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Courageous, the movie - how do fathers feel about this movie?

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I am really looking forward to this movie, and the women I know who saw it really seem to like it. But I am wondering about the men who have seen this movie. What did they think?


Were they challenged and encouraged in their role as fathers or did they come away feeling guilty or maybe even angry? Maybe afraid that now their wife will have a new expectation for them that they feel is unrealistic?


It may not be fair asking this question when I haven't seen it yet. But, after reading the excitement for this movie from my female friends, it occurred to me that my own husband may not walk away with the same great feelings.


I guess - I better not leave the theater with any new expectations for DH but leave affirming his current wonderful qualities as a father.


So - if your dh has seen the movie - what did he think? If you are a father - what did you think?


(I'm hoping they were encouraged and challenged and not depressed!)

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I would say my DH was encouraged and challenged. Both of us can relate to life without a father - well me completely and my DH's father was a drinker and physically absent from the home a lot. I cried for several different reasons - the heartbreak I felt for some of the characters and the joy I felt when others came along side those who needed support.



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My dh hasn't seen it and won't - he can't handle (or doesn't want to, anyway) the tragedy that sets up the plot. I'm not seeing it for the same reasons. But the senior pastor at our church saw it and really liked it - rec'ing others see it. So he, at least, took it as helpful encouragement.

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We saw it with 3 other couples we're close friends with. After the movie we all went out and spent a couple of hours chatting- mostly about the movie and how it relates to our lives. It was an interesting evening.

None of the men in our group felt guilty. All felt encouraged to perhaps step up their roles as fathers.


It was the first theater movie that I've been to in years where people actually applauded at the end.

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What is it about? I looked on the website and could not really find any information on it. I heard people talking about it today, but that is the first I have heard of it.


It is about 4 policemen and their lives/families...but that's the pretty simplified version. It's drama/action/and humor.


We loved it, but not sure how hubby felt.

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  • 4 weeks later...

we loved it. dh is law enforcement, so it was even more something we could relate to as a couple and as parents.

dh is already recommending it. he did say "i need to do better" on the way home. i think it can make any parent feel that way though - mom or dad. and the thing is, i don't really feel like there is much missing from his parenting. but the movie really tugs at you regardless.

go see it!

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Dh saw it with a group of men from church and they all enjoyed it very much with the exception of the two law enforcement officers in the group who were too distracted by the mistakes in that part of the film to enjoy.


I asked Dh when he got home what everyone thought & he said. "I won't say there was crying, but the theater must have been really dusty."


I think he was inspired & challenged to work on his relationships with the kids. I do think it is best that I didn't see it with him because then he might feel like he was being nagged. This way he can work out how to apply things to his life in his own way. I might see it on DVD later. He did say the reactions from the other guys in the group were interesting. Some of them were super gung-ho about making positive changes and some were more reticent.


Amber in SJ

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I wouldn't take my dh to this film, if it is about how children need father's time. He doesn't need to change his actions with regards to the family. He travels a lot for the protection of our country. When he is home with us, he always spent time with the kids and still does when they are home. Only one is here all the time and she is at an age where she would often rather be alone- all of mine went through that from around 13-14 to about 16. Then they reconnect much more. I am expecting the same from her. But I see no reason for him to feel any sort of guilt about his work obligations. The kids know and are old enough to understand that my husband doesn't do things half way. He does things right and that means he spends more time at the office- but he also does things right by them.

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My father loveed it, he took my two sister and I to go see it and we really enjoyed it, it has an awesome message of faith and how father's need to step up ot the plate more, especially with the way the world is today. He hasn't always been the best dad, but he also has a really good things about him as well, now I think he is trying to step up more.


Highly reccommend it!! The Kendrick brother's rock, their best movie so far, and I loved the humor in it, although the ending was a bit abrupt.

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I wouldn't take my dh to this film, if it is about how children need father's time. He doesn't need to change his actions with regards to the family. He travels a lot for the protection of our country. When he is home with us, he always spent time with the kids and still does when they are home. Only one is here all the time and she is at an age where she would often rather be alone- all of mine went through that from around 13-14 to about 16. Then they reconnect much more. I am expecting the same from her. But I see no reason for him to feel any sort of guilt about his work obligations. The kids know and are old enough to understand that my husband doesn't do things half way. He does things right and that means he spends more time at the office- but he also does things right by them.


I haven't seen it, but have been thinking along these lines. My husband travels for a living and works hard for us. He's also already an excellent father who doesn't give himself enough credit.

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We loved it! We both walked away very encouraged and thankful to be raising our children the way we are. My DH felt very inspired to lead our family. He was already doing a wonderful job with our children, but came away with a renewed sense of commitment to our family. It was wonderful. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful hubby.

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I took my DH to see it for his birthday and he came away challenged and hopeful. He grew up without a father in his life so he could relate to a few of the characters in the movie. This movie has given him hope and has helped him to see what his relationship with his own children should be. He felt encouraged in the things he has been doing right and felt challenged to reach out and connect more especially with DD1 (mine from marriage #1, adopted by him as his own).


He is not an emotional guy... or I should say given to public displays of emotion. But I caught him crying a tad in the movie. He said his eyes were watering from something in the air. Um... yeah! :lol: There were plenty of parts in the movie he laughed out loud as well.


I wouldn't take my dh to this film, if it is about how children need father's time. He doesn't need to change his actions with regards to the family. He travels a lot for the protection of our country. When he is home with us, he always spent time with the kids and still does when they are home. Only one is here all the time and she is at an age where she would often rather be alone- all of mine went through that from around 13-14 to about 16. Then they reconnect much more. I am expecting the same from her. But I see no reason for him to feel any sort of guilt about his work obligations. The kids know and are old enough to understand that my husband doesn't do things half way. He does things right and that means he spends more time at the office- but he also does things right by them.


I do not think the movie lays guilt feelings on any dad. For those dads who ARE doing the right things, I think this movie will encourage them to keep doing those things. I never ever got the sense of the movie was trying to lay a guilt trip. My husband didn't either. :confused:


Personally, we really think it is a great movie! :D

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