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What are "must haves" for twins?

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So. . .I'm sitting at my desk and I should be writing our planner pages for this week, but I'm "window shopping" instead!


I'm 24 weeks pregnant with twins and everyone keeps asking me what I need/want?

I actually have no idea!:confused:


I know I need another carseat, and probably some newborn clothes (which I don't have ANY of), probably another bouncy seat.


What do you consider must haves?

A super awesome nursing pillow for twins?

A magical book that will teach me how to schedule them?;)



-Have I mentioned how annoying it is that there is almost NO selection in gender neutral baby clothes?:banghead:

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A double stroller. Wait, you have a one year old...a stroller that will hold 3? (Actually, my first born was only 1 when my twins were born. She spent a lot of time riding in/on the back of the stroller. It had a basket under it where she tended to hang out.)


At my house, two infant swings and two bouncy saucers! Those things kept my sanity.


And diapers. Lots and lots of diapers.

Edited by Lolly
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Here are my top picks for twins:


-2 carseats

-Double Snap & Go stroller

-2 baby carriers (I love my Ergos)

-2 swings (my twins loved being in swings but I know others who prefer bouncy seats so it kind of depends on your kiddos)

-Breast pump (I exclusively breastfeed but I used my pump to help build my supply, or when I had to be away from them)

-Boppy (normal one)

-somewhere for them to sleep if not co-sleeping :001_smile:

-recliner or somewhere else very comfortable to sit while nursing, you're going to be spending a lot of time there :lol:!


I personally didn't like the double nursing pillows. They were so wide I couldn't get comfortable no matter how I positioned myself. What I did was sit in my recliner with a Boppy around me. Then used various pillows and blankets to get everyone positioned. Worked great for us!


Hope you are feeling well and are enjoying your pregnancy!



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We had a triple stroller, and four swings -- (we borrowed two of them). we kept two on the bedroom level and two on the main level -- we used swings ALOT when the twins were 4 mos old.


We had three high chairs (dd was 19 mos when the twins were born).


We had a triple baby jogger, a double baby jogger and a single baby jogger -- all gifts from me to me.


We had two bjorn carriers. Three carseats. One pack and play. Two kick and play thing toys. Two or three baby monitors.


A crib for each which brought the total to three cribs.


Oh, and a 'changing' station on the main and bedroom levels -- bedroom level had a dressing table -- main level changing station was in the laundry/mud room -- and very well organized.


I have to go take a xanax -- I am having flashback! :lol:

Edited by MariannNOVA
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We had a triple stroller, and four swings -- (we borrowed two of them). we kept two on the bedroom level and two on the main level -- we used swings ALOT when the twins were 4 mos old.


We had three high chairs (dd was 19 mos when the twins were born).


We had a triple baby jogger, a double baby jogger and a single baby jogger -- all gifts from me to me.


We had two bjorn carriers. Three carseats. One pack and play. Two kick and play thing toys. Two or three baby monitors.


A crib for each which brought the total to three cribs.


I have to go take a xanax -- I am having flashback! :lol:


:lol::lol: Too funny. I can't even imagine.

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Honestly, other than double of a couple of things like carseats, there wasn't anything other than the double stroller. And you don't need twice the clothes (maybe 1.5 the amount of clothes for a newborn?). I was given two twin specific nursing pillows but I found the boppy to be better. There are some baby products I wish I had known about in retrospect, but nothing twin specific. I'm thinking that anyone with a few others under her belt will have an idea of what she wants.


Good luck! Twins is great! (mostly... eventually...)

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Food. Stockpiles of frozen dinners to take out of the freezer and pop into the oven. If I had been smart, I would have started cooking right around where you are now.


Help. And the presence of mind to accept it when it's offered.


A breast pump and bottles with those inserts (do they still have those?) - even though you plan to breastfeed, it is kind of nice to have some help, especially in the middle of the night when you are completely exhausted. Frozen breast milk is a lovely thing.



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2 car seats.

2 swings.

2 bouncy chairs.

2 high chairs.

2 cribs.

triple stroller since you have a one year old.

start making extra meals and freezing them soon, because you won't have time to cook later.

Bottles, for breast milk or formula. One of my twins had reflux and I could not feed both at once- needed both hands for her! This way you could have help feeding them if you need it.

Lots and lots of diapers, in at least 2 sizes- they will wake up one morning and not fit into the smaller size anymore!

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Have you read the book Mothering Multiples? It was a huge help to me.

