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Admin: Question

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So, we can rep anyone - say anything nice or nasty anon to them, but we are not allowed to discuss reps on the board with our name signed to it?

This disturbs me and I am wondering why the big secrecy and why anytime anyone even asks an INNOCENT question about a rep their post gets deleted.


It doesn't make sense that we have a system set up to allow anon repping with nasty comments but we can not openly discuss it. Feels a little wrong to me. I know this post will be deleted in about 5 minutes - but please explain why we can allow this abuse privately and not discuss it publicly.


This forum is not as fun or as friendly as it was years ago.

I miss Tim!

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So, we can rep anyone - say anything nice or nasty anon to them, but we are not allowed to discuss reps on the board with our name signed to it?

This disturbs me and I am wondering why the big secrecy and why anytime anyone even asks an INNOCENT question about a rep their post gets deleted.


It doesn't make sense that we have a system set up to allow anon repping with nasty comments but we can not openly discuss it. Feels a little wrong to me. I know this post will be deleted in about 5 minutes - but please explain why we can allow this abuse privately and not discuss it publicly.


This forum is not as fun or as friendly as it was years ago.

I miss Tim!



I've got to agree with you!

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It's likewise confusing that, as someone else pointed out on another thread, it's even perfectly fine to criticize/debate the board owner's curriculum without being deleted. Yet we can't question the rep system without being deleted. Again I say, there are too many double standards involved in this whole rep system.

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This forum is not as fun or as friendly as it was years ago.



Really? It's a little sad that you feel that way, Karen. I think it is fun and friendly here. The discussions are lively, and incredibly civil. The people are just as supportive as they've always been.


There is negative rep, but there is not the anonymous, nasty posting that happened on the old board.

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I haven't noticed any questions about rep getting deleted - those are usually moved to the Q&A board (at the bottom).


Whining about rep (like me, yesterday - I shouldn't have said anything at all), and complaining about the rep system are deleted.


It is what it is. These are the board rules, and we are all supposed to follow them. Really, if you think about it, we have soooo much more leeway here as far as topics (politics are openly discussed). So we're not supposed to go on and on about the rep, so what? I learned my lesson yesterday, so if something happens again, I'm just gonna :chillpill:.

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Really? It's a little sad that you feel that way, Karen. I think it is fun and friendly here. The discussions are lively, and incredibly civil. The people are just as supportive as they've always been.


There is negative rep, but there is not the anonymous, nasty posting that happened on the old board.


No - there's just the anonymous nasty private repping so people can be nasty and mean and not get called out on it.

And truly - there was no anon posting on the old board, Butch could do her little computer intelligence trick and find out where it came from so no one got away with it for long. (Remember IGEmom - or something close to that - I can't really remember her name unless I see it somewhere).


People are singling out other people and leaving nasty comments for them because they know if they said it in public they would get what they have coming to them.


Hey - I still like coming here - but I used to LOVE it here.

Now we have a few rotten apples ruining the bushell.

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There seems to be plenty of nasty reps given out....so it is no different than the anon posting that went on before.....they just use a different avenue, LOL!


But it is different because before, everyone knew what nasty comments were said, and it could be made clear that not everyone felt that way. Nowadays, if someone gets the nasty comment, no one is there to back them up because you can't talk about it or it gets deleted. So it is really a much more personal attack, with the potential to be far more hurtful.

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I haven't noticed any questions about rep getting deleted - those are usually moved to the Q&A board (at the bottom).


Whining about rep (like me, yesterday - I shouldn't have said anything at all), and complaining about the rep system are deleted.



I have seen legitimate questions poof in a matter of minutes. I have to agree with what's been said here. Sadly, there is so much dissatisfaction with the whole rep system and yet those who run the board seem not to care about the opinions of the users that make this place such a good resource. That is what really bothers me.

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Whining about rep (like me, yesterday - I shouldn't have said anything at all), and complaining about the rep system are deleted.


But people whine about things all the time on these boards. (Whine as in complain... not trying to start another subway incident.) Why is whining about mean rep delete-worthy when whines about so many other things not? And it's not even the complaining/criticizing posts that get deleted. Even simple questioning posts do.


