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Just when I thought our homeschooling day was going well....

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She's so darn cute!!!!


Reminds me of the time my son, then 2, took a case of prismatic artist markers (more permanent than sharpie and uber wide tips) and wrote all over himself while we slept. We awoke at 5:30 am to see him sitting on the bed next to us covered head to toe.


It took a cup of coffee for my eyes to open wide enough to realize that DH was covered from head to toe as well, but only on his back....(apparently the munchkin had awoke an hour before us and felt the need to express himself) As I stood there laughing while he pulled the our monkey from the bathtub...He turned to look at me to ask why I was laughing and burst out laughing himself....At that moment I knew...and sure enough I hadn't been lucky enough to just get tagged on my back...My face was covered in scribbles. It took over a week and daily scrubbing to finally get the marks to fade away from my face.

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She's so darn cute!!!!


Reminds me of the time my son, then 2, took a case of prismatic artist markers (more permanent than sharpie and uber wide tips) and wrote all over himself while we slept. We awoke at 5:30 am to see him sitting on the bed next to us covered head to toe.


It took a cup of coffee for my eyes to open wide enough to realize that DH was covered from head to toe as well, but only on his back....(apparently the munchkin had awoke an hour before us and felt the need to express himself) As I stood there laughing while he pulled the our monkey from the bathtub...He turned to look at me to ask why I was laughing and burst out laughing himself....At that moment I knew...and sure enough I hadn't been lucky enough to just get tagged on my back...My face was covered in scribbles. It took over a week and daily scrubbing to finally get the marks to fade away from my face.



:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: gasp:lol::lol: Oh my!

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I opened the thread, saw the top half of the picture and thought, "oh, how cute!" Then I kept scrolling down, saw it on the CARPET and gasped out loud! I'm so glad that Tide got it out of the carpet. Did you stay calm? Honestly I would have freaked. So far we haven't had any major mishaps like that. A friend of mine who has 2 boys has told me some awful stories - an entire bottle of baby powder emptied all over a room during nap time, a boy covered head to toe in vaseline....

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I opened the thread, saw the top half of the picture and thought, "oh, how cute!" Then I kept scrolling down, saw it on the CARPET and gasped out loud! I'm so glad that Tide got it out of the carpet. Did you stay calm? Honestly I would have freaked. So far we haven't had any major mishaps like that. A friend of mine who has 2 boys has told me some awful stories - an entire bottle of baby powder emptied all over a room during nap time, a boy covered head to toe in vaseline....


I wouldn't say I was calm, but I didn't yell or scream. That had plenty to do with the fact that my dh is sleeping in the bedroom right across from dd's "art". When I took her into the bathroom to wash it off her face (haha), she looked in the mirror and said, "Hey! Look at me! I'm boo-tiful! And RED. Very very red, Mama!"


I had to stifle some laughter at that point.

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pink canoe, I spent nearly 20 minutes on Saturday with a Magic Eraser, going around the house and getting all her scribbles off the walls. We have to lock up all our pens and pencils because of her fondness for decorating the walls.


Of course, she's also the only child of mine to cut her own hair. I swear, I really DO supervise this child! :lol:

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And you had the presence of mind to snap a picture of the evidence?! Way to go! In similar circumstances, I've been so busy yelling, or stifling yells, to think of that.


I have too, and every time afterwards, I kick myself for not getting a picture for blackmail later! I just happened to have my phone out as I climbed the stairs, because I was checking the time.


TeacherZee, I could totally see Boo doing something like that. Lord help us all (and especially the dog!) when she discovers glue.

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