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for one DS. Of course, a fairly high percentage of that $500 is made up of products I buy that turn out to not work for DS, or that we grow tired of. So I'm always in the process of selling things that don't work out, while buying new things.


Not that I have a problem with being a curriculum junkie, oh no, not I!

Michelle T

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Dd is taking Honors English through Keystone ($400), Japanese and Anatomy through BYU ($350 total for those), and we pay $600 per year for tuition for musical theater, which is a large portion of her elective credits. Chalkdust algebra 2 was $400 but it can be used again for her younger brother. The other subjects probably total about $200 for books. Next year she'll start taking classes at the community college, so I doubt our costs will go down.

Ds is less...about $1200 for him this year, including theater classes.

Do other people include music lessons in 'school' expenses?

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I guess I have never really kept track :eek:

That's probably bad~LOL

I try to buy used mostly to keep costs down :)


But this next fall I plan on doing My Father's World which I figured out will cost around $390 plus I will have to buy Math U See for about $55 so not too bad for 2 kids~I think :)

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I've spent more than any of you so far. :o


I've spent almost $1100 on school books and curriculum for dd in gr.1. I keep a running tab so I always know what I've spent. $200 of that was shipping/duties/taxes to have curriculum shipped here for US. yuck.


The biggest chunks of money went to NOEO, Spalding, and various Religion books not available in Canada. Horizons 1 Math cost me $90 w/TM. yuck.


On top of that, we've put dd in choir ($400) and ballet classes ($450) and swimming lessons ($110) to supplement gym activity. I don't count those extras in my school expenses though, because likely we'd put her in them even if she was in ps.


Now, if you were to include the books that I've bought for myself this school year... that's a whole other amount. :p

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because my kids are two years apart, I use the books from my first for my second, so I only have to buy the workbook parts. For Saxon, we don't write in the book, so I don't have to buy it twice, etc.


I also use Paperbackswap for getting lots of books.


I'd guess around $300, not including field trips or books for me.

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Well, we have $1200 budgeted a year...just started that....last week. hee hee hee


I have not kept track in the past. My theory is I only have one shot at this. I am not going to skimp out because of lack of money but I feel I am a good hunter of deals when I need new things. :)


This thread is going to be very interesting.



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I have probably spent around $1200 per year but I usually buy things throughout the year which adds up. I have a Homeschool store about 30 minutes away so it is sooo easy to pick up a few new things now and then, IYKWIM.


As my oldest is using more textbooks, the cost has really shot up. However, I have three more coming along.

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What do you think your homeschool costs per year????


Wow- this should be fun to evaluate! :p


Good question! I'm going to list it out (this is in CDN$$):


Saxon Math @100$

Growing with Grammar @40$

Other lang. arts workbooks/books @50$

English from the Roots Up @40$ (included the card set)

Science program - free off internet and library

SOTW & AG @70$

Piano books @60$

Piano lessons - free because they're given by me

Artistic Pursuits & supplies @160$

Circle Round (pagan studies) @25$

Miscellaneous supplies to date @70$


Total of @615$


Hmm... that's more than I thought it would be, but then I did buy most things new this year, very few used things. I'll have to be a bit more frugal for grade 4, I guess! ;)

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I have a Homeschool store about 30 minutes away so it is sooo easy to pick up a few new things now and then, IYKWIM.




Oooo! I really wish I had a homeschool store anywhere nearby. It would be so nice to see things before buying. But, then maybe I'd be buying too much, too. :)

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A lot. I don't buy packaged curriculum, for the most part. Lots of books, though. And I spend and spend on extracurriculuar activities and our family's travel, which I consider very educational. We're a travelling family. My DH has conferences and such that we all tag along to, soaking up the sights and trying out restaurants.


Add that all together, and [ahem] it gets to be a lot.

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Less than $1000 last year for curriculum.More than half of that was for the books to supplement the workbooks,TM's,and the spines we use.$1000/year for dance for both children.$41/month for membership to the Y.Additional costs for field trips but I don't keep track of that.Additional costs for supplies that I also don't keep track of.Dh thinks we spend $4000/year.I was going to say I don't think it's that much but if I count the cost of gas to take the children places then it probably is.Maybe it's more.

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My costs have dropped this year because I now have access to the Hong Kong library. In previous years, Calvin received two new reading books every week all year; Hobbes read Calvin's old books.


Our extracurricular costs are relatively low: Chinese lessons are about USD 4 per hour; karate is USD 26 a month (one child, twice a week); tennis is around USD 15 per hour including court fees for the two to learn together.



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on 4 kids. TOG costs a fair chunk between the program and the books I buy to support it. I could probably buy less books, but I just can't help myself!!! We also pay for all four kids to take swimming lessons, art lessons, gymnastics and music lessons. That adds up fast! But even so, I figure that is a bargain when I compare the cost of sending 4 children to private school (public school will never be an option for us!)





