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I'm so OVER this!

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Warning: I am going to vent.


I'm even giving this post a thumbs-down. I am 11 days from our move date, there are painters coming Monday morning to paint 4 rooms of this house that I'm trying to pack all by myself b/c my dh (and I'm not mad at him) had back surgery and cannot do ANYTHING. The Dr. said it will be a year before he's healed and he's on Vicodin, he's in pain.


SO. Not only am I doing :banghead::banghead::banghead: EVERYTHING by myself- the bills, the utilities, preparing the house for moving, making all the decisions about what to purge, what to donate and trying desperately to keep the house in some type of order while I pack and the kids are bored out of their minds (dd7 and ds4), Dh is in pain and hurting- and in a constant bad mood.


I have a yard to weed and clean (8 month old puppy and two kids).

I have a house to scrub which I can't do with everything in disarray!

I have a garage full of stuff to give away, full (a couch, loveseat, computer desk, etc.- I really mean full)


Oh yeah. I woke up this morning unable to breathe. I'm sick. I keep taking breaks and coming here b/c my goodness- I'm overwhelmed. Part of me is a little upset that dh isn't even lending me his brain but I know his brain is already overloaded with pain and his own stress about moving churches.


I'm about to close my eyes and just stick stuff in boxes and tape them up without even glancing or writing what is in them.


Do not feel sorry for me. Just say a prayer that I don't collapse.

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I just moved 2 months ago...I know how hard it is. Towards the end we were just stuffing items anywhere they would fit. Filing all our dressers, luggage.....


One thing that I did that made things SO much easier is hiring a cleaning lady to come in the last day and clean the house from top to bottom. So I didnt clean a thing. I can't imagine having to clean on top of packing!

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I was going to suggest putting the sprinkler on for the kids, but I see that you have to weed and feed the yard...but hte water would be good for new grass seed :D Can DH do ANYTHING? I'm wondernig about paperwork, at least. Dh takes Vicodin for some of his headaches, while he's at work, and he can get work done. I know it affects everyone differently.


My next thought is...since it's all goign to end up in a box in a few days, don't worry about keeping the house 'decent' looking, or together. I'm sure painters have had to paint in worse circumstances, don't sweat it. The house will be completely empty in 11 days.


WHile the kids are playing in the yard, have them pick up their toys and do some general cleaning. Give them a plastic tote and have them put them away when they are done.


And, look at the bright side, at least you don't have to keep it clean to IMPRESS someone. It's a parsonage, you don't have to SELL it!


Hugs, Cindy

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Warning: I am going to vent.


I'm even giving this post a thumbs-down. I am 11 days from our move date, there are painters coming Monday morning to paint 4 rooms of this house that I'm trying to pack all by myself b/c my dh (and I'm not mad at him) had back surgery and cannot do ANYTHING. The Dr. said it will be a year before he's healed and he's on Vicodin, he's in pain.


SO. Not only am I doing :banghead::banghead::banghead: EVERYTHING by myself- the bills, the utilities, preparing the house for moving, making all the decisions about what to purge, what to donate and trying desperately to keep the house in some type of order while I pack and the kids are bored out of their minds (dd7 and ds4), Dh is in pain and hurting- and in a constant bad mood.


I have a yard to weed and clean (8 month old puppy and two kids).

I have a house to scrub which I can't do with everything in disarray!

I have a garage full of stuff to give away, full (a couch, loveseat, computer desk, etc.- I really mean full)


Oh yeah. I woke up this morning unable to breathe. I'm sick. I keep taking breaks and coming here b/c my goodness- I'm overwhelmed. Part of me is a little upset that dh isn't even lending me his brain but I know his brain is already overloaded with pain and his own stress about moving churches.


I'm about to close my eyes and just stick stuff in boxes and tape them up without even glancing or writing what is in them.


Do not feel sorry for me. Just say a prayer that I don't collapse.


Just do what you can or absolutely have to get done. Everything else God will work out.


If you are sick and laid up next to your hubby then nothing will get done!!!:grouphug:

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Warning: I am going to vent.


