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Can I Still home school if I accept a position as my neighbors maid?

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We have not discussed anything beyond salary at this point. My neighbor has not stated I would "be off the books".... I don't think I would accept that. As I understand it, my neighbor was surprised and horrified that the previous maid was undocumented. I do not believe she was aware that the maid was undocumented----I will have to get more details but is it possible the previous maid presented false credentials?


I don't buy that story for one second.

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Yeah, but she is learning from the last go round. I think she is trying not to get banned this time.


You think it's the lady with a million kids, off in some island place?? :) WOW... some people have NOTHING better to do... Perhaps they should write fiction. BUT, if it's real, just give us a proper link to the bust :)

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Hey, maybe "turn down service" is really CODE for, ahem, other services.


Wonder if she has to serve TeA at 4:00? :D


I would hire Alexander Skarsgard to clean my house while wearing a kilt.

You'd hire him just to drive past your house in a limo and wave :tongue_smilie:

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You people are just way too much fun! But I have to drag myself away and start to educate the child. (And apologize to our dog for my puppy killin':)g.)


Hope the thread is still going after a few hours. I'd hate to have it deleted and lose the nice post count additions.

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I wouldn't go that far, but I wouldn't get too emotionally involved in the story.;) I see it more as entertainment.


I'm here for the recipes and apostrophe mismanagement. Don't start on puppy's now! I'm a dog person.


This thread has sure maid my morning!


(Seriously, Nutella Pop Tarts? DH might hire a maid to free me up some time to make those...)

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I dearly love teaching my children, but with my husbands sudden lay-off from work, we are in need of my return to work for income purposes. My husbands unemployment is just not going to cut it. We live in a fairly affluent area and our mortgage payment is just under $2000 a month. Hubby will max out unemployment at around $500 a week... So obviously we need to generate additional income until my husband is able to get back to work. I do have a bachelors degree and feel I could work in the corporate world again after several years off teaching my children and being "heavily involved" in church. The problem is if I look to a corporate job, I would have to work 8-5 and would miss out on teaching my children. As I said, I live in a fairly affluent neighborhood and my neighbor (4 doors down) just lost their maid. As it turns out, their maid was "undocumented" and immigration conducted a bust at their home last week and deported their maid. This traumatized the children especially (Their 4 year old will say where is niñera, where is niñera? over and over).


My neighbors obviously are in need and the kids already are comfortable with me from get together's and block parties. I broached the subject with my husband and my neighbor to see if there was flexibility to allow me to continue to home school while also putting in 45 hours per week as my neighbors maid. As it turns out, due to my neighbors schedule, I could start school in the morning and get the kids going on school and wouldn't have to start at my neighbors until 9:30. The neighbors need core hours from about 9:30-3:30 (until the wife returns from volunteer activities) and then again from 7-10 PM to clear the dinner table, clean and offer a turn down service I guess.


I really think this could be a solution... My neighbor is concerned that once my husband returns to work that I would just quit, but I told her that I would commit to working for her for at least a year. I know it will take a while to recover from my husbands unemployment financially even after he finds a new job. This really seems like a perfect fit... I even tried on the old maids uniform and it fits as well. So it seems logical.


My concern is, am I thinking this through rationally? Can I manage to teach while being employed 4 houses down? Am I accepting too much of a down grade by taking on a maids position although I have a college degree?


I have two SIL's that have jobs like this. They are on the books and I don't see here where you say you would be off the books so I will assume this would be a legit job, complete with overtime for those 5 hours or negotiate yourself out of those five hours.


My SIL's cook, clean, run errands, watch kids, housesit, shop, ect for the homeowners. They have afternoons off often then return to the house to make dinner, clean up afterward,and prepare for the next morning for "their" families. They're treated very well, part of the family to the point that their kids get gifts from the employers for graduations, ect. Both SIL's get tons of awesome hand me down clothes! and appliances, ect. Lots of handme downs. There is a professional but comfortable line there and both SIL's are very very happy with their jobs. One SIL has insurance and a retirement account (along with some very good financial advice) from her boss, the other SIL doesn't, works for wages only. We live in a very affluent area and the rich folks like to have their help! Both SIL's have been worked for their people for approximately 10 years.


That said, they aren't homeschooling their kids. If your kids are old enough to manage on their own and WILL, and you need the money and don't mind the work nor the employer, then why not? Do it legally and professionally.


I looked at the OP's previous posts and I don't find a thing to indicate she's been grooming the board for a big troll event. I err on the side of not being a jerk. I guess this is another example when some rush to Troll Judgement at the risk of being pretty rude.

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But, seriously, what does your pastor think about this? With his strong opinions on other aspects of your life I can't help but think that he would be a veritable fount of wisdom on such a big decision. Perhaps you could just forward him the link to this thread? Will he be a guest poster on your blog?


If you are still interested in the taxi service perhaps you and pastor could work together on that? Maybe as a ministry/business? :auto:

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But, seriously, what does your pastor think about this? With his strong opinions on other aspects of your life I can't help but think that he would be a veritable fount of wisdom on such a big decision. Perhaps you could just forward him the link to this thread? Will he be a guest poster on your blog?


If you are still interested in the taxi service perhaps you and pastor could work together on that? Maybe as a ministry/business? :auto:


You are so deliciously bad!! :lol::lol::lol:

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But, seriously, what does your pastor think about this? With his strong opinions on other aspects of your life I can't help but think that he would be a veritable fount of wisdom on such a big decision. Perhaps you could just forward him the link to this thread? Will he be a guest poster on your blog?


If you are still interested in the taxi service perhaps you and pastor could work together on that? Maybe as a ministry/business? :auto:



The real question here is would he look good in a kilt?



I know I'm going to hell for that one.

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I looked at the OP's previous posts and I don't find a thing to indicate she's been grooming the board for a big troll event. I err on the side of not being a jerk. I guess this is another example when some rush to Troll Judgement at the risk of being pretty rude.


Her previous posts have been deleted.


Some of us KNOW her. I do appreciate that you are not rushing to judgement yourself, since you have no evidence. But some have been around the block with her a few times too many, and it's getting old. Hence, the judgement. Believe me, it's not snap judgement.

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This thread has sure maid my morning!



You people are just way too much fun!


Hope the thread is still going after a few hours. I'd hate to have it deleted and lose the nice post count additions.


Seriously?!? Even if the OP is a troll, I find a lot of the replies juvenile.

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Her previous posts have been deleted.


Some of us KNOW her. I do appreciate that you are not rushing to judgement yourself, since you have no evidence. But some have been around the block with her a few times too many, and it's getting old. Hence, the judgement. Believe me, it's not snap judgement.




Sigh. :D

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Benefits may not mandatory but it sounds like the annual pay would require social security employer contributions and worker's comp contributions. Would the employer do the employee social security withholding or would the employee have to do that? Would they provide a w-2 or are the trying to stay off the books?


If you search on nanny employment I think you'll find a lot of guidance.


I don't think this would work for us but ymmv. I have found that older kids are more able to be home alone occasionally but are actually more demanding timewise because of higher academics.

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Thank you for posting the visuals for our human body unit study!


Of course, since I'm the teacher I will have to study the images first to ensure quality standards in our homeschool. :001_smile:




Drawing hearts on it scarcely counts as study.

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Am I the only one that notices that Nakia has gone missing?


She's passed out under her desk, I know it!


Imp, you are clearly the only one who cares about me. Now I know who my friends are. :D I'm okay, had to get off the floor.

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