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Admin: Question

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Gently said:


I think we are taking this rep thing way too seriously. I have two squares. Big, hairy deal. The only reason that I think it's great is because when I rep someone, they get two points.


I'm grateful for your tone. As the recipient of some toxic anonymous neg rep, I have to (gently) disagree.

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I'm confused too.:confused: Were you replying to me? I didn't say anything about reps being deleted.


I've never heard of the admins deleting good rep. I do know that only your last five reps show up on your control screen, though. Could it have just "fallen off" the bottom?


Actually, I gave positive rep to Colleen once but her thread was removed, and then so was the rep. :confused:

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Really? It's a little sad that you feel that way, Karen. I think it is fun and friendly here. The discussions are lively, and incredibly civil. The people are just as supportive as they've always been.


There is negative rep, but there is not the anonymous, nasty posting that happened on the old board.


Yes - I really don't see that the board has changed all that much. I would say that overall, everyone here is pretty decent and civil. :001_smile:

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But it is different because before, everyone knew what nasty comments were said, and it could be made clear that not everyone felt that way. Nowadays, if someone gets the nasty comment, no one is there to back them up because you can't talk about it or it gets deleted. So it is really a much more personal attack, with the potential to be far more hurtful.


True. I vote for positive reps only. If you have a burning desire to rep-rimand someone, then pm them, if you must.

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No - there's just the anonymous nasty private repping so people can be nasty and mean and not get called out on it.

And truly - there was no anon posting on the old board, Butch could do her little computer intelligence trick and find out where it came from so no one got away with it for long. (Remember IGEmom - or something close to that - I can't really remember her name unless I see it somewhere).


People are singling out other people and leaving nasty comments for them because they know if they said it in public they would get what they have coming to them.


Hey - I still like coming here - but I used to LOVE it here.

Now we have a few rotten apples ruining the bushell.


Oh! Okay, now I see what you mean. I was speaking of the "public" board, and not the "behind the scenes" negative stuff. Yes, you are right. It is not very nice at all. All of that negativity existed on the old boards. We just had the benefit of being blissfully ignorant of it. :D

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I have seen legitimate questions poof in a matter of minutes. I have to agree with what's been said here. Sadly, there is so much dissatisfaction with the whole rep system and yet those who run the board seem not to care about the opinions of the users that make this place such a good resource. That is what really bothers me.


I'm not going to go as far as saying that they "seem not to care". I'm sure they are just trying to do what they feel is best. Believe me, I have been to a place where the admins were decidedly hostile to certain people with a different POV.


I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and hope that they are taking all of this into consideration. I'm sure they will try to do what is fair. :001_smile:

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A few years ago I was part of a grocery forum. Unfortunately, the forum became one giant headache for the administrators with all the complaining and squabbling between the posters. Eventually, they closed the forum altogether and it was really a shame. I really benefited from it and missed it a lot. I'm not saying that there is a lot of squabbling going on here...just that if this becomes too much of a headache for the admins then...anything is possible.


I would really, really hate to see the same thing happen here. I know that they don't have to make this forum available for us. It is so great to be able to come here - I can't tell you how much I have learned in the short time I've been here and don't get me started on how much help I've gotten with curriculum. :001_smile:

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I'm grateful for your tone. As the recipient of some toxic anonymous neg rep, I have to (gently) disagree.


I hope you didn't mean my tone was mean as that was truly not my intention.



I am sorry that you of all people got hurtful rep, Joanne, because your posts are nothing but helpful.:001_smile:


ETA- The quote cut off. I see what you mean now.:-)

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A few years ago I was part of a grocery forum. Unfortunately, the forum became one giant headache for the administrators with all the complaining and squabbling between the posters. Eventually, they closed the forum altogether and it was really a shame. I really benefited from it and missed it a lot. I'm not saying that there is a lot of squabbling going on here...just that if this becomes too much of a headache for the admins then...anything is possible.


I would really, really hate to see the same thing happen here. I know that they don't have to make this forum available for us. It is so great to be able to come here - I can't tell you how much I have learned in the short time I've been here and don't get me started on how much help I've gotten with curriculum. :001_smile:


I have to agree with this. This board is owned by Peace Hill Press/SWB. It is a courtesy to provide this virtual space for us at their expense. This constant whining about the rules they have established has got to, at minimum, irritate them.


If you (Karen) had a message board and you let me come to it, I would not feel at liberty to complain about your setup. I would assume that as a guest in your virtual space I should respect your setup.

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Unless she doesn't have any yet.


That's not a great feeling either.


I just joined and don't think I have any. It seems that the rep is just a popularity contest. Isn't that what the green squares are? There sure are a lot of people with about the same amount of posts, but varying green squares.