I'm even giving this post a thumbs-down. I am 11 days from our move date, there are painters coming Monday morning to paint 4 rooms of this house that I'm trying to pack all by myself b/c my dh (and I'm not mad at him) had back surgery and cannot do ANYTHING. The Dr. said it will be a year before he's healed and he's on Vicodin, he's in pain.


SO. Not only am I doing :banghead::banghead::banghead: EVERYTHING by myself- the bills, the utilities, preparing the house for moving, making all the decisions about what to purge, what to donate and trying desperately to keep the house in some type of order while I pack and the kids are bored out of their minds (dd7 and ds4), Dh is in pain and hurting- and in a constant bad mood.


I have a yard to weed and clean (8 month old puppy and two kids).

I have a house to scrub which I can't do with everything in disarray!

I have a garage full of stuff to give away, full (a couch, loveseat, computer desk, etc.- I really mean full)



I'm about to close my eyes and just stick stuff in boxes and tape them up without even glancing or writing what is in them.




Sweetie.. you really don't want dh to help with his brain so fuzzy- although it may be a bit comical to look back on. Can you hire a cleaning lady? Can you pull out a last minute favor from a church family to either take your kids for a few hrs or lend you a jr high aged girl to play with the kids at your home? Keep plugging along... you can do this! And yes, as organized as you are normally, I'd say throw the stuff in boxes and just mark the boxes which room the stuff came in. When you get to your new house you will know what "junk from living room table" means on the side of the box!!


Hugs and prayers!:grouphug:

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Sakes alive Jessica! I'm so sorry.... I'm wondering if you are a little like myself and have a hard time asking for help??? Cant someone from church come help? Elders?? Friends?? It seems like an awful lot for one person....


I just shot a prayer up for you.... and this entire transition. I'll be praying in count down mode too! Since you still have 11 days till the actual move...


You are loved, and I'm so glad you could come and vent!



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Part of me is a little upset that dh isn't even lending me his brain but I know his brain is already overloaded with pain and his own stress about moving churches.




Could you give him little problems to solve, maybe one at a time? Like, what do you think I should do with this ---? Or Do you think the yard would look better like this or this? What should I make for dinner? Men like to feel useful and it could help him get his mind off his problems. It might also stimulate him enough that he wants to work.

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Oh, do I ever feel you pain! We are moving in 17 days. Dh just had hernia surgery and can't lift anything over 15 lbs for another 4 weeks. He informed me today that I am going to have to go over to campus and finish packing his 3rd floor classroom/office and get the boxes home. So, on top of cleaning, purging, packing an almost 3000 sqft house, I have to take care of his school stuff too. I am working with the bank, the realtors, blah, blah, blah.


So, honey, I can totally relate. That is why I am here now. I should be cleaning since we have 23 coming over for the salad course of a progressive dinner tomorrow. Ugh.


I hope you dh recovers soon and that in 11 days your nightmare will be over.


Best wishes!

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I live in busy-bodyville. I know I shouldn't care about their criticism but the last thing I need is to feed the rumor mill or the coffee crowd at 7:00 am. I'm really READY to move. The kids will have socks on their hands tomorrow washing down everything in sight. I'm going to work on packing everything in sight and hopefully I'll be able to spend 1-3 days cleaning and maintaining. I want to call the painters off but I don't want to do that to the new pastor and his family, this house hasn't had a fresh coat of paint in 8 years.


Cleaning lady is no go, no one is willing to drive this far. It's alright, it will be all right.

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Jessica, I am praying for you!


If I lived close to you, I'd be there to help you! Do you have any friends you can ask for help? I know if a friend asked me to help, I'd be there in a heart beat.


Can anyone take the kids for a day, or for a couple days in a row, so you can have some quite time to relax and then get going on some of these things.


Praying for you!

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Oh, my prayers are with you Brigitte! Does your dh have a buddy to help with his stuff? You're in the same situation!


