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Does anyone else feel like Hschooling this time of year is just crazy?!

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I have boxes of decorations that still need to be put away. Today, my husband told me he'd like me to bake a bunch of cookies - of various kinds.

I still have to buy people presents - and I have yet to buy anything for the pickiest of all - my husband.

We have cards to make and send... Parties to attend. And I still haven't taken a shower.


And, my kids are so excited about Christmas that they are bouncing off the walls like crazy people.


Trying to Home school in all of this feels just a tad bit insane! :leaving:

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I'm right there with you, but I'm not sure *why*! :confused:


My kids are older teens, yet they are still bouncing off the walls.


Dh has no food requests.


My eight Christmas cards are done (as of this morning) and are ready to be stuffed into the mailbox.


I'm finished with putting out decorations (got tired of hauling stuff out, so what's out is out, and the rest is still in the attic).


We have no parties to attend (declined an invite because we're too tired!!).


And, I *have* taken a shower.



So~~~ why can't we get our schoolwork done?! :001_huh:


I honestly think it's just that time of year. If the kids weren't taking online and cc classes that go until next week, I think I would just take the entire month of December off.


Go and take a nice, long shower. Everything else will work itself out. :D

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We've been on a minimal schedule-math, copywork/writing, read-alouds, listening to recordings in the car, and lots of books since Thanksgiving. There's just too much other stuff to do-DD's been making a lot of her gifts this year, baking cookies, field trips, dance performances and concerts that keep her out late at night, and cleaning/packing for travel. Based on what my friends who have kids in PS say, their kids aren't really doing full days of work either-they're practicing for programs, making presents for parents, going on field trips, having parties, and so on.

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We've been on a minimal schedule-math, copywork/writing, read-alouds, listening to recordings in the car, and lots of books since Thanksgiving. There's just too much other stuff to do-DD's been making a lot of her gifts this year, baking cookies, field trips, dance performances and concerts that keep her out late at night, and cleaning/packing for travel. Based on what my friends who have kids in PS say, their kids aren't really doing full days of work either-they're practicing for programs, making presents for parents, going on field trips, having parties, and so on.


I agree :)


The grandparents arrived from out of state a few days before Thanksgiving. We took an out of state trip w/ the kids just after Thanksgiving (work trip for DH), which was somewhat educational (big city, lots of history, hit public gardens, an aquarium, etc.). We came back DH still had two days off so we put up the tree. We've done two days of school. I'll try to get some "school lite" completed next week.

Today was a short day and DS1 is only going to complete history today, as I had to run out and get tights for DH's work Christmas party tonight. Whoops.


I'm focusing on maybe 1/2 our normal work so we have time for ornament making, baking, etc. But....we school year-round, so I don't have much guilt when we go with a light schedule or time off.

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We are trying to finish a math book so cramming 3 lessons a day so we can move on to the next level in January. Middle has 2 lessons in reading and he is done with 100 EZ lessons! And I am trying to finish a quilt that I was to have finished in Nov....My tree is 1/2 up thanks to my boys, my house is a wreck and I want to get Christmas out of the attic but since I am preggo and it is cold hasn't happened yet...

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I'll be the dissenter. :001_smile: For some reason we hit a groove the week after Thanksgiving and are rolling right along better than we have all year long. I am thinking about carrying it up to a few days before Christmas and then picking up again the Monday after.


My kids are young and need the routine. Showers for mom are always hard to come by here. If my husband needs food above and beyond he knows to go to Publix. We do Advent so no bouncing yet -- we're low key and just living the occasional feast days like we do all year. No parties for us since everyone is in bed by 7:00.


Part of me wants to take off, but the bigger part of me doesn't want to mess up a good thing.

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And that would be why we always put away the Official School Stuff on Thanksgiving weekend. :D



Wise woman!


Of course I tend to take a day here and a day there as needed for sanity, so this might not fly with dh especially since once he is off we take off and he is in public school.

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I have felt this way every year that we have been homeschooling! I always plan lessons and then am annoyed when there is no time to actually do them. Not this year. As I was planning for this school year, I decided to plan enough weeks that we could take Thanksgiving to New Year's off school. Any school we got done in that time period would be extra. It has been such a relief knowing this ahead of time and having a plan. We have got a little math, grammar, and reading in for younger dd and some math, lit, and Shakespeare for my older dd. I am so glad that we did this because we have all been in various stages of sick for a couple months (it just won't go away) and it has felt good to just relax. Younger dd will continue this schedule for the rest of the time we homeschool.

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YES!!! I am determined to school at least through next week, but I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle.


I finally caved today and told my daughter that next week all I expect her to do is math. Everyone is just too distracted. Even my son in school, Mr. Conscientious, has somehow managed to turn in TWO assignments late this week. He's freaking out. :D Ugh. I'm ready for Christmas vacation, already.

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I'm desperately trying to decide what absolutely has to get done before break so I can finish all the holiday stuff. Then I'll give them each a list of what needs to be done and have them work mostly independently until it's done. They have a major writing assignment, some Latin, a TOG Unit to finish, and probably math. Everything else I'll probably have to let go. I figure they'll end up with half days for the next week or so, but I need their help with gifts and parties for 4H, church, etc. My Dh has also started the cookie requests :glare:. I'm not in the mood. Maybe if I get the school stuff assigned, my mood will improve.

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When we homeschooled, we would pile extra subjects into short days, or work longer hours so we could take longer breaks. We used to take 3-4 weeks at Christmas and 2 at Spring break. The breaks were actaully long enough to feel like we would get a true break.

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