This is the 8yo's reaction when she opened hers. I thought the initial outburst was it but then she stood up and went at it again.:lol: I have to admit that she had me in tears I was so happy for her.


Edited: Oh, I hope it works...I think you may have to have Quick Time to run it (?).

Edited by 5LittleMonkeys
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SIL just e-mailed me this. This is the 8yo's reaction when she opened hers. I thought the initial outburst was it but then she stood up and went at it again.:lol: I have to admit that she had me in tears I was so happy for her.


Edited: Oh, I hope it works...I think you may have to have Quick Time to run it (?).


It says "email unavailable" and error 400.

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I'm not sure if you are aware of this since you seemed new to the iTouches, but apps can be shared amongst the devices. Don't let each kid buy a copy of something like Angry Birds or whatever. Buy one app, then download it onto each device that needs it. It's possible there's a limit (you have more devices than we do), but you don't need to buy the same thing for all 6 devices six times.


Likewise, books and music can be shared amongst the devices in the household.



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I'm not sure if you are aware of this since you seemed new to the iTouches' date=' but apps can be shared amongst the devices. Don't let each kid buy a copy of something like Angry Birds or whatever. Buy one app, then download it onto each device that needs it. It's possible there's a limit (you have more devices than we do), but you don't need to buy the same thing for all 6 devices six times.


Likewise, books and music can be shared amongst the devices in the household.




Thanks! Actually SIL did tell me that before she left. Dh has been reading up on them and playing around with them all day so I think he has most of it figured out. I felt pretty out of the loop though when I asked how to delete an app and my 5yo ran over to me and showed me how to do it.:tongue_smilie:

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Wow! What an amazing and generous gift!


My kids love Rocket Math. My son was playing it at church the other night after our Christmas program and one of the adults watched him play it, downloaded it on his iPhone and promptly got himself hooked, LOL (you can adjust the level of difficulty). Also Stack the States, Harry Potter Spells (not sure if you can do it on an iPod touch, but if you have it on two iPhones you can duel with it), Angry Birds and all it's variations, All the 'Stories' (Restaurant Story, City Story, etc etc etc).

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You might like to check out this site:



Many of the apps seem to be for young children. I just found this one for our olders:



Speed Anatomy

by Benoit Essiambre

recognize and locate anatomical terms...... against the clock!



This is supposed to be very good:

Kids Place - With Child Lock



Forgive me if these apps don't work with your device. I'm new to this, too:o)


What a blessing your sil (or was it your sister?) is! Blessed to be a blessing...

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