So we're not supposed to go on and on about the rep, so what? I learned my lesson yesterday, so if something happens again, I'm just gonna :chillpill:.


And that's what is so sad to me. Negative rep is hurtful. And by deleting posts and allowing anonymous negative rep to continue, the admins are forcing people to have to sit silently. I know some people think you shouldn't care what "cowardly" neg reppers say, but we can't expect everyone to not care.

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But it is different because before, everyone knew what nasty comments were said, and it could be made clear that not everyone felt that way. Nowadays, if someone gets the nasty comment, no one is there to back them up because you can't talk about it or it gets deleted. So it is really a much more personal attack, with the potential to be far more hurtful.


:iagree: I answered a question someone had and someone else gave me negative rep for it. Her comment said she was sure I wasn't "trying to be unkind", but that "since tone is so hard to read, I think we need to be careful how we type." Huh? So basically, she gave me neg rep b/c she couldn't read my tone? How about asking me to clarify myself through a PM or even a post in the thread? The funny thing is that I got positive rep from four others for the same post--apparently my tone wasn't too hard to read. At least she signed her name.

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But it is different because before, everyone knew what nasty comments were said, and it could be made clear that not everyone felt that way. Nowadays, if someone gets the nasty comment, no one is there to back them up because you can't talk about it or it gets deleted. So it is really a much more personal attack, with the potential to be far more hurtful.


That is a great point, Genie, and one I hadn't considered.

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But people whine about things all the time on these boards. (Whine as in complain... not trying to start another subway incident.) Why is whining about mean rep delete-worthy when whines about so many other things not? And it's not even the complaining/criticizing posts that get deleted. Even simple questioning posts do.


I just don't know. Maybe I haven't been paying attention enough, but I thought some posts along the lines of asking how the rep system works were moved at first, not deleted. It seems a lot of people are saying they're deleted now, so I just don't know.


And that's what is so sad to me. Negative rep is hurtful. And by deleting posts and allowing anonymous negative rep to continue, the admins are forcing people to have to sit silently. I know some people think you shouldn't care what "cowardly" neg reppers say, but we can't expect everyone to not care.


It is hurtful, I'll agree with you there. Maybe it's hard for me to gauge because I'm such an over-sensitive person to begin with. For example, I've never really 'had it out' with anyone here, ever. I'd be mortified if I were called to the carpet on something. Many are able to debate and hold their ground, but I'd take it personally. At least it's in private, on the rep comments. But it's still bothersome to think there's someone out there giving me a disapproving nod (especially if it's not clear - well, maybe even then).


I just don't know.

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Really? It's a little sad that you feel that way, Karen. I think it is fun and friendly here. The discussions are lively, and incredibly civil. The people are just as supportive as they've always been.


There is negative rep, but there is not the anonymous, nasty posting that happened on the old board.


I so agree with you Crissy, and if I could, I would do that "thing-that-can't-be-mentioned" to you right now!! (But, I have to spread it around)

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:iagree: I answered a question someone had and someone else gave me negative rep for it. Her comment said she was sure I wasn't "trying to be unkind", but that "since tone is so hard to read, I think we need to be careful how we type." Huh? So basically, she gave me neg rep b/c she couldn't read my tone? How about asking me to clarify myself through a PM or even a post in the thread? The funny thing is that I got positive rep from four others for the same post--apparently my tone wasn't too hard to read. At least she signed her name.


I'm confused. I don't understand what kind of posts about rep are being deleted? I posted in the marriage thread and copy and pasted two anon reps so that I could respond to them...those weren't deleted.


I was a little confused though about some positive rep that was taken away from me over that very thread. The OP gave me positive rep and said, 'thanks for your opinion.' or some such and it was deleted. So I don't always understand the method to the madness...but it is what it is.


The bad rep thing bothers me more than I want it to. I am always soooooooo happy when enough good reps make the bad rep go away. I just hate seeing that red square.

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And then there's the little "star rating" system, where people can anonymously show their dislike of a thread. You know what it all reminds me of? That book by Max Lucado. Where all the little wooden people are running around giving each other stickers, and judging people by how many stickers they have. And I know the point of the book is that you shouldn't let the stickers affect how you feel about yourself. But still, it seems this board is set up with the purpose of encouraging the sticking of stickers.

