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I have to be put under to have my wisdom teeth removed!

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I found out yesterday that all 4 of my wisdom teeth have got to come out now. I'm 32 and they still aren't through. Well, one is, but the dentist said it still needed to come out. They are bad enough that he said they would require an oral surgeon to do it and that he'd have to put me out with an IV.


I don't know why this is bothering me so badly, but I'm freaked. out. Natural labor? Bring it on. Fat plastic needle in my arm? Huh-uh. I was tossing and turning all night worrying about being put under and not waking up. Or waking up a drooling vegetable.


Has anyone had this done? Good stories to share? Advice? I'm supposed to call and set up the appt. myself, but how do I know the surgeon recommended is any good? My dentist said the guy he usually refers to has retired, so this is a new guy.


Freaking, just a bit.

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I found out yesterday that all 4 of my wisdom teeth have got to come out now. I'm 32 and they still aren't through. Well, one is, but the dentist said it still needed to come out. They are bad enough that he said they would require an oral surgeon to do it and that he'd have to put me out with an IV.


I don't know why this is bothering me so badly, but I'm freaked. out. Natural labor? Bring it on. Fat plastic needle in my arm? Huh-uh. I was tossing and turning all night worrying about being put under and not waking up. Or waking up a drooling vegetable.


Has anyone had this done? Good stories to share? Advice? I'm supposed to call and set up the appt. myself, but how do I know the surgeon recommended is any good? My dentist said the guy he usually refers to has retired, so this is a new guy.


Freaking, just a bit.


you won't be any more of a vegetable than you were when you went in ;).


I had this done when I was as an older teen. It wasn't too bad. Much better than getting my tonsils out.


You can do this, Jenn! :D

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They tried to put me out to have mine removed but they had trouble with that (I don't ever do well with being put out) so they wound up using gas (which I also reacted to). Anyway, my point is that I managed to have all 4 impacted wisdom teeth taken out, WHILE awake, by an oral surgeon. :eek: So if you feel strongly about it, maybe discuss it with the oral surgeon.

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I had all four of mine done under general anesthesia also. I would have done much worse if I was awake for the procedure. My mouth is so small that all of the roots had grown together instead of having the traditional four prongs. It made my recovery much easier since I had little bleeding. My dentist insisted I come in the next day after the nurse called and asked what I was eating. She expected that I would be eating yogurt and soft foods. I was actually eating steak and a baked potato. I had no swelling or discomfort. Good luck with your teeth removal. Best wishes.:D



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except that I woke up and was very woozy. . .had to be wheeled out to the car, don't remember the ride home and was pretty much out of it all day. Once all the general anesthesia wore off. . .it hurt! I won't lie to you. . .but you do get some serious painkillers. I won't go through all the gory details of my ordeal, but I think I was only out of commission 2 days and after that I just had to eat soft foods for a few more days.


I was very nervous too. . .I had never had general anesthesia before. just about the time I was getting ready to open my mouth to ask them to go get my husband to come in and hold my hand, I woke up and the surgery was over.


You'll be fine! You can do this!

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I've had this done (4 wisdom teeth & an impacted eye tooth at the same time) and it went really well. I was early 20's and just had my first- she was still a nb when I had the procedure so I had the whole hassle of having to pump beforehand etc. ugh. Shouldn't have reminded myself. :(


Even with that, I have to admit the whole thing went really well. I didn't have to take too many pain killers afterwards and Dh and I went out for lunch several hours later. I did swell up like a chipmunk for several days afterwards, but it made for some cute pictures of dd and I with our cheeks!! :p No weird mushy food diets or anything for me! I pretty much felt like myself afterwards... unlike recovery from having a baby... now THAT's something to not look forward to. lol!


Overall... no biggie. I do have to be honest and admit it was a bit freaky waking up- but Oral surgeons do this all the time and you will be so carefully monitored that there's nothing to worry about.


I agree with Shell in SC.... You can do this!!

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Has anyone had this done? Good stories to share? Advice? I'm supposed to call and set up the appt. myself, but how do I know the surgeon recommended is any good? My dentist said the guy he usually refers to has retired, so this is a new guy.


Freaking, just a bit.


Good experience. Great drugs. Easy procedure.


My husband still (after 22 years) will not tell me what I said while I was in recovery, though.

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I did. It was no biggie. And I certainly wouldn't want to have it done while awake. I had a friend have that done and her stories were less than pleasant! It is very hard yanking work to remove teeth... I would not want to be awake with people digging into my face and pulling with all their strength! fainting.gif


Went in, got knocked out, woke up feeling very sleepy, kinda silly and like I had just had a really nice dreamless nap. You'll be okay! (((hugs)))

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I would rather be put to sleep at the dentist, no matter what they are doing - even a general cleaning!! I had my wisdom teeth out about 20 years ago, with no lasting after effects, unless you count the insatiable need that I seem to have for eating undercooked brownies!! Somebody get them out of my house now!! :eek:

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When I was 17 I had to have mine cut and extracted out. They did put me under but very very mildly though. I wasn't out all the way. I was sedated enough to not be bothered by what he was doing to me but was very aware of what was going on.


I would go with the one that has very good experience. I would also go by word of mouth. I went to a great surgeon but my dh went to one that we would never recommend to anybody. I didn't like her at all. He developed infection. After a few weeks, I heard from others that she is NO good. So it would be good if you can ask others in your church, homeschool group and so on to get a good feel of which one would be best. You can also interview them as well.



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I just went through this in June, and that's how it went for me too. I was talking to the nurse (about homeschooling no less) and the next thing I knew, it was all over. Pretty slick! I wouldn't have done it any other way, but I did worry about it for several days beforehand too.