I did love my double nursing pillow, I used a boppy in the beginning but once they were past the tiny newborn stage, the twin nursing pillow worked much better. Multiple bouncy seats in different parts of the house were very helpful too.

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Food. Stockpiles of frozen dinners to take out of the freezer and pop into the oven. If I had been smart, I would have started cooking right around where you are now.


Help. And the presence of mind to accept it when it's offered.




Cannot believe I forget to mention what is in red above. Especially the food. I started cooking and freezing at about 20 weeks. At 26 weeks or so I was on and off bedrest -- mostly on. When my mom had 'duty' while I was on bedrest (and that was usually the weekends) she would spend the ENTIRE time in my kitchen cooking and freezing. She would send dh to the supermarket frist thing saturday a.m., and she would be busy all weekend. She was in her glory! My mom lives to do stuff like that. A half dozen weekends with my mom cooking like that, the weeks beforehand with me cooking (5 days a week - maybe 4 or 5 meals popped into the freezer a day), and add in the first couple of weeks home from the hospital when our wonderful neighbors (we lived in NJ at the time) organized three weeks of meals being delivered to our door at dinner time -- SEVEN days a week - well, the twins were born the end of october and


I think that in February and March we were still into our freezer stockpile. It was a huge thing. Especially the last few weeks of pregnancy -- we were able (b/c I was on bedrest) to dip into the freezer stockpile and not be concerned b/c there was so much.


And, I am not one to accept help even when it is offered, BUT I had to learn to do that. And, dh was home for the first 4 weeks after the twins were born, but I needed help long after that. Learning to say yes was a difficult thing for me. But even if my mom and a friend of hers came to visit and each held an infant for a couple of hours, it gave me a couple of hours to nap with dd19 mos, or play with her, or read to her or just sit quietly with her.......or glory of glories, take a shower.


It's only a three letter word -- if you need to, start practicing now.;):grouphug:

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Extra help with the twins once they start to begin to walk -- there is a reason why some twins are called the "Dynamic Duo"! They can destroy a room in seconds or toys go AWOL. You will need lots of rest too. I'd seriously think of a mommy helper for cleaning or laundry in the first few weeks.

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Our Mountain Buggy Urban double stroller was indispensable. All-terrain and turns on a dime. I will caution against orange, though, if you'd like to get through the grocery store without being stopped multiple times per aisle.


I really love the Elise chaise from PBKids I bought as my "exclusive" nursing nest, too. ;)


Otherwise, we really went the other way with the boys. I slung them together in a Maya wrap when they were very wee. We had a changing pad on an antique vanity upstairs but, really, we changed them on the living room floor more often and kept a basket of diapers on top of the tv. Two massive high chairs took up too much room in our dining room, so we went with collapsible booster seats.


Oh... A diaper sprayer for the downstairs bathroom was awesome but more because - no lie - they did not potty train until they were almost 4 1/2!! (I was really beginning to think they would be those non-existent children who go off to college still in diapers.)

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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well, the twins were born the end of october and


I think that in February and March we were still into our freezer stockpile. It was a huge thing. Especially the last few weeks of pregnancy -- we were able (b/c I was on bedrest) to dip into the freezer stockpile and not be concerned b/c there was so much.


WOW! This is really impressive...so, so smart because you never know when or if you will be on bedrest...and to have meals past the first few weeks that your friends bring them...fabulous. YOU MUST DO THIS!


We got away with having one crib for about 3 months, so if you don't get a second one right away it's no biggie, you've got a little time. Double strollers are essential...if you want to leave your house. You can get away with leaving one in the infant seat and carrying one on a front carrier...but only for short outings.


Other than what's already been mentioned I can only think of a few other things mostly pertaining to diapers. If you plan on using disposables you could start stocking up now on various sizes. Also, if you have a Diaper Genie...it will not handle the load (Ha!) and you will go broke buying the refills. You need a Diaper Champ. You can use your own kitchen trash bags, it holds way more, and I thought it was better at sealing in the smell. It's also way quicker to use...no twisting, twisting, twisting...just insert, flip the handle, done.


Oh, yes, I almost forgot. Showers are elusive...so for the days that I didn't get a shower or didn't get one until late...the inexpensive body sprays at Bath and Body works were wonderful. It really helped me feel a little more presentable and was a great mood lifter to smell nice amongst the chaos.


Wishing you the very best in your pregancy.:grouphug:

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My SIL nursed twins at once with a My Bre@st Friend pillow.

