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More Baby News - Straight From the Source. :D

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My uterus seriously throbbed when I saw his picture. I want to nibble those squishy cheeks!


I am so sorry to hear about what happened after the birth. Your poor dh must have been freaking out, to say nothing of how you were feeling. I am so very glad everything turned out ok. Take care of yourself and kis those squishy baby cheeks!



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ugh! I had some pretty bad tearing from my dd, 3rd degree, and enough tissue damage for my midwife to say it looked like someone took a baseball bat to my crotch, so I sympathize. I didn't have the bleeding issue though, that is ROUGH. Please please make sure you are taking good supplements to get your iron back up as quickly as possible and eat REALLY well. Low iron makes it really hard to make milk, so you will have to work hard.


Oh, and sitting on the boppy didn't work for me, it was too firm. The best think I sat on was regular bed pillows, ones that were kind of older so they were softer.

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He is beautiful. I love that you had them all in red tops. Poor you, ouch. Hope things continue to heal for you.


The red tops were a coincidence. The sleeper was a hospital one the nurses put him in and the kids just dressed in red themselves that morning. :)


Thank you everyone! I;m on all the required supplements and pills and my husband is making sure I stay mostly in bed and has even got a meal plan drawn up that's he's working from to make sure I get enough of the right food. :D I think it really scared him. I was under anesthesia for all the dramatic bits but he was pacing the halls with the baby, poor guy.

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Congratulations on your new wee man!! He's scrumptious!! And you older two are beautiful, too.


Blessings and healing thoughts for you, my dear. I had severe pp hemorrhage with my 3rd one, too. Scared the be-geezus out of dh, but I was mostly out of it.


Take care!

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He's adorable!


As I read about your owie, I realized that, while uncomfortable, the 24 hour flight/layover/flight/another layover were a FINE alternative to that. Even as I think about your stitches, I just cringe. Hope your healing goes quickly!

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