Nope, no buddy. Funny how all the "buddies" have other "commitments' when there is work to be done. ;)


Oh well. I know it will all get done and I will survive it (as will you), but boy these things are miserable when you are going through them.


I'll be thinking of you. Misery loves company. :tongue_smilie:

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Oh - I am right there with you 2! It is SOOO not fun.


I too, have a dh who can not help pack at all (recent back surgery). I have 3 dd's that I swear are unpacking as I pack (play stuff mostly). And I'm trying to "purge",as Brigitte put it , as I go.... hence why I'm trying to do it without help. I have a HUGE pile for Goodwill in the garage - I'm filling trash bags - and there are just random piles everywhere else. With my luck - the realtor will call for a showing & I'll have make my mess look clean. I figure most stuff will just get thrown into random boxes at the last minute since this is a local move (from one rental to another). My back & neck have been in a state of constant dull pain - probably from the stress of it all~


Jessica - vent away. It is a hard time to go thru. You need help. Do you have friends that could watch the kids? A college student to keep them busy while you clean? Dvd's can be your friend at a time like this!! 11 days left - you can do it. You are on the home stretch. Throw that stuff into boxes and tape it up!! (just put a good label of what's in there on the outside!!) - and either eat out or get ready made meals to throw in the mic or oven!


Brigitte - I feel for you. Can you find some help? Emptying his office? Sounds like my dh! I had to do that before we moved the last time because he had already started his new job!! There always all the "leftover" stuff where you look at it and say - "does he really need this?" - and then you throw it into a box "just in case." And why do you have 23 coming to dinner? Goodness! Hope your salad recipe is simple!!


Hang in there ladies! This, too, won't last forever - even tho it feels like it. *sigh*

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I will hold you in my thoughts, and commiserate with you. My dh is out of state, so I get to do the same joyful things you do ... with four kids. :lol: My move date is not for 30 days, though.


I have a hard time asking for help. I so hope someone from your church can lend you a hand.


I feel your pain.

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Wow, a lot of moving without help! I'm sorry ya'll! I wish I could help you! If anyone's near me, I'll come help ya, just let me know!


OK, nevermind, NC, Georgia and Florida aren't QUITE close enough for me to come help!


But I can pray for things to go well for you! How 'bout this: If anyone's moving to Seattle area, I could help you move IN!

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Oh sweetie, I'd come help if I weren't states away. We moved two years ago and dh was already here for most of it, so I packed everything myself, sold stuff, gave it away, sold the house, all by myself.


Have you seen the movie Enchanted? Maybe there's a packing song, to go with the cleaning song.



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Maybe you can:


1. fill a box

2. take a picture

3. print the picture

4. tape the picture on the box



* just remember to keep neosporin with you at all times :glare:



please say you're laughing...:leaving:

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isn't dh's father in the area? If so, I would try to send dh and dc to his dad's for a few days. I would send about 20+ videos with them so dh could just rest on the couch while dc watched videos or played with grandpa. There are situations where videos are called for and this is one of them. If grandpa isn't nearby perhaps you could rotate them betw. friend's homes? I just find I can get so much more done without the interruptions from the dc. HTH



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If I were in your situation, I probably would already have been sent off to an institution. :tongue_smilie: OK, maybe that wasn't so encouraging...


I am so empathizing with you. You have more on your plate than one person can handle. Probably what I'd do is farm the kids out to someone for part of the time, just so they wouldn't be running underfoot. Can someone help with that? You said the cleaning services weren't willing to come out that far, but could you find a hardworking teenager? They could at least get some of it done, and if you're lucky, they might actually be good at the job! For that matter, they could work on the yard, too.


Can the painters come after you leave? Can the new family wait a day or so to move in? Is the moving date fixed in stone for both families?


When I get backed in a corner like that, I just start narrowing down to only what absolutely has to be done. Maybe you've already done that, but I know for me it means lowering my standards, unfortunately (or maybe not so unfortunately, because my standards are usually too unrealistic!). Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to throw everything in boxes and sort it at your leisure at the new place.