I used that pillow to nurse our twins until they were 23 months old. They are nine, and they still remember nursing on it, holding hands. I loved it! A friend of mine recently had twins and prefers a boppy or nothing, so ymmv.


Ditto to the above advice on other equipment, food, and help. We had our teenaged nieces come and stay with us for a month after they were born. It helped a lot.


And one more thing - I wish I had been more careful about sugar before and just after our twins were born. The twins and I ended up with a terrible case of thrush. They were our 5th and 6th, and I had never had thrush before. The same thing happened to a friend of mine who had twins after several singletons. I'm not sure if avoiding sugar would have helped, but it was not a good thing for me to indulge in all of those desserts people brought with the meals.





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[ And, dh was home for the first 4 weeks after the twins were born, but I needed help long after that.


I'm SO jealous! My dh was only home for like 4 days! Before they were a week old, I was on solo night duty. I think it took years off my life!


A double stroller is necessary, and two swings. We used the swings a lot.

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Swings swings swings swings swings.


Did I say swings? Yep, good thing is, you only need 'em for a few months, they now come in compact sizes, and usually easy to borrow or find gently used on craigslist.


Later, after they are able to sit up, two pack-n-plays. My kiddos *loved* having their own, near-each-other-but-separate safe play places. Two sessions a day, ranging from 20 minutes to half hour to forty five if they are content, will allow you to do some other tasks in the morning and get supper cooked in the evening while knowing the babes are safe and occupied. I know some folks think play "pens" are awful, but used judiciously, they are wonderful tools.


Turn on your "yes" button. Learn how to accept offers of help. Learn how to ASK for help. If anyone, anytime, ever asks if they can bring you a meal, say yes. You can always stick in the freezer if you don't need it when they are able to bring it, and you will be truly grateful for it some day down the road.


Get yourself a couple of "uniforms" together. Seriously, a few nice exercise/yoga pant/warm up outfits, hung on a hook in your closet, can be your go-to wardrobe when you get busy and don't need to think about what to wear. Also, I have always said that moms of twins should have something akin to lab coats they can wear at feeding time, when introducing solids. I might just be a clutz but I always seemed to come away from feeding time more smeared with cereal and veggies than the kids themselves!


Oh, you are going to have fun, fun, fun! It will be crazy and HARD at first, but it gets easier!

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The biggest "thing" I needed in the early days was sleep and someone to hold a crying baby while I held the other. If you can line up help (mother, friend, husband off work, church group, etc.) to come and hold a baby or two while you rest it would be very helpful. Others have mentioned freezer meals and I'd agree with that too. The first few months with twins are often the hardest if it's just one adult on two anyway.


Once the boys got a little older two bouncy chairs helped here. Mine weren't swing guys though and I can see how it might be reversed. We had one swing and it was rarely used. Think about mobility with the three young ones and pick the best stroller or combination stroller/wrap or etc. to be able to go on a walk with relative ease. It gets fun!

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I agree with most of what everyone else has suggested, but the biggie for me was a pack n play that had a bassinet and changing table. They slept in the bassinet part of it in the living room for a couple of weeks and then still took naps in it a lot after that. I kept it in the living room for several months because it made diaper changes so much easier. I could lay them both in the bassinet part and then one at a time change them on the changing table. (I never used a changing table with my older kids, but adored having this one.)

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My neighbor has triplets, and she says she gets the best deals in diapers through Babies R Us. Not sure how she swings it (uh, maybe they have specials for parents of multiples?).


She and her husband have a beautiful system worked out. They tag-team the care of their triplets (their only children--the kids are about 20 months old now). One parent is always on the watch, and sometimes both, and if one has to leave for a moment (to chase down one of the kids or something), they always signal the other to keep track of the kids until they get back. It's really amazing to see this family. It's exhausting to see them!


Heavenly Father, bless that this is just ONE baby I'm carrying! (I've had only twin dreams so far this pregnancy.)

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Yikes! I already have two of quite a few things just from having two "sets" of kids. My youngest is 2 now. . .so I really should update my siggy. I already have a double stroller but would love one where the seats snap in easily.


I'm so going to look into the mothering multiples book.


And food? ACK! I know I should start now, but um well, I already feel so uncomfortable. . .I need to get motivated!


My mom who had said before she didn't want to come till summer, offered to fly out and stay for the month of February! My big brother and sister were twins so I think she has some sympathy for how hard this is going to be. My mom-in-law is coming in January to cook for my freezer and then coming back in March. I feel so spoiled.:001_smile:


I use cloth diapers, so I should probably get another dozen or so to supplement my stash. . .but I'm so thinking I should have a good amount of disposables on hand just in case.


