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Do you think one of your kids is cuter than the other(s)?

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My adopted daughter is adorable. People comment all the time on how beautiful she is. My bio boys are cute too, but as a baby, one was just not at all! Baby buddha with a pimply face! He's gotten cuter as he's gotten older, now has darling dimples. My eldest was a cute toddler, and has a very sweet face and disposition to match. By it's my dd who gets all the attention for her looks.

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Ds17 looks have changed so much over the years, right now he has chisled features with a prominent chin and nose. He is the only one with dimples and has platinum blond hair that he keeps shoulder length. His dimples peek out from under long bangs. He is definitely playing up his best features. LOL With another hair cut...I don't know if he would be as handsome as he is.


DD12 is tall, thin and elegant looking. Very, very pretty, but not what I would describe as cute.


DD4 has beautiful dark brown eyes and hair. Again, not cute, more exotic than anything.


So, for saying 'cute' I would say ds and his dimples win.

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All my kids are very different looking from each other. I think all of them are cute, but I also think that their different looks appeal to different people. I've always thought of my boys as my "Prince William" and "Prince Harry" - the oldest one has dark blond hair and blue eyes and perfect skin and is classically good- looking, the younger boy is red hair, green eyes, freckles, and has that more roguish appeal. My dds are quite different too, one has long dark hair and huge brown eyes, and the other has cute round cheeks and dimples and a really expressive face. I've had different people comment on which they think is "cute". Anyway, I think almost every one in the world is good-looking in their own way - I can find attractive things in pretty much anyone.

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My oldest is quite handsome, the next is more mature and serious looking but has great eyes, oldest daughter is just plain gorgeous(according to everyone that sees her), younger dd is a cutie pie but hard to tell right now as she is losing teeth and a bit awkward, DS 5 is probably the most cute of all but a devil so I won't tell him, and the little man is my baby....but it is hard to tell what he really will end up looking like since he still looks so babyish.

It is hard for me because from what I am told they all look so much alike!:)

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All of my children are attractive. My son is blond, fair, blue eyed with flecks of amber, and so kind that all the girls love him. My girls all look very similar. The oldest are identical so there's that, but all of them are petite for their ages and have a very pretty mediterranean coloring with huge brown eyes with dark eyelashes and very light brown hair. Who I think is cutest among the older 3 changes by the hour. The youngest, however, has charisma. She is cute enough- very cute, I think, but she has something extra that draws a crowd wherever we go and she's been like that since an infant. Everybody loves her. The pediatrician brought the other nurses in to see her when she was 1 week old to go on and on about how she was the cutest and sweetest baby and it has never stopped. No matter how attractive they are, my older kids don't have whatever she has. People like them, but they don't get entourages.

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Well, I have nothing to do with my kids' looks at all (they were adopted), but they are honestly all beautiful. My oldest is a striking beauty, always has been. People are constantly commenting on her and asking why she isn't modeling.


My son is handsome, with really nice features. And my little one is a beauty too. She has always had a very mature looking face, and people have always commented on how she looks so much older. Even as a baby, people said she looked like a doll, because of her "older" features and head full of hair!


It's extra difficult to say which one is "cuter" or better looking because they are each of a different race, so they each have a different kind of beauty. ODD is Guatemalan, DS is Korean, and YDD is African-American. But even my mother, who is TOTALLY about looks (I'm well-aware that I was a disappointment to her), thinks these 3 kiddos are the cutest kids ever. Each time we waiting to adopt, her comment is "oh, no, what if this one isn't as beautiful as ___? You're pushing your luck, you are sure to get one that's not attractive". Yes, she says this kind of thing :- (


She's relieved to hear that, according to the agency, the expectant mom of our next baby is "stunningly beautiful". I'm not really concerned, but I know SHE is!

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Right now it's hard to say, because they're all still young enough to just be really cute, period.


I will say that my first was a better-looking newborn than the younger two, though. He was just strikingly adorable from his first day. But, he was also over 9 pounds, so he came out looking like he was about two months old.


The other two were a little over 8 pounds at birth, and had that typical grumpy-old-man newborn look. DS2, in particular, was very scrunchy and splotchy and scrawny. He was a funny-looking little guy at first. But, both of them got really cute once they filled out and got over their newborn funny-lookingness. DS1 really didn't ever have that funny-looking phase, though.

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I have an only. And I must say he is VERY cute. At 11 he is more boyish looking than he was as a baby....he was a beautiful toddler. My favorite stranger comment was when two elderly prim and proper ladies passed by us at Dillards one day when ds was about 3 or 4. After they passed I heard one say to the other, 'that was an exceptionally beautiful child.'




