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What does your tooth fairy do with baby teeth?

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At our house, the TF kept them for awhile. Then realizing with four kids, she had no idea to whom they originally belonged and began to get grossed out a bit. So those all went, uh, to tooth heaven.


Now the TF leaves her money and the tooth behind. That way said kid can keep or toss, but it is no longer my, I mean, her responsibility.

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We keep them in a marked envelope so we'll know which teeth came from which kid. We're planning to incorporate them into some kind of "leaving childhood behind" ceremony later on when they're 12 or whatever age it is that they lose the last milk teeth (throw them off a cliff? plant them? not really sure lol).


That book looks great Stacia

Edited by Hotdrink
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Throw them out? Save them? Make a necklace? Bedazzle a phone?


I did save some from my first two, it seems. They keep popping up in odd places! I'll be cleaning out a drawer or old boxes and find some baby teeth in a little baggy.


What was I thinking?

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I've saved all of them. I have a separate container for each kid. It was very helpful when my oldest lost a tooth at Schlitterbahn and had a cow because she needed it for the tooth fairy. She forgot about it until we got home that evening. guess what? When I shook out her swimsuit, her tooth was inside of it. Can you imagine that? That's why I save teeth.

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My dh was very specific on what he wanted to do. I am not sure why though. He puts them in little baggies and writes the date they were lost for each child. My dd has swallowed 2 of the 4 teeth she has lost so we have the paper ones that were made as replacements.

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I did save some from my first two, it seems. They keep popping up in odd places! I'll be cleaning out a drawer or old boxes and find some baby teeth in a little baggy.


What was I thinking?



I did the same thing! So I finally just tossed all the big kids' baby teeth.


Since then, however, little bit is starting the fallout, and another poster here once stated that it would be a good idea to keep at least one baby tooth around in case, heaven forbid, you needed a DNA match for your missing child. So, I'll keep a couple, in another ziploc, but at least I'll know who it belongs to!

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We suspect that they are actually thrown away, but the TF answered a note once asking this very question. In her response, she claimed that the baby TFs, the ones in training, build forts out of the collected teeth. Coincidentally, my kids were into a fort-buildling phase at the time.



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If you ever plan to do Apologia Anatomy and Physiology, you will need one for the experiment in which you soak a tooth in Coke. Fortunately, we had the Nature's Workshop kit, and it included a humongous tooth from some animal I would never, ever want to meet coming around a corner.



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We have all of DS's that have fallen out in a small vase on a shelf and when the last baby tooth falls out, apparently the TF leaves not only the $ for the tooth, but a small box with all previous teeth for DS to do with as he wishes. At least that's the plan at the moment.

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