You guys really think the swings are necessary? I have one and none of my kids really loved it all that much. They were bigger fans of the vibrating bouncy seat. . .or me carrying them around.


I will need another crib at some point. I have just one. . .and my daughter is still sleeping in it. She's very "busy", so I'd like to keep her contained a while longer.;) But I do have 2 pack and plays with the upper bassinet part. I'm hopeful to use those for awhile.


I've got a super awesome breastpump, but I'm pretty sure I have no bottles.:confused: I really hate those things. . .even though I know they're good to have as a back up.

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My neighbor has triplets, and she says she gets the best deals in diapers through Babies R Us. Not sure how she swings it (uh, maybe they have specials for parents of multiples?).


She and her husband have a beautiful system worked out. They tag-team the care of their triplets (their only children--the kids are about 20 months old now). One parent is always on the watch, and sometimes both, and if one has to leave for a moment (to chase down one of the kids or something), they always signal the other to keep track of the kids until they get back. It's really amazing to see this family. It's exhausting to see them!


Heavenly Father, bless that this is just ONE baby I'm carrying! (I've had only twin dreams so far this pregnancy.)


Holy MOOSE! Triplets! I can't even imagine. How do I say this?

I'm just not "equipped" to feed them. I can't imagine how it's done??

And man. . .that's a lot of diapers!

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2 car seats.

2 swings.

2 bouncy chairs.

2 high chairs.

2 cribs.



Other than the obvious car seats, we didn't have two of any of those things and we never found we needed them. We had one swing, which didn't last. We had one bouncy chair that didn't get much use. And we really didn't need two cribs.


So... I'm not trying to say those things are unneeded, but I think a lot depends on how you parent and how your babes turn out. In that sense, I think it's better to hold out and not drop down too much on the gear. But that's just me.


A third arm. :D


Well, yeah. I used to wish I was an Indian goddess.


I was back working (teaching part time) by the time my twins were about 4 months and at a school "no talent" show my trick once was to pick them up from their blanket on the floor at the same time, one hand on each one. I got a standing ovation. :lol:

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If it were me:


1. A sling http://www.taylormadeslings.com/

2. The number of an IBCLC lactation consultant

3. The number of an OB who routinely delivers twins naturally

4. cloth diapers

5. A co-sleeper or a second bed next to my bed for co-sleeping

6. A small stroller (big ones are a curse) for the other baby to ride in when the other is in the sling

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Our precious twins are now 3 1/2 MONTHS!

I have to agree with the rocker/recliner chair.


we have a glider in our bedroom and we bought with twin money- two recliners (one rocks) for our main living area. One for me, one for DH.




We are still living in them and I was in mine for over a month at the end.


We got LaZ Boys recliners and that lumbar support is no joke.


I could barely walk at the end of my pregnancy- from at least 34 weeks on and I didn't deliver until 40 weeks 1 day. I would hobble to the recliner, sit in it for awhile, get up and be able to walk again.


I am still in it ALL. THE. TIME. nursing. I love it.


We have two swings, only use one. We do use our two bouncers all the time and I now wish we had two bumbo seats- we only have one.


Two play pens.


Two cribs.


Of course two car seats. and we love the snap and go double.


Hope this helps,


O. Yes. The food and the help. Especially for me, I had a c-section and I am still not all the way recovered. :(




Edited by Rebecca
just wrote 3 1/2 (that would be months NOT years...)
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The biggest "thing" I needed in the early days was sleep and someone to hold a crying baby while I held the other. If you can line up help (mother, friend, husband off work, church group, etc.) to come and hold a baby or two while you rest it would be very helpful.



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There are already lots of great suggestions, but I will second the triple stroller and the twin nursing pillow from my own experience.


I also wanted to let you know that there are a lot of great freebies and special offers for moms of twins to sign up for if you havent already. I can't remember the website that listed all the offers, but I'm sure you could just google it. It's always nice getting free stuff in the mailbox!

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We had a double and triple stroller. Used the double a lot more. (odd was 2)

At least 2 bouncers, 2 saucers, 2 high chairs, 2 swings, 2 pack n plays, 2 baby carriers.


We honestly had 3 saucers and 3 swings, but we have a large house w/ 3 living areas that we spend a lot of time in...


Anything to make your life easier.... We started with one of most things- thinking we would rotate/share things-- but kept buying more because we felt we needed it at the time.