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I'm confused.


I'm confused too.:confused: Were you replying to me? I didn't say anything about reps being deleted.


I've never heard of the admins deleting good rep. I do know that only your last five reps show up on your control screen, though. Could it have just "fallen off" the bottom?

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I'm confused. I don't understand what kind of posts about rep are being deleted? I posted in the marriage thread and copy and pasted two anon reps so that I could respond to them...those weren't deleted.


I was a little confused though about some positive rep that was taken away from me over that very thread. The OP gave me positive rep and said, 'thanks for your opinion.' or some such and it was deleted. So I don't always understand the method to the madness...but it is what it is.


The bad rep thing bothers me more than I want it to. I am always soooooooo happy when enough good reps make the bad rep go away. I just hate seeing that red square.


Yeah I saw those posts, and I don't know how you got away with it. Mods must not have been moderating closely that day.


It says in the rep information post that one has a choice in how they react to an anon neg rep, but thats not really true. If someone writes mean nasty things, it hurts, it makes you feel powerless and angry. I can't choose not to feel those things. All I can choose to do is not respond....whooops that choice has been taken away too.

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I'm confused. I don't understand what kind of posts about rep are being deleted? I posted in the marriage thread and copy and pasted two anon reps so that I could respond to them...those weren't deleted.


I was a little confused though about some positive rep that was taken away from me over that very thread. The OP gave me positive rep and said, 'thanks for your opinion.' or some such and it was deleted. So I don't always understand the method to the madness...but it is what it is.


The bad rep thing bothers me more than I want it to. I am always soooooooo happy when enough good reps make the bad rep go away. I just hate seeing that red square.


When a thread is deleted, your rep comments will also vanish - but your points don't change. So it looks like you lost that rep, but you really didn't.

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I'm confused too.:confused: Were you replying to me? I didn't say anything about reps being deleted.


I've never heard of the admins deleting good rep. I do know that only your last five reps show up on your control screen, though. Could it have just "fallen off" the bottom?


Rep good and bad is deleted if the thread from which you got that rep is deleted.

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She who pays for the boards can make the rules!! And, she obviously doesn't want us to spend a lot of time talking about rep. 'nuff said, as far as I'm concerned.


I'm so thankful for the meeting place that we have here, that I am willing to put aside things that I might not like, and abide by the rules of the house.

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I'm confused too.:confused: Were you replying to me? I didn't say anything about reps being deleted.


I've never heard of the admins deleting good rep. I do know that only your last five reps show up on your control screen, though. Could it have just "fallen off" the bottom?


Oh, I was not really reply TO you...I just don't know how to work the reply function.:D


And I am absolutely positive it didn't just fall off. It was removed.

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Rep good and bad is deleted if the thread from which you got that rep is deleted.


Well, the thread was eventually closed, but not deleted. And this positive rep was left and removed before the thread closed. All the other rep I had on that thread was remained.

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Yeah I saw those posts, and I don't know how you got away with it. Mods must not have been moderating closely that day.


It says in the rep information post that one has a choice in how they react to an anon neg rep, but thats not really true. If someone writes mean nasty things, it hurts, it makes you feel powerless and angry. I can't choose not to feel those things. All I can choose to do is not respond....whooops that choice has been taken away too.


I can't possibly see what would be wrong with copying a anon rep so that I could respond to it. I would LOVE to respond to those ugly ones in a PM, but the anon feature takes that possibility away. Do the rules say we can't copy the text from rep?

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She who pays for the boards can make the rules!! And, she obviously doesn't want us to spend a lot of time talking about rep. 'nuff said, as far as I'm concerned.


I'm so thankful for the meeting place that we have here, that I am willing to put aside things that I might not like, and abide by the rules of the house.


I have rules for my house, also, and I expect my daughter to follow them. But if she has a serious concern about a rule I make, I allow her to question me in a respectful manner as to the reasoning behind it. And if I had a rule that truly troubled her, and that she believed was hurtful to not only herself but others, I would certainly hope she had the fortitude to continue to question me even if I tried to blow her off.

