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Out and about with a dog

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Our dogs stay home. Unless we are only going somewhere they are welcome, like the dog park, I don't take them places. I don't think it's appropriate to leave them in the parking lot of places, and I wouldn't want to risk one of them getting lost while we were out. Each one weighs 50 pounds, so that might influence my opinion.


Don't bring it in a restaurant. My husband has people bring dogs to the outside terrace at his restaurant, even though the board of health here would count that as a violation against him. Worse are the people who bring the dogs into the restaurant.


Also, please don't take it anywhere with other animals. I've had people come to pick up rabbits or ducks and their little dogs get loose and harass my animals. If they want to give the animal they just bought a heart attack on its way home, that's their business. I don't want to deal with their dogs chasing my animals though. (Plus those dogs of mine don't appreciate it.)

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Baxter spends most of his time at home. He does go to doggy daycare once a week and plays with his friends. Yesterday for the first time ever he was left in the car so I could run into the store on the way home. I usually go prior to picking him up but ran out of time.


He does travel well when we have to move.

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We take Guinevere with us except for during the summer (and any other day that is going to be sunny and warm). She is a great traveler and is much happier coming with us then being home alone (with the cats). She waits patiently in the car - usually sleeping - while we run errands and go into stores, the bank, etc.

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We take our puppy (8 months old) in the car when we are doing little errands (drugstore, dunkin donuts, 7 eleven, bagel store, etc).


She also goes on long long rides to Vermont with us (we go up to Vermont and home the same day).


Someone always waits in the car with her while someone else runs into the store. I would never trust her in the car alone. She would probably figure out how to drive away. :001_smile:

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One thing I forgot to mention is that if you do take your dog with you and leave it alone in the car, be sure to remove any food, wrappers, anything that smells like food, anything your dog may perceive as food, any drinks that you don't think your dog may be interested in, etc. ;)

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When ours were puppies they went just about everywhere with us for socialization purposes. If I went into the drug store, I might have Ds (13) wait outside with a puppy so it could be greeted by everyone who came in or out.


Now we do a mix, depending on how much time we will spend in the store or library etc. I have left the dogs alone in the car if I know we will be gone a very short time, especially if the errand is on the way to a walk at the park, or a visit to a friend's house (where dogs are welcome).


Many times I leave all 3 dogs at home, 2 in crates, the old guy lose. If I know my errands are going to take a long time and I need to focus I won't take dogs with me. Even when they were puppies and needed the socialization, I still left them home in a crate if I needed to accomplish a lot. They also need to learn how to be quiet at home too!

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Now we do a mix, depending on how much time we will spend in the store or library etc. I have left the dogs alone in the car if I know we will be gone a very short time, especially if the errand is on the way to a walk at the park, or a visit to a friend's house (where dogs are welcome).




I guess I am thinking more of this

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We take our puppy (8 months old) in the car when we are doing little errands (drugstore, dunkin donuts, 7 eleven, bagel store, etc).


She also goes on long long rides to Vermont with us (we go up to Vermont and home the same day).


Someone always waits in the car with her while someone else runs into the store. I would never trust her in the car alone. She would probably figure out how to drive away. :001_smile:



And this.....

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We are finally getting that doggie. I see people out and about with their dogs and wondered how that works. For example, if we were going to the pet store where dogs are welcome, we would probably also be running into the library or a store or two to pick up this or that. If we were going out for a family fun daytrip or hike, the dog would be welcome ( or we'd be away all day) and wondered what that looked like for your family. Thanks for helping me figure out how to work this new family member into our lives!!

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Our puppy (5 months) goes to gymnastics with us every week. The gym is close to empty, and it gives him some practice riding in the car and socializing. He also usually goes with me to pick the boys up from their enrichment program once a week.


We have to travel to see family (18 hour car trips) and plan on taking Jed with us, so I want him to be used to car travel.


I have no ethical problem leaving him in the van while I run a super fast errand, but I don't trust him at all. I'm afraid we'd end up on the nightly news after he drove the van into the store.

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Our puppy (5 months) goes to gymnastics with us every week. The gym is close to empty, and it gives him some practice riding in the car and socializing. He also usually goes with me to pick the boys up from their enrichment program once a week.


We have to travel to see family (18 hour car trips) and plan on taking Jed with us, so I want him to be used to car travel.


I have no ethical problem leaving him in the van while I run a super fast errand, but I don't trust him at all. I'm afraid we'd end up on the nightly news after he drove the van into the store.



Yes to all of that. Since we really don't go out THAT much all together, I want him to be used to and enjoy a car ride occasionally (our family is about the same distance away). His foster mom says he is crate trained and used to being crated when they go out, so I want him to keep that ability too. I don't want him to be so spoiled that he thinks he is ALWAYS going, but want to include him when appropriate.

SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! We are getting a doggie!!!!!

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Yes to all of that. Since we really don't go out THAT much all together, I want him to be used to and enjoy a car ride occasionally (our family is about the same distance away). His foster mom says he is crate trained and used to being crated when they go out, so I want him to keep that ability too. I don't want him to be so spoiled that he thinks he is ALWAYS going, but want to include him when appropriate.

SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! We are getting a doggie!!!!!


What kind? When? DO you have a picture? I'm so excited for you :party:!

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What kind? When? DO you have a picture? I'm so excited for you :party:!



He's an 11 mo rescue doggie. He's a dachshund-cocker mix (?) We have a home-inspection visit tomorrow and hope to go bring him home on Sunday. DD has been hoping for a dog for most of her 8 years and I've been missing having a dog for about 25.....so we haven't stopped :D for at least a week.