If you can do nothing else, take deep breaths, and try to eat and drink well. Try not to neglect your basic needs.


I wish I could help you. :grouphug: Prayers here for you and your dh.

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Does your church have a meals ministry that springs into action when someone has a baby, surgery, etc.? I would definitely place a call to whoever runs that ministry and ask for some dinners or something. And send dc to friends to play for a few hours if you can. Take a bunch of vitamin C and get your sleep. Maybe your could take afternoon naps and work after the kids go to bed? Oh, and I wouldn't try to clean until everything is out. Running the vac, sweeping, mopping, cleaning bathrooms would be a lot easier when everything is out of the way. Although you could clean out your kitchen cabinets and bathroom cabinets when you get those emptied out. I agree with the advice to just pack it all and sort it all out when you unpack.


I'll pray for you as your get through this difficult time!

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Please tell me you guys will have a few days to chill after you move just to recover...


Since you say you're moving to Savannah area, my vote is for you to take a day or so (more if you can) to go to Hilton Head (one of our faves) and clear your mind. Even if it's just a day trip (only about an hour's trip, right?). Have at least one day where nothing is required of anyone but rest and play. (or is this impossible considering dh's back?) Anyway...I say do it as soon after you move as you can.


This is your Rx. ;)



Dr. muffinmom

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:grouphug: I'm saying a prayer for you and for you dh. My dh has back problems and it's not fun when it flares up. For him or for me! I think hiring that cleaning lady would be money well spent. Just do what you can, really. Prayers for your sanity and for a smooth move!

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We're going to spend a week at Tybee Island in July, I look so FORWARD to that! I can't tell you. HHI now? Nah, too many tourists, I lived there for a while, I'd rather go to Beaufort. I can't believe we're moving back, it's so surreal. I'm packing everything in sight, no more organizing...I'll purge once we're there. I'm packing the homeschool stuff too, everything. Close it up and ignore it. Stupid me already packed the kids' dvds.

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You don't have to sell the place. Our house is on the market and me and the kids keep having to get out of our home for the agents to show it. Was supposed to show at 8:30 this moring. I pulled the kids out of bed at 7:00, got them dressed, about killed myself speed cleaning the floor and then he called at 7:30 and said..can we change it to 1:30. We left the house and came back at 2:45; my son really! needed a breathing treatment...and THEY WERE STILL HERE. Maybe that's a positive and and least the house is showing but this is driving me crazy.


Hang in there. Keep thinking about that soon to be beautiful blue, brown, and creme bedroom you will have to relax in!!!!!


Saying a prayer.

Sheryl in GA

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We're going to spend a week at Tybee Island in July, I look so FORWARD to that! I can't tell you. HHI now? Nah, too many tourists, I lived there for a while, I'd rather go to Beaufort. I can't believe we're moving back, it's so surreal. I'm packing everything in sight, no more organizing...I'll purge once we're there. I'm packing the homeschool stuff too, everything. Close it up and ignore it. Stupid me already packed the kids' dvds.


You're so right about HHI in the summer--what was I thinking? I think of it as quiet and peaceful because we always go in September (for the express purpose of escaping those summer crowds!).


So glad you have some R&R in sight!:hurray:

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I live in busy-bodyville. I know I shouldn't care about their criticism but the last thing I need is to feed the rumor mill or the coffee crowd at 7:00 am. I'm really READY to move. The kids will have socks on their hands tomorrow washing down everything in sight. I'm going to work on packing everything in sight and hopefully I'll be able to spend 1-3 days cleaning and maintaining. I want to call the painters off but I don't want to do that to the new pastor and his family, this house hasn't had a fresh coat of paint in 8 years.


Cleaning lady is no go, no one is willing to drive this far. It's alright, it will be all right.


Jessica, I haven't followed the details over the last year or so, but who cares if a bunch of busy-bodies talk about you after you move? It sounds like doing everything yourself isn't exactly going to keep them from talking out. Call your deacons or elders or church senior pastor and tell them that you need help. Be specific, you need someone to help you pack up or to help clean or to keep track of the kids for a few days. It would be even better if your husband could make the call, but if he's not able, then go ahead.