What did someone say about us all thinking our children are cute/beautiful/handsome?


My XMIL often remarked that my then husband (her youngest son) was not a very attractive child. :001_huh: I always felt so sorry for him because she said that. :(

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My 8yo is NOT cute! He will tell you so. Cute is for babies.:tongue_smilie: (He'll take handsome though...and he is quite handsome!)



dd is gorgeous! I know you all think you have beautiful dd's, but you haven't seen mine.:tongue_smilie:



ds5 is, by definition, cute. Dimples on his cheeks, chunky little legs, dimples on his hands still, and a devilish smile that screams pure trouble.



I could not pick one for best looking...but I think ds5 might hang onto "cute."

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My 8yo is NOT cute! He will tell you so. Cute is for babies.:tongue_smilie: (He'll take handsome though...and he is quite handsome!)



dd is gorgeous! I know you all think you have beautiful dd's, but you haven't seen mine.:tongue_smilie:



ds5 is, by definition, cute. Dimples on his cheeks, chunky little legs, dimples on his hands still, and a devilish smile that screams pure trouble.



I could not pick one for best looking...but I think ds5 might hang onto "cute."



Lol, my DS 4y/o will not be cute either, he's 'handsome'! Cute is for babies, pretty for girls, handsome for boys. :lol:


All my kids have their beautiful features, they are - objectively - the most beautiful creatures to be born on this earth :tongue_smilie:. I happen to think one in particular has a very striking feature which will play very well with the opposite sex when they're older...

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My oldest hasn't changed much since he was born. He had that "old man" face... he's just growing into it. He's handsome, and has his cute moments... but definitely not the cutest.


My oldest dd was a very pretty baby. That thick, curly dark hair, dark eyes... now she pouted all the time, so I don't think she was the cutest. She definitely has her own beauty, though... We've seen glimmers of what is to come, and it can be a bit frightening for my dh.


My next ds was born with very fine features. He's the one *everyone* oggled. He is used to being the center of everyone else's attention. He is now 8, and the impish grin gets old... but the older girls STILL think he's just sooo cute. His favorite song on the radio is "I'm gonna break-break your heart." Oh, the foreshadowing.


Next dd is the blond brimming with personality. She's cute... but her little mannerisms put her up there with her impish brother.


Baby is 2.5... put in little pigtails, she reminds you of "Boo" from Monster's Inc. In fact, that's her nick-name.


Overall... it's probably a tie between #3 and #4, though.

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Which one I think is cutest seems to change from day-to-day. One of mine certainly thinks she's the cutest which is often reinforced because she can charm me out of a grumpy mood with a sweet face and cuddle. A lot of times I think my ds is the cutest because he is far away, and I don't have to tell him to pick up his socks. Nobody is cute with dirty socks on the floor.

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Yes, but it varies from day to day. Isn't the angelic one who works so hard to keep little brother on the straight-and-narrow always cuter? Oh, or is the sneaky devilish 4-year-old who grins up at your stern face and says, "You are like an angel to me!" Okay, maybe it doesn't vary all that much... ;)


Ayuh. Variable cuteness here, too, depending who is most likely to make my head spin around on any given day.

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I have thought about this thread for two days, and my honest answer is, "I don't know!"


My oldest is growing into this beautiful and serious person and can't be classified as cute anymore. She isn't just pretty; she is truly beautiful!


My middle has always been a knockout! Her eyes are huge and dark brown with lashes a mile long. She has a perfect button nose. Of all my girls, she gets the most compliments from strangers. That is sometimes awkward.


My youngest is stinking adorable! She has the cutest smile, made even cuter recently when she lost her first tooth. And her haircut, a chin length bob, just amps up her cute factor.



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My oldest is beautiful. She has super thick, slightly wavy, naturally highlighted blonde hair. Wonderfully tanned skin and BLUE eyes. Unfortunately, she has a poor attitude and it really taints the beauty. :(


Middle DD is awkward and has been since birth. She has limp, light brown hair, and horrible mouth structure.She has the most beautiful dark blue eyes. She has an amazing personality that really shines and she loves everyone and everything. I think that her personality makes her super cute and people always love to be around her.


DD#3 is also very aesthetically pleasing. She has gorgeous blonde hair, big blue eyes, perfectly straight teeth, beautiful skin tone, and she is tiny. She looks like the perfect little white kid. lol. She is quite the stinker though.


If it were on looks alone, oldest and littlest would be 'cutest'. On the over all package, even though she is awkward, middle DD is the cutest. :)

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