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Yikes! I already have two of quite a few things just from having two "sets" of kids. My youngest is 2 now. . .so I really should update my siggy. I already have a double stroller but would love one where the seats snap in easily.


I'm so going to look into the mothering multiples book.


And food? ACK! I know I should start now, but um well, I already feel so uncomfortable. . .I need to get motivated!


My mom who had said before she didn't want to come till summer, offered to fly out and stay for the month of February! My big brother and sister were twins so I think she has some sympathy for how hard this is going to be. My mom-in-law is coming in January to cook for my freezer and then coming back in March. I feel so spoiled.:001_smile:


I use cloth diapers, so I should probably get another dozen or so to supplement my stash. . .but I'm so thinking I should have a good amount of disposables on hand just in case.


You guys really think the swings are necessary? I have one and none of my kids really loved it all that much. They were bigger fans of the vibrating bouncy seat. . .or me carrying them around.


I will need another crib at some point. I have just one. . .and my daughter is still sleeping in it. She's very "busy", so I'd like to keep her contained a while longer.;) But I do have 2 pack and plays with the upper bassinet part. I'm hopeful to use those for awhile.


I've got a super awesome breastpump, but I'm pretty sure I have no bottles.:confused: I really hate those things. . .even though I know they're good to have as a back up.


Well see, I never had a vibrating bouncy seat. Mine did prefer me carrying them around, but with 3 under 3 that just wasn't a very reliable option.:lol: Nothing is a necessity. It will really just depend on your babies as to what they like. Me, after the NICU stage, I never needed a breastpump. I have no idea how a mom of twins would have the time or energy to store extra in the fridge! (It seems like someone was always attached doing that job personally.) Some people will not leave the house with that many littles, so they don't really need the double stroller. If you have carseats, you may want to just wait to double up on things until you find out what those babies prefer to do. Seems we started off with one of everything and added on as we went.

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Yikes! I already have two of quite a few things just from having two "sets" of kids. My youngest is 2 now. . .so I really should update my siggy. I already have a double stroller but would love one where the seats snap in easily.


I'm so going to look into the mothering multiples book.


And food? ACK! I know I should start now, but um well, I already feel so uncomfortable. . .I need to get motivated!


My mom who had said before she didn't want to come till summer, offered to fly out and stay for the month of February! My big brother and sister were twins so I think she has some sympathy for how hard this is going to be. My mom-in-law is coming in January to cook for my freezer and then coming back in March. I feel so spoiled.:001_smile:


I use cloth diapers, so I should probably get another dozen or so to supplement my stash. . .but I'm so thinking I should have a good amount of disposables on hand just in case.


You guys really think the swings are necessary? I have one and none of my kids really loved it all that much. They were bigger fans of the vibrating bouncy seat. . .or me carrying them around.


I will need another crib at some point. I have just one. . .and my daughter is still sleeping in it. She's very "busy", so I'd like to keep her contained a while longer.;) But I do have 2 pack and plays with the upper bassinet part. I'm hopeful to use those for awhile.


I've got a super awesome breastpump, but I'm pretty sure I have no bottles.:confused: I really hate those things. . .even though I know they're good to have as a back up.


I kinda agree with you. I am reading the list of everybody's must haves and realize I don't have inclination for all that stuff even for 1 much less 2.


I would get a cosleeper (or full size crib with a side removed) for next to your bed to make night time easier. If you really need bottles you can get those later.


So evaluate your parenting style and go from there.


My list of needs for my singletons, is cloth diapers, humanity bed pillow (good will find), baby carriers, and me. I never figured out bobbies, my kids get changed on my bed, floor or couch. We had a booster chair the reclined and no high chair. Bouncer and swings never impressed my children and I was glad I didn't invest in them.


I would probably think about a comfy recliner if I was nursing two.


Enjoy your double blessing.

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My twins are OLD- 29 - but I remember these things were so helpful:


2 swings

A comfortable recliner- There were days in the beginning when I spent a LOT of time in that chair nursing them.

A double stroller- it SAVED my sanity. I could be mobile.

2 highchairs

LOTS of receiving blankets.


OH, Oh Oh!- for night time, I always put them in 'night gowns'- I guess that's what you'd call them- instead of sleepers. It was so much easier to just pull the drawstring tight than to try to match snaps in the dark and when I was so sleepy.


ENJOY. We wish we'd been able to have another set of twins.

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I kinda agree with you. I am reading the list of everybody's must haves and realize I don't have inclination for all that stuff even for 1 much less 2.