Even if there is only one or two people in the church that you can call and ask for help, do it. Then graciously accept any help that comes. Don't be embarrased because someone is wrapping up your kitchen stuff or scrubbing your tub.

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.... I'm packing everything in sight, no more organizing...I'll purge once we're there. I'm packing the homeschool stuff too, everything. Close it up and ignore it. Stupid me already packed the kids' dvds.


I was just going to suggest that you move everything and purge after the move. Also can you swing packers for at least part of the packing. Especially for glass and other breakables. Those guys are fast!


And I'd borrow or buy more DVD's for the kids.

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The house is almost completely packed. The kids clothes except 7 days worth is packed, so is mine.All the glass has been packed, I did that first, now it's just a bunch of odds and ends. I've packed all kitchen items but plastic cups and plates, silverware drawer, utensil drawer and 1 set of pans. ALso the pantry and a handleful of spices.


Really, I think it will be manageable, I've been working on this for 3 weeks already, very organized at first and slowly dwindling. Lol. I just need to move stuff out of the 4 rooms that the painters will be in and I think it'll be okay. A lot of work tomorrow though whew.

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Jessica, I haven't followed the details over the last year or so, but who cares if a bunch of busy-bodies talk about you after you move? It sounds like doing everything yourself isn't exactly going to keep them from talking out. Call your deacons or elders or church senior pastor and tell them that you need help. Be specific, you need someone to help you pack up or to help clean or to keep track of the kids for a few days. It would be even better if your husband could make the call, but if he's not able, then go ahead.

Even if there is only one or two people in the church that you can call and ask for help, do it. Then graciously accept any help that comes. Don't be embarrased because someone is wrapping up your kitchen stuff or scrubbing your tub.


This is good advice. Honestly, who cares what the busybodies say after we are gone. But sometimes we would all rather not have to deal with them regardless. I do understand Jessica's reluctance.

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Oh - I am right there with you 2! It is SOOO not fun.


I too, have a dh who can not help pack at all (recent back surgery). I have 3 dd's that I swear are unpacking as I pack (play stuff mostly).


Oh my, yes, we are in it together! My girls are unpacking and unorganizing as fast as I am packing or organizing. I was packing up the home school stuff today and I put one of our French books in the box and Lily pulled it out before I could get the next thing in there. AAArrrggghhh!


Well, we will all survive it. At least that is what I am telling my self. :D

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Before you try to pack and pack and pack...a little advice from someone who has moved 6 times with husband's job. It took me until the 4th move and I was in the garage unpacking boxes at 7 a.m. on like my 100th day of unpacking(really---only the 3rd or 4th day but it seemed soooo much longer.) Well, as I was unpacking my 4th box of rocks---yes, I said rocks as my boys, husband and I have picked up rocks along our travels but at this point---they seemed ridiculous to have had the movers pack and move for us. I was talking to a friend who was so great at the time and recommended that I reevaluate what "stuff" I was hanging onto that was creating additional stress by trying to unload and place somewhere, anywhere. What I am saying is look for the simple and obvious ways to help yourself.

1. Donate to Goodwill those things that really you can do without!

2. Ask around for a teenager that might take your kids to play at Chuckee Cheese, park, or library for an afternoon or morning.

3. Call on a friend and offer to fix coffee and dessert/ OR ice cream/ OR whatever trips your trigger and see if you two can chat and pack!

4. Make a list at the beginning of the day and at the end---don't look at what didn't get done BUT what got done!

Good luck to you all...moving is overwhelming under the most normal of circumstances.

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I think the entire church needs to get over there and help you! Please let someone know how you're in need of help.


ETA: Just read the whole thread - but still, if there is any way that anyone could help (even with cleaning?) then please ask them, as Sebastian said.


Glad you feel better for getting it out, but I'd still like to see you get at least a little bit of help! Hang in there, you'll be outta there soon!

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