It's sad to see people leave over it too, which I've noticed when I first was just lurking.


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It seems that the rep is just a popularity contest.


Eh. I dunno. I didn't JOIN any contest, though kind people leave comments in my rep box. (And some people... eh. Whatever. I read the posts, scratch my head, and shrug.) I just come here and talk because it's my place to hang out. I don't go anywhere else. I post too much and get too involved sometimes. And I know for a fact that there are people here who do not care for me one bit. And that's fine. I'm not bending over myself trying to make all nice with them or be "popular" with them. But if this is a popularity contest, I'm not sure how to exit from this "contest."


If I had entered a beauty pagent or a "most likely for her kids to be socialized" poll or some sort of "who do you think is most sneakily sarcastic" contest, that might be a popularity contest.


But aside from walking away from the board, how would you propose the more "popular" of us handle this? I don't get it. I participate, but I would not blink an eyeball if tomorrow we were as we were on the last board -- rising and falling (sometimes in the same 24 hours, LOL) by our words alone. It wouldn't change the way I post. It wouldn't, I daresay, change the way anyone thought of me, though it might take away my chagrin at someone thinking I'm participating in some sort of popularity contest.


I get what you mean, really. But as someone to whom much has for whatever reason been given, it makes me squirm to be looked at like this.

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And when I visit a new board, I read people's posts for myself and decide whether I think the person has a legitimate opinion. Having lots and lots of little green boxes doesn't directly imply being very very wise.





However, I am going to out myself and admit that until today, I had no idea what the green boxes meant. :blushing: Somehow, I thought it was related to # of posts, or whatever, it made no difference at all to me. I want to brush it off and say, "Who cares about reputation, what are we 12?" But the very idea that someone can anonymously snipe someone else with a hurtful comment makes me care about those who have experienced it.


It is just so surprising to me because I have never, let me stress NEVER, been aware of anyone being outright mean or disrespectful to anyone else. To me, everyone seems to be so supportive of everyone else, even when they disagree. Of course, that is my lurking POV...:leaving:

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Eh. I dunno. I didn't JOIN any contest, though kind people leave comments in my rep box. (And some people... eh. Whatever. I read the posts, scratch my head, and shrug.) I just come here and talk because it's my place to hang out. I don't go anywhere else. I post too much and get too involved sometimes. And I know for a fact that there are people here who do not care for me one bit. And that's fine. I'm not bending over myself trying to make all nice with them or be "popular" with them. But if this is a popularity contest, I'm not sure how to exit from this "contest."


If I had entered a beauty pagent or a "most likely for her kids to be socialized" poll or some sort of "who do you think is most sneakily sarcastic" contest, that might be a popularity contest.


But aside from walking away from the board, how would you propose the more "popular" of us handle this? I don't get it. I participate, but I would not blink an eyeball if tomorrow we were as we were on the last board -- rising and falling (sometimes in the same 24 hours, LOL) by our words alone. It wouldn't change the way I post. It wouldn't, I daresay, change the way anyone thought of me, though it miht take away my chagrin at someone thinking I'm participating in some sort of popularity contest.


I get what you mean, really. But as someone to whom much has for whatever reason been given, it makes me squirm to be looked at like this.



Phooey....Here is the truth about you.


You have the green squares because you are sweet and encouraging and positive and upbeat. You have the green squares because people here like and even love you.


Now excuse me, I am crying because CJ Craig is finally figuring out that she really loves Danny Concannon.

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However, I am going to out myself and admit that until today, I had no idea what the green boxes meant. :blushing: Somehow, I thought it was related to # of posts...


:lol: I have a ridiculous number of posts... and only two squares. I sure hope the are not related or I'm in trouble. :blink:

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She who pays for the boards can make the rules!! And, she obviously doesn't want us to spend a lot of time talking about rep. 'nuff said, as far as I'm concerned.


I'm so thankful for the meeting place that we have here, that I am willing to put aside things that I might not like, and abide by the rules of the house.


Thank you for saying this, Mindy. I agree completely.

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Now excuse me, I am crying because CJ Craig is finally figuring out that she really loves Danny Concannon.


That made me cry, too, but only because I disliked Danny so much.


The truth is, I will probably always dislike any character played by Timothy Busfield. :glare:

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That made me cry, too, but only because I disliked Danny so much.


The truth is, I will probably always dislike any character played by Timothy Busfield. :glare:


But Danny waited for her!! He loved her from afar while she was a mover and a shaker and then he was there for her when it was over.


How come there are no presidents like Bartlett or Santos?

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I'm still waiting on my eyecandy thread. Where'd Elaine run off to?