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He's an 11 mo rescue doggie. He's a dachshund-cocker mix (?) We have a home-inspection visit tomorrow and hope to go bring him home on Sunday. DD has been hoping for a dog for most of her 8 years and I've been missing having a dog for about 25.....so we haven't stopped :D for at least a week.




He is so cute!!!

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We usually only take both dogs if we are going somewhere they can run and have some fun (camping or a day at the beach or lake). Our older dog is very laid back, can be trusted alone, and loves to go "bye bye" so I will often take him on quick errands with me. our younger dog gets stressed in the car so I don't take him as often.


Shortly after my oldest started her first official job her car was broke into and her steering wheel disassembled (pretty sure they were trying to hot wire it). For the next few evenings she took the older dog to work with her and left him in the car knowing his 85lbs of bark would likely deter any more would be thieves. She worked evenings so it was cool and she took a leash so she could let him stretch his legs during her breaks.


Our dogs are pretty well behaved and as long as all edibles are put away they do well home alone so we don't crate them.

Edited by akmommy
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Our dog stays home if we are not going to dog-friendly places. Once, I had no choice because I was out with him and unexpectedly delayed and couldn't get home to put the dog in his crate before I had to pick up dd at the Y. So, I left him in the car for about 2 minutes - windows cracked - 50 degrees outside. I had tried texting my friend inside to get dd, but her phone was off.

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Several places we shop are small dog friendly, so we take our dog with us when we go there. She also goes on short trips to run errands if it isn't too hot, and to drop off/pick up ds from his weekly enrichment class. Oh, and when we go visit family, whether close by or a 10 hr trip, we take her - our whole family loves dogs. :)

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We take our dog with us for errands once in a while. She's a good traveler, and seems to enjoy it immensely. I only take her when it's a situation where one of the kids can wait in the car with her. I don't know the age of your dc, but for me, it's about age 12. Most of the time the kids would rather be outside with the dog than inside running errands or shopping with me. :001_smile:

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Our Shih Tzu puppy, Sir Walter Raleigh, goes with us everywhere. He stays in the car on some errands. Our CC group even lets us bring him in his crate since he can't be home for 5 hours alone. Still puppy potty-training.... :)


Hey, so glad to see another historical dog name! We have Captain Miles Standish. Though, since he's still a puppy he looks more like a clown to me. Maybe he'll look dignified later...



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We leave our dogs home mostly, unless they have a vet appt. We crate for short periods and other times they get the run of the house. I have left my dog unattended in the car while I did a brief shopping trip. I can't leave my kids unattended due to ages so I had to take them with me while I shopped leaving doggy unattended (we were in town for a vet appt). If I lived closer to town perhaps they would get more rides as it wouldn't be an all day adventure to go to town and I could choose to take them to dog friendly venues and drop them home before anti-dog activities.



I also live in a very hot place so most of the time they are safer at home in AC vs in a hot car.

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He's an 11 mo rescue doggie. He's a dachshund-cocker mix (?) We have a home-inspection visit tomorrow and hope to go bring him home on Sunday. DD has been hoping for a dog for most of her 8 years and I've been missing having a dog for about 25.....so we haven't stopped :D for at least a week.


Soo happy for you! What a sweet puppy. Now you will have to start posting name options. Isn't that the expected protocol? :bigear:

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Hey, so glad to see another historical dog name! We have Captain Miles Standish. Though, since he's still a puppy he looks more like a clown to me. Maybe he'll look dignified later...






My dh works with Myles Standish. He's the last of the Myles Standish line (he has no kids).

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He's an 11 mo rescue doggie. He's a dachshund-cocker mix (?) We have a home-inspection visit tomorrow and hope to go bring him home on Sunday. DD has been hoping for a dog for most of her 8 years and I've been missing having a dog for about 25.....so we haven't stopped :D for at least a week.


He is adorable! Congratulations!

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Our dog loves the car. He wants to come even if we are just moving the car from the street into the driveway. Most of the time he stays at home. He comes along for the ride if I am going somewhere local to drop the kids off and I don't have to leave the car. Sometimes I will bring him to the dry cleaner because I can see him in the car from there.


Dh loves to take him with him in the car to run local errands. In the summer he leaves the car on with the ac running. I told him he shouldn't be leaving the car unlocked and running and he told me to look at the dog. No one is getting in to steal the car with our brute sitting in the drivers seat.

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One of our dogs almost always stays home (unless we are out with him on a trip to the vet). Our other dog loves to ride and she goes with us a lot. She waits in the car patiently with the windows cracked if we go in somewhere without her. In the summer, I do not take her unless I know that we are going somewhere that she can be out of the car or we are running quick errands. Dogs can die from heat just like babies.

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He's an 11 mo rescue doggie. He's a dachshund-cocker mix (?) We have a home-inspection visit tomorrow and hope to go bring him home on Sunday. DD has been hoping for a dog for most of her 8 years and I've been missing having a dog for about 25.....so we haven't stopped :D for at least a week.


So cute! Congrats on your new family member!


We adopted a cocker mix puppy from a rescue last weekend. We *think* the other part of the mix is beagle, but not sure. She's settling in beautifully and has brought great joy to our family. I hope your new pup is as easygoing as ours is. :001_smile:



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Tick comes with me often. I'll let her out to potty sometime during the day. Hank comes only when we're just gone for a minute or two.


We used to have an Aussie who would hop in the van and hide in the back. I'd know she was there when the children started snickering. Cute, but dangerous on a hot day. We had to take her home several times.

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