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What's on your Christmas list?

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Well, I might not have to come up w/ a list after all. Dh is talking about having a new plasma tv be our joint gift. I hardly even watch any tv (neither does he, actually) but he never, never, never wants anything or buys anything for himself so I would be pleased that we could get something he wants!

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I...don't know.


We're finally not entirely broke, and I might actually get a present,* but I'm having a hard time getting out of that mindset.


I have a long wishlist of sewing books and patterns.

Oh! My camera is a dinosaur. People laugh at it in disbelief. A camera would be good.




* I did get a present last year. And I like it.

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A camera. A DSLR with lenses. It'll be a lot of money and I go between being so excited about getting one that I'm giddy, to feeling sick at the amount of money it costs.


DH and I usually spend about $40 on each other for Christmas (sometimes $100), so to ask for a $1000+ gift feels CRAZY. But I oh-so want this camera. I guess every 19 years of marriage, I can splurge on something insanely expensive. Right?!?

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I like the basement idea, from my dh (just his stuff) and adding on the extra room and garage for my birthday.


We exchange names on both sides of the family so I have to be prepared with a list of low to mid cost things.


So far I have:



buff headband (black or blue)

wool tights

popover pan

cake stand

pasta maker (manual roller)

digital food thermometer

herb plant-rosemary or sage

itunes gift card


money toward tennis shoes or knee-length boots


and if my mother is asking a homemade apron (my design).

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A camera. A DSLR with lenses. It'll be a lot of money and I go between being so excited about getting one that I'm giddy, to feeling sick at the amount of money it costs.


DH and I usually spend about $40 on each other for Christmas (sometimes $100), so to ask for a $1000+ gift feels CRAZY. But I oh-so want this camera. I guess every 19 years of marriage, I can splurge on something insanely expensive. Right?!?


If you can afford it, no guilt is necessary... And the economy will only get worse if everyone hoards all of their expendable income. Look at it as helping the economy :D.

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Well, I might not have to come up w/ a list after all. Dh is talking about having a new plasma tv be our joint gift. I hardly even watch any tv (neither does he, actually) but he never, never, never wants anything or buys anything for himself so I would be pleased that we could get something he wants!


Yup, sounds like he has picked out *his* present. :)


Honestly, I usually buy my own presents, wrap them, and surprise dh on Christmas day with what he got me. Sounds like you're gonna need to do that too. Maybe you need an ipad to connect to that tv and an amazon prime account? :)

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We wont exchange gifts, but in my dreams....


My sewing machine serviced. I am an avid sewer and it is having fits!


My wedding ring replaced. I am allergic to nickel and the allergy has gotten worse with each pregnancy. I can no longer wear my wedding set (have not been able to for 4 years). I would like the band replaced with platinum-same diamond, no upgrades. I'm simple like that!:lol:


A new-to-us set of cars (big dreaming:lol:) Sick of the old beaters and one nice car that is too small! I would like a suburban with 4wheel drive and the 3 rows of seats for hauling family and cargo and winter driving. I would like a newer mini-van with the latch system and those doors that open with the key fob for daily family driving in good weather. And I would like a small good gas mileage car for DH to commute to work in. No big deal right;)?


My basement finished (huge dreams:lol:) complete with a schoolroom, storage room, playroom, and guest suite.


A housekeeper!


Of course we have no money to spend, so I'll just keep dreaming! :tongue_smilie:

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We wont exchange gifts, but in my dreams....


My sewing machine serviced. I am an avid sewer and it is having fits!


My wedding ring replaced. I am allergic to nickel and the allergy has gotten worse with each pregnancy. I can no longer wear my wedding set (have not been able to for 4 years). I would like the band replaced with platinum-same diamond, no upgrades. I'm simple like that!:lol:


A new-to-us set of cars (big dreaming:lol:) Sick of the old beaters and one nice car that is too small! I would like a suburban with 4wheel drive and the 3 rows of seats for hauling family and cargo and winter driving. I would like a newer mini-van with the latch system and those doors that open with the key fob for daily family driving in good weather. And I would like a small good gas mileage car for DH to commute to work in. No big deal right;)?


My basement finished (huge dreams:lol:) complete with a schoolroom, storage room, playroom, and guest suite.


A housekeeper!


Of course we have no money to spend, so I'll just keep dreaming! :tongue_smilie:


I like the way you dream! Well maybe if you can just get the sewing machine fixed ($90?), then that will let you earn some money by sewing to pay for the new rings. And then of course with your business established, the remodling of the basement will be a business expense (your new sewing area!). And then you'll be able to afford the housekeeper with all those profits. And then your dh will want a new car to advertise with your logo.


Back to reality. Hope you get at least something you wanted. We usually do, it's just a matter of WHEN. :)

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a metronome. one of the 'real' ones, with the thing that goes back and forth - not a little electronic beeping one.

candles. (excitement)

wallflowers from B&BW (more excitement)

the 'partridge in a pear tree' ornament from hallmark (actually, he already 'got me' that one - we were at the store getting the kids' ornaments last week and he grabbed that one and put it on the counter with those while I paid. Yeah, real smooth... :lol: So it was a birthday present, apparently, and I can go ahead and put it on the tree this year... :lol: )

new purse cover (I have the skirt purse from Thirty-One)

clips for my bracelet (pandora)

clothes. Which, from DH, would come in the form of money or gift cards. Which is totally cool with me. :D

oh, and an immersion blender.

ETA: I could also use some new sheets. And if I could have absolutely anything - an iPad. :D But that is out of the question.

Edited by PeacefulChaos
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Iphone! Got it today! Early Christmas!


I also would really like to get a beater/scraper for my KitchenAid mixer and this thing I saw at BBB that you put on the counter top and it helps the dishes dry faster.




I've been wanting to make one of those. Is it microfibre? The one I saw locally was. Right now I just use a bath towel, so boring.

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I would like my family to get along for one day. By that, though, I mean really get along, not just pretend to do so or avoid outright conflict so as to humor me.


I would like my son to treat me as though he likes me. For one day. As though he has any kind of faith that I am a reasonable, caring, capable, intelligent person, rather than a vindictive harpy who is out to get him all the time.


I would like to go to the beach, by myself or maybe with my dog, and sit on the sand and watch the waves for hours without feeling guilty about ignoring anyone else's needs.


I would like to come home after that and not have everyone assume I'm all better now and can immediately go back to the way things were before I left the house.


I'm sure I'll get some very nice "stuff," but it won't be any of the things I really want.


(Can you tell I had an icky day?)

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I would like my family to get along for one day. By that, though, I mean really get along, not just pretend to do so or avoid outright conflict so as to humor me.


I would like my son to treat me as though he likes me. For one day. As though he has any kind of faith that I am a reasonable, caring, capable, intelligent person, rather than a vindictive harpy who is out to get him all the time.


I would like to go to the beach, by myself or maybe with my dog, and sit on the sand and watch the waves for hours without feeling guilty about ignoring anyone else's needs.


I would like to come home after that and not have everyone assume I'm all better now and can immediately go back to the way things were before I left the house.


I'm sure I'll get some very nice "stuff," but it won't be any of the things I really want.


(Can you tell I had an icky day?)


:grouphug: I had an icky day, too. Three separate "discussions" (he insists they were not "arguments", although I beg to differ) with Aspie 15yo. Oy.



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