I have to agree with Pam some of the semantics used in the thread is a little bothersome. It makes me think "am I hot-button poster?" I do like to participate in debates. Do people think I'm trying to win a popularity contest? Really...I just sort of hang out here while my kids do their seat-work, they're gathered at their desks/tables all around me. I sort of treat it like you all were hanging out with me like this: 4.gif

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it's juvenile and unproductive. I still enjoy hanging out here and just don't even bother with a time-sucking, potentially ego-bruising, popularity action that gets in the way (for ME) of adult conversation. Don't care if others want to and hope others understand that if they've repped me (I have no clue unless someone posts to tell me! LOL) I'm not trying to be rude by not returning the rep.


Just say no. LOL


Even though the little sign says, "May you receive the same rep in return," I never expect rep to be returned by that person immediately or ever unless they find something good about a specific of post that is actually, in their opinion, rep-worthy. I haven't been in the habit of returning rep for rep, and I join you in hoping others understand that I'm not trying to be rude, either.

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That made me cry, too, but only because I disliked Danny so much.


The truth is, I will probably always dislike any character played by Timothy Busfield. :glare:




I loved him as Elliott on Thirtysomething. I am still waiting for the Thirtysomething to show on Lifetime again. I miss the old gang.

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I'm still waiting on my eyecandy thread. Where'd Elaine run off to?


I have to agree with Pam some of the semantics used in the thread is a little bothersome. It makes me think "am I hot-button poster?" I do like to participate in debates. Do people think I'm trying to win a popularity contest? Really...I just sort of hang out here while my kids do their seat-work, they're gathered at their desks/tables all around me. I sort of treat it like you all were hanging out with me like this: 4.gif


I'm here! I would start an eye-candy thread but we just had the crush thread. Are they too similar?

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I'm here! I would start an eye-candy thread but we just had the crush thread. Are they too similar?


No, it's not the same at all.


I can think (for example) George Clooney is a handsome man but I don't have a crush on him because he kind of seems like a jerk.

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No, it's not the same at all.


I can think (for example) George Clooney is a handsome man but I don't have a crush on him because he kind of seems like a jerk.


Yes, a cardboard cutout George would be nice.;)

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I loved him as Elliott on Thirtysomething. I am still waiting for the Thirtysomething to show on Lifetime again. I miss the old gang.


I LOVED that show!! I watched it all the time! My older dd was a baby then, and I *so* relied on that show for entertainment while playing w/her on the floor. I was so upset when Gary died! I cried like I had lost a friend. :crying:

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I'm still waiting on my eyecandy thread. Where'd Elaine run off to?


I have to agree with Pam some of the semantics used in the thread is a little bothersome. It makes me think "am I hot-button poster?" I do like to participate in debates. Do people think I'm trying to win a popularity contest? Really...I just sort of hang out here while my kids do their seat-work, they're gathered at their desks/tables all around me. I sort of treat it like you all were hanging out with me like this: 4.gif


Personally, I don't think you are a hot-button poster. There are some on here that really seem to enjoy a good debate. I don't so I stay out of them. Nothing wrong with being able to have that kind of conversation on-line as long as it remains civil. I think you are very civil in your approach.


There are also people that have a lot of rep that are simply good at putting it out there. What I mean by this is that they are able to write the words in an eloquent, appropriate manner. Some of us (ahem, ME) are not as gifted in this area. It doesn't mean the rest of us with much less rep are any less special, we simply may not put it out there or be able to put it in writing as well as some others can.


And Pam, you are able to write well and have great advice. You also put your heart out there and share in a most lovely manner. There are others of you -- many -- that are similar. I chose Pam because she posted right above this one and it was fresh in my head.


I think this is a fabulous place for support. It has made a huge difference in me as a teacher and on more personal levels as well. THanks to all!

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I LOVED that show!! I watched it all the time! My older dd was a baby then, and I *so* relied on that show for entertainment while playing w/her on the floor. I was so upset when Gary died! I cried like I had lost a friend. :crying:


Me, too!!! Oh my, that is too funny. :D

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Oh, Melissa! You are so funny!:D


You want to hear more of my dream? When George blew me off, I poured my heart out to the guy on Criminal Minds who plays Dr. Reed (Reid) about how heartbroken I was.:lol: George did tell me I could go hang out at his place at the pool though. But it was him I wanted not his pool!

And I swear I didn't have any NyQuil last night either!:tongue_smilie:

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You want to hear more of my dream? When George blew me off, I poured my heart out to the guy on Criminal Minds who plays Dr. Reed (Reid) about how heartbroken I was.:lol: George did tell me I could go hang out at his place at the pool though. But it was him I wanted not his pool!