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I was an older teen. Had to be put under as well. It was no big deal...in and out quickly. Took awhile to come out of the fog, and threw up (as a result of the anesthesia), but aside from that, it wasn't a problem. The only downside is that I couldn't eat solid food for about two weeks or so.


Good luck!

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Not quite like this. I had my bottom 2 impacted ones taken out at 15 (I'm an early teether, and they were going to cause trouble). I was awake the entire time. First, I was given "laughing gas" because they didn't have that cool topical anesthetic for needles back then. They got me stoned! So, I'm sitting there wondering why the assistant didn't open her mouth when the dentist told her to, and was vaguely aware that they said something about turning it down (the laughing gas for me, of course.) At any rate, I have very little recollection of this, except that they took an x-ray to see if they got it all out.


What really amazes me, is that they called my mother to have her pick me up because the plan had been for me to WALK home afterward. Did I mention that I grew up in the dark ages? Also, that it's highly unusual for a dentist to do 2 sides at once because you can swallow your tongue, but I had promised I wouldn't and he trusted me. Did I mention I grew up in Canada before all this litigation went on? And I was thankful to have it all done at once. btw, I didn't swallow my tongue but did look like a chipmunk.


I suspect that you will find it much more enjoyable to be asleep. If you could even find an oral surgeon who would do it awake it would mean 2 procedures as they'll only do one side at a time.

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I had mine removed just with Novocaine. Not fun, but also not a big deal for the first three. The fourth was impacted AND had an extra root, and it was a freakin' nightmare. I will spare you the details. I will say, though, that if your teeth are not out then yes, you need a surgeon and it really is best to be unconscious. It makes it easier for the surgeon to work as your muscles are all relaxed, and you will avoid a great deal of pain and fear.


I know it's scary--it'll be okay, though. ((()))

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... have got to come out now.


Why do they *have* to? Mine were supposed to come out too on the recommendation of the dentist, but I didn't want to do it. I have had some jaw pain off and on as some of them moved. (Some did come in partially.) But I would not have them removed unless there was some serious reason they needed to be.


:) Kate

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Why do they *have* to? Mine were supposed to come out too on the recommendation of the dentist, but I didn't want to do it. I have had some jaw pain off and on as some of them moved. (Some did come in partially.) But I would not have them removed unless there was some serious reason they needed to be.


:) Kate


Maybe for orthodontic reasons? Mine were coming in pointing forward (like, not up and down) and would have really snarled up my expensive smile! LOL They probably would have caused me a considerable amount of pain as they were starting to even when only one was beginning to break the gums.

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Why do they *have* to? Mine were supposed to come out too on the recommendation of the dentist, but I didn't want to do it. I have had some jaw pain off and on as some of them moved. (Some did come in partially.) But I would not have them removed unless there was some serious reason they needed to be.


:) Kate



Good question! I wondered that too. I still have mine and my dentist has assured me that he will not have me take them out unless it's a medical necessity.

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Awake at 19-not a big deal. Have sleep apnea so they couldn't put me to sleep. Not sure what they did, gas?? I was out like a light and woke up with it all done. Not a problem until i got dry sockets a couple days later. Oye.


Also, my dentist wanted me to get three teeth take out, but the surgeon said he didn't see why I needed all three. The top tooth is/was close to the sinuses, so he said he prefers to not do those unless it's absolutely necessary.


Really, I wouldn't worry about the procedure itself. Try not to anyway! :)

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Why do they *have* to? Mine were supposed to come out too on the recommendation of the dentist, but I didn't want to do it. I have had some jaw pain off and on as some of them moved. (Some did come in partially.) But I would not have them removed unless there was some serious reason they needed to be.


:) Kate


He said they were coming in sideways and pushing the 12 year molar roots, which would basically cause them to rot and fall out. I like my 12 year molars! I'd like to keep them. The wisdom tooth that I thought was through shows that it is only partially through and is also coming at an angle. drat.

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I was put out when I was 29 and had all four impacted teeth pulled. It wasn't bad. Just keep it iced. I seriously do not remember the following 3 days, however. The pain killers are awesome! To this day, I am not quite sure how my 2 month old baby got fed. hard to nurse when you are completely out of it and high on meds!:p Just stock up on pudding! :D

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I was amazed that the whole thing took only an hour -- w/IV anesthesia! He was on strong pain meds for a week (Oxycotin), and after that he was fine. By the end of the summer he had forgotten all about the surgery. I'm relieved he had them all out. My husband has wisdom tooth pain intermittently and the dr. won't touch the bottom ones - too risky to remove. My husband had the top ones out a few years ago. He wishes he had had them all out earlier. They get harder to remove the older you get.

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I've been put under twice in my life and once was for having my wisdom out when I was 15. It was fine. You go to sleep very quickly, then you're awake and don't remember a thing. I remember crying on the way home. My mom told me that might happen - some sort of release from the anesthesia. I definitely wasn't feeling any pain!


I had very little swelling and bruising. Just some pain for a couple of days, but the pain killers took care of that.

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I had my uppers out with an iv. I sat in the chair and they put in an IV. I remember asking them if the burning sensation in my arm was normal. They said yes and then told me to get up and move to a different chair.


I was miffed. Why should I move? Then I realized my mouth was full of cotton. I glanced at the clock and saw that 15 minutes had passed. Ohhhhh....all done.


I don't remember much about that week. Great pain killers.

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They do not put you out very deeply--and the whole thing lasts for about 20 minutes. I worried about it, so I asked everyone I knew had knowledge in this area about the anesthesia. They were not concerned because it was such a light dose for such a short period of time. By the time she went in for the surgery, I was no longer worried about it. It took her about 4 days of feeling uncomfortably sore and then another 2 to 3 weeks of being gentle with the area.

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