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1. Bulk curriculum purchase so far each year: $600-$800

- includes maniplatives, educational games, visual aids, multi-media, curriculum support items, and art/craft supplies


2. Book purchases throughout the year: $50-70 each month, budgeted

- paying for shipment of swap books through Bookmooch.com

- ordering from Bookcloseouts.com and Amazon.com for deal$


3. School supplies, usually bought in bulk at Sam's Club: $200/yr

- includes printer supplies like toner/paper, bookshelves


4. Misc. "Isn't this a great price?", "Wow, we have to have that!" purchases: probably $200/yr if I would be willing to add it up


5. Gas, utilities, groceries that reflect homeschooling: savings vs. what we'd be spending if the kids went to school elsewhere



*We recently decided to buy more books since our youngest child will use the same ones so this has increased the book budget for 2008-2009 but will purchase books 4x a year based on a booklist, whereas before I was buying books without intentional direction. We'll save money (no more impulse buys) and time (no more waiting 8 weeks for a book from ILL) by doing this.

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*We recently decided to buy more books since our youngest child will use the same ones so this has increased the book budget for 2008-2009 but will purchase books 4x a year based on a booklist, whereas before I was buying books without intentional direction. We'll save money (no more impulse buys) and time (no more waiting 8 weeks for a book from ILL) by doing this.


Good point. We've been doing the same thing because it's so much easier than going to the library with four kids in tow.


I also forgot to include the resale value of the things that I buy. I said I spend $800 a year on books, but I think I'll make about $500 back selling the books used (that's the plan anyway!!).

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I budget $50 per month for homeschooling costs for 2 kids (6 1/2 and almost 9). This includes any curriculum items, as well as building our own home library. Ds is a voracious reader and will read books he likes over and over (and the library isn't close or convenient to run to a couple times a week).


Occasionally, I'll spend a little more than what's in the budget, but it's not often. This doesn't include piano lessons, which we just started, that will run about $40 a month.

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I spend on average $500 a year on curriculum for my 4 children. Then add $45 a year for PE.I don't count the $70 a month for violin($30 for 2 children) and guitar lessons (for 1 child)- which we are almost done with, and we would do anyways even if they were in school. Also, I go to library book sales to build our library and use for school so that is another $40 every 3 months, but again I am a book lover so I would probably do that even if not homeschooling. So anyways- less than $600 a year. WAY less than that this year! Maybe $200-$300.

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Ds 18..we are going through a private school that has a homeschool program.

So..$488 for tuition, $170 for books, $100 for football, tons more for gas:D

SAT books $50, SAT $48..Haven't got to the graduation gowns and stuff yet.

For him $856 so far.


Ds 11...

Grammar $30

History $25 plus another $60 since we changed

Spelling $20 plus another $15 since we changed

Math...$50 plus another $50 since we changed


Science $30


Dd 9...

Grammar..had just purchased worksheets $15

History $25..changed and used what I bought for ds

Spelling $20 changed to what I bought for ds


Latin..same as ds

Science...same as ds


So $415 for Ds and Dd, then I would say another $250 for supplies.


So grand total so far $1521:eek::eek::eek::

It is very possible that I spent a bit more, I didn't think I was spending that much! WOW, I really need to keep track of what I spend for the up coming year.


So far I have spent for the up coming year...zero out of pocket, I have been using the money from selling unused curriculum.

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My children are elementary ages. Our local classical school is $5,500 per child in the elementary school. It isn't a long established school and the teachers aren't all accredited. That said, I look around at the wonderful home library we have developed already. We have so many resources for art, music, and science. We have many books, puzzles, educational games, building toys, manipulatives and dvds. I know we spend a lot on home education, but rather than paying out the tuition with nothing else to show for it - we have a warm, wonderful learning environment!


We would still pay out for activities if they were in school, so I don't count that. So, our budget is 2,000 and I usually spend about $1,000 - $1,300, but that has filled our home with literature and many other learning things for the last 4 years. I know as they get older their actual curriculums will eat more of that budget also.

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the cost. Are we talking music lessons included? With 7 kids, well, I guess it is still less than private school.


Just for one taking music it is over a $1000 a year, and one is dyslexic so I have had to either pay for tutoring or get trained myself. this will be over a thousand just for his reading and spelling program. eeek.


I am not going to keep going , it might get scary... It is also scary that I am still a worm(larvae) I hate thinking of it. I want to post just so I can get to be a decent working bee. But I don't know how everyone has the time to post so much?!



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On actual homeschooling:


R&S math 30

Grammar 30

Reading 50


Thinking skills books....$75



Total Texts: $200


Dance/Gymnastics: $300

Co-op $600


Miscellaneous school supplies: 250 (2 laser print cartridges per year included)


Being in control of my children's education....PRICELESS :D

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Last year we spent about $1400, this year will be about $1500 I think, with tax and shipping and handling included. This is what we are looking at buying...


History (Biblioplan) $300 or more

Resource Books (for all)


Geography $85

Knowlege Quest State Book (oldest 2)


Science $80

Exploring Creation With Zoology (all)


Foreign Language $378 for both programs

Tell Me More Spanish (oldest 2)

Latin for Children (all)


Math $210

Teaching Textbooks (oldest)

Abeka (youngest 2)


Language/Grammar $214

Analytical Grammar/Jr (older 2)

Wordly Wise (older 2)

Abeka (youngest)


Logic $22

Fallacy Detective or Thinking Toolbox (oldest)


We will also buy some literature books, computer textbook for Microsoft Office, ect. This does not include how much we spend a year in piano lessons, sports, or field trips. Sometimes I cringe at how much we spend...but I am not creative enough...and frankly to lazy to do it a cheaper way. I also remind DH that $1500 would not pay for 2 months of private school for all three girls.





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