I would get a cosleeper (or full size crib with a side removed) for next to your bed to make night time easier. If you really need bottles you can get those later.


So evaluate your parenting style and go from there.


My list of needs for my singletons, is cloth diapers, humanity bed pillow (good will find), baby carriers, and me. I never figured out bobbies, my kids get changed on my bed, floor or couch. We had a booster chair the reclined and no high chair. Bouncer and swings never impressed my children and I was glad I didn't invest in them.


I would probably think about a comfy recliner if I was nursing two.


Enjoy your double blessing.


Yeah, except some things are not possible with twins no matter what your parenting style is. I am the most attachment parenting mom of newborns ever, but...take a journey with me lol:


"Oh I don't need a double stroller...I'll just sling one and push our single stroller with the other!"


That works until the first time you need to switch which baby you're holding because the one in the stroller is screaming and you're by yourself. Then it's remove content baby from sling, lay sling down on dirty mall floor, lay baby down, take screaming baby out of stroller, lay screaming baby down on sling on dirty mall floor, pick up content baby (now not so content), place in stroller, pick up screaming baby (now screaming louder), pick up sling, try to put sling back on while juggling screaming baby and rocking stroller so not-so-content baby doesn't start screaming, shove screaming baby into sling, wonder why you ever left the house with infant twins...


"Oh, I'll just cosleep with my babies like I did all my others!"


That works until you realize that when you cosleep with one baby, you hold him in your arm and curl around him, always aware of his breathing, but that this is impossible with twins, because one will have your back to him, and when that one needs to nurse back to sleep, you will have to disentangle sleeping baby from your arm to roll over and nurse other baby, which wakes sleeping baby, which means you can forget about any sleep tonight.


"Oh, I don't want those huge annoying car seats that remove from the base...I wish people would carry their babies in their arms!"


Which is fine except for when you realize that this means you can never carry both twins in from the car at the same time. EVER.


"Oh, why would I need a changing station?! I can just change them wherever like I did with all my others!"


That works until you realize that EVERY. SECOND. IS. PRECIOUS. when you have newborn twins, and being able to have everything together and change a baby quickly is more important than you ever thought possible.


"Oh, why would I need a nursing pillow? I never needed one before."


Because nursing two is entirely different!


Seriously, though, I made things much harder on myself because I tried to parent my twins like I had my other babies and it just wasn't possible. I felt so much guilt that they weren't getting what the other babies had. So, there are special twin considerations, despite parenting style. :001_smile:

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Yeah, except some things are not possible with twins no matter what your parenting style is. I am the most attachment parenting mom of newborns ever, but...take a journey with me lol:


"Oh I don't need a double stroller...I'll just sling one and push our single stroller with the other!"


That works until the first time you need to switch which baby you're holding because the one in the stroller is screaming and you're by yourself. Then it's remove content baby from sling, lay sling down on dirty mall floor, lay baby down, take screaming baby out of stroller, lay screaming baby down on sling on dirty mall floor, pick up content baby (now not so content), place in stroller, pick up screaming baby (now screaming louder), pick up sling, try to put sling back on while juggling screaming baby and rocking stroller so not-so-content baby doesn't start screaming, shove screaming baby into sling, wonder why you ever left the house with infant twins...


"Oh, I'll just cosleep with my babies like I did all my others!"


That works until you realize that when you cosleep with one baby, you hold him in your arm and curl around him, always aware of his breathing, but that this is impossible with twins, because one will have your back to him, and when that one needs to nurse back to sleep, you will have to disentangle sleeping baby from your arm to roll over and nurse other baby, which wakes sleeping baby, which means you can forget about any sleep tonight.


"Oh, I don't want those huge annoying car seats that remove from the base...I wish people would carry their babies in their arms!"


Which is fine except for when you realize that this means you can never carry both twins in from the car at the same time. EVER.


"Oh, why would I need a changing station?! I can just change them wherever like I did with all my others!"


That works until you realize that EVERY. SECOND. IS. PRECIOUS. when you have newborn twins, and being able to have everything together and change a baby quickly is more important than you ever thought possible.


"Oh, why would I need a nursing pillow? I never needed one before."


Because nursing two is entirely different!


Seriously, though, I made things much harder on myself because I tried to parent my twins like I had my other babies and it just wasn't possible. I felt so much guilt that they weren't getting what the other babies had. So, there are special twin considerations, despite parenting style. :001_smile:

I never said no to carseats or a double stroller. ;) And I can see why some things are needed. ;)

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