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s/o Christmas cards

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We used to have a list of about 50-60 people we'd send cards to. We did regular boxed cards and a Christmas letter.

We no longer send any cards, except to my inlaws, parents (if they aren't spending the holidays with us), and a few local friends (who are more likely to get a hand-delivered card).

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Yes. I think Christmas is a nice time to catch up with far-away aunts and uncles, cousins, and college friends. I enjoy receiving cards and letters from those people, too, and reading the highlights of their year. Photos are fun as well, whether children are part of their family or not.


ETA: We do not send cards to local friends. They get some cookies or bread. Cards/photos are out-of-towners.

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Have always done so. Not this year. We received 96% email "Merry Christmas" and a scanned photo attachment as "cards" last year. I give up. :glare: :confused:


edited to add: I don't mind an emailed card from local people we see on a regular basis. But really miss getting dozens and dozens of Christmas cards in the mail every Christmas, and lining up the annual family photographs of family and friends we haven't seen in a while. Getting an email with a picture that I'd need to print out myself takes a lot of the "jolly" out of it. ;) Not to mention that I don't check my email when dh and kids are surrounding me at the computer, therefore they didn't get to see most of last years' Christmas pictures from people because I would forget to show them!

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We absolutely do. I wish more people did.


I really miss receiving those cards and photos. Sure, it would be nice if we were all perfect and intentional about keeping up more meaningfully all year long, but, since that isn't going to happen, I used to love at least getting the cards.


I find it really sad that people don't feel like it's "worth it" anymore.

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Ah.. I was just wondering because I don't have a big list of people on a card list. The most I ever had was about 14 I think and 2 of them have passed away. I have zero contact with many of my 'long lost' relatives, and DH's family doesn't send cards to everyone. Last year I only had to buy 5 cards so I just purchased individual cards for them. I would love to have a reason to buy personalized cards and send out a mass mailing. And I love the idea of getting lots in return. :)

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Do you send cards to people you don't otherwise speak to the rest of the year?


We do send cards. I have them printed up at Walmart with the kids' picture on them. There are people that I don't really have an opportunity to talk with throughout the year (and they aren't on facebook:lol:) so it's nice to "catch up". They usually will send a card with a picture or short note. I never feel obligated to send cards to the people I do send them to though.

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Let me put it the other way: I don't send cards to people I'll be actually be able to see in person. I only send cards to people who live far away.



Christmas is a time to remember friends and family. We send out about 50 cards. I learned how to digiscrap this year, so I will be making our cards and printing them out at Costco. I usually add a brief note about our lives, etc.


Last year was the only year in 18 years together that we didn't send out Christmas cards. I sent a few out to elderly relatives and that was is. 2010 was a terrible year. I'm glad 2011 is better for us.

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I send cards to everybody. Most of our extended families live far away, so we make sure that at least every year they get a photo Christmas card. I also send cards to people close by, friends and such. I send cards to people who don't send one in return. I don't care, I enjoy it, and to me it is worth the time and expense.

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Yes, those are the main people we send them to! We don't usually send them to people in town who we see all the time. They already know what's happening in our lives, and I can wish them a Merry Christmas in person. But, we've lived in many places during our lives and made a lot of close friends in those places. We don't see them anymore (or rarely). They are still special, however, and I think about them. It's a nice way to keep in touch and catch up.

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