And I swear I didn't have any NyQuil last night either!:tongue_smilie:


So did you go to the pool in your dream? :lol:

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You want to hear more of my dream? When George blew me off, I poured my heart out to the guy on Criminal Minds who plays Dr. Reed (Reid) about how heartbroken I was.:lol: George did tell me I could go hang out at his place at the pool though. But it was him I wanted not his pool!

And I swear I didn't have any NyQuil last night either!:tongue_smilie:


Dude, you need to lay off the TV!:lol:



...and the NyQuil!;)

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Dude, you need to lay off the TV!:lol:



...and the NyQuil!;)


Funny thing is, I only watch 2 shows regularly. Mostly I don't watch anything! And I was feeling better so no NyQuil needed anymore. And then I had those weird dreams. But I usually have weird dreams. Nothing new. I notice they get weirder if I have something like Doritos at night. But I have cut those out too. I guess it's just plain old me that's weird!

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Nope. I talked with the CM dude and he said to let it go. That the right thing will find you when it is time. So I let him go! :lol:


Ironically I just saw something on foxnews website about George being "single" again.


Try benadryl for funky dreams, works on me everytime.

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I have rules for my house, also, and I expect my daughter to follow them. But if she has a serious concern about a rule I make, I allow her to question me in a respectful manner as to the reasoning behind it. And if I had a rule that truly troubled her, and that she believed was hurtful to not only herself but others, I would certainly hope she had the fortitude to continue to question me even if I tried to blow her off.


True, but would you like it if she questioned your rule in front of a big group of people or talk to you privately? I guess I would prefer to see problems routed straight to the admin first.

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True, but would you like it if she questioned your rule in front of a big group of people or talk to you privately? I guess I would prefer to see problems routed straight to the admin first.




Geez, Mindy, I am turning into a Mindy Groupy.


But I think all these threads that have no purpose but to challenge and call out the admins, or maybe SWB herself, are childish. They provided us with a message board, not a new democracy.

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But I think all these threads that have no purpose but to challenge and call out the admins, or maybe SWB herself, are childish. They provided us with a message board, not a new democracy.


I don't see anyone here challenging or calling out the admins. No one has been rude in this thread. (Possibly until you called it childish.) I'm just not certain that the admins fully understand the way that people are being hurt by the rep system, and I think possibly this thread might help them see that. There are clearly more than just a few people who feel this way.


Yes, they provide us with a message board, and I appreciate it. It is a message board where many people share their many thoughts on many topics. This is just one thread where people are sharing their feelings on a certain aspect of a software program and the way it affects them personally.

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True, but would you like it if she questioned your rule in front of a big group of people or talk to you privately? I guess I would prefer to see problems routed straight to the admin first.


Here is where the analogy starts breaking down. We are not talking about a child and parent. We are talking about adults. We are not talking about a rule for a child, we are talking about a system on a message board that has been hurtful to several people. It is an aspect of our online community that some feel is hurting members of the community. It seems to me a logical place to discuss this within the community, here on the message boards.

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Yes, they provide us with a message board, and I appreciate it. It is a message board where many people share their many thoughts on may topics. This is just one thread where people are sharing their feelings .


I was just sharing my feelings too.

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Really? It's a little sad that you feel that way, Karen. I think it is fun and friendly here. The discussions are lively, and incredibly civil. The people are just as supportive as they've always been.


There is negative rep, but there is not the anonymous, nasty posting that happened on the old board.


I agree, Crissy. Evidently I've given you too much good rep lately and I can't give you any more! :)

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I'm grateful for your tone. As the recipient of some toxic anonymous neg rep, I have to (gently) disagree.


Well, just to counter act that toxicity- I look forward to your posts because you are a thoughtful, positive person. I respect your opinions greatly, and I appreciate you sharing them.

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I agree... but I've sent a message to the admin asking exactly this question, and never received a response. Then later I got anon neg rep reading... "Don't dis the board, man!"--but it disappeared when the whole thread disappeared.


I do think there needs to be some more communication and openness from the moderator. Do we even know who the moderator is? I know SWB posts occasionally, but I'd be very surpised if she does it herself. I assume it's an employee who wishes to remain anonymous, and is not interested in replying to questions. But I think that a "this is me, these are the rules as I see them" post would be very helpful and take away a bit of the Big Brother feel of the new boards, at least for me.

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Geez, Mindy, I am turning into a Mindy Groupy.


But I think all these threads that have no purpose but to challenge and call out the admins, or maybe SWB herself, are childish. They provided us with a message board, not a new democracy.


Correct. Hence the title "admin".....yes, I do want to call the administrators of the board and discuss it.

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