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She who pays for the boards can make the rules!! And, she obviously doesn't want us to spend a lot of time talking about rep. 'nuff said, as far as I'm concerned.


I'm so thankful for the meeting place that we have here, that I am willing to put aside things that I might not like, and abide by the rules of the house.



Okay. And, that's fine. But, why can we not at least be given a reason for thread deletion. Could there not be something that says "Thread deleted by admin for xyz reason" instead of just that mysterious blank space where the thread used to be?

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Okay. And, that's fine. But, why can we not at least be given a reason for thread deletion. Could there not be something that says "Thread deleted by admin for xyz reason" instead of just that mysterious blank space where the thread used to be?


I agree with you on this. I do wish they would tell us why when they delete a post or thread. Sometimes it is obvious, sometimes not so much.

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I can understand why a rep program would be needed for buying and selling things online, its nice to know a person's rep before you buy. But I just don't see how the fact that someone else on the board disagrees with my opinion has anything to do with that.

Because my neg reps have come from people who disagree with my opinion.


Something like what ebay does would make more sense. Even on ebay one just can't give anyone they want bad rep, they have to actually have completed a business transaction with them.


Maybe the powers that be on this board just spent so much money on the programming required to implement the rep thing that they don't want to stop it. :lol:

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Okay. And, that's fine. But, why can we not at least be given a reason for thread deletion. Could there not be something that says "Thread deleted by admin for xyz reason" instead of just that mysterious blank space where the thread used to be?


Yes, this would be helpful.

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I can understand why a rep program would be needed for buying and selling things online, its nice to know a person's rep before you buy. But I just don't see how the fact that someone else on the board disagrees with my opinion has anything to do with that.

Because my neg reps have come from people who disagree with my opinion.



And the ironic thing is that the one time I purchased something from the sale/swap board, I got no rep from it!


I also don't understand how the fact that someone participated in a rep love-fest makes them any more reliable to purchase from.


And when I visit a new board, I read people's posts for myself and decide whether I think the person has a legitimate opinion. Having lots and lots of little green boxes doesn't directly imply being very very wise.

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Unless she doesn't have any yet.


That's not a great feeling either.


Gently said:


I think we are taking this rep thing way too seriously. :001_smile:I have two squares. Big, hairy deal. The only reason that I think it's great is because when I rep someone, they get two points.


I rep people all the time and I try to rep the people who have very little rep so that they won't feel badly when they see others with a lot of rep. I click on the "Members list" and scroll down to see who is on the low rep totem pole and then I have at it.


You have to look at the number of posts, too. It's only natural that a person with a lot of posts would have a lot of rep because they post a lot.



*Shrug* I don't know what the answer is. I just know that I am doing the best that I can to make this board a pleasant place to be. Now, let's all droll over my avatar.;)

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You and Russell are doing a fine job of it, indeed. :D



Maybe we should all put gorgeous, warrior men in our avatars and that would keep us all too distracted to argue.


**going to find a picture of Christian Bale...**

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*Shrug* I don't know what the answer is. I just know that I am doing the best that I can to make this board a pleasant place to be. Now, let's all droll over my avatar.;)




I think we need a whole thread of drool-worthy pics...in a larger size than your avatar. ;)


Did I mention my hubby leaves town tomorrow? I'm going to need something to gaze at. :lol:

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I think we need a whole thread of drool-worthy pics...in a larger size than your avatar. ;)


Did I mention my hubby leaves town tomorrow? I'm going to need something to gaze at. :lol:


:lol: So does mine! He'll be gone for six weeks. We can gaze together.:D

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Gently said:


I think we are taking this rep thing way too seriously. :001_smile:I have two squares. Big, hairy deal. The only reason that I think it's great is because when I rep someone, they get two points.


I rep people all the time and I try to rep the people who have very little rep so that they won't feel badly when they see others with a lot of rep. I click on the "Members list" and scroll down to see who is on the low rep totem pole and then I have at it.


You have to look at the number of posts, too. It's only natural that a person with a lot of posts would have a lot of rep because they post a lot.



*Shrug* I don't know what the answer is. I just know that I am doing the best that I can to make this board a pleasant place to be. Now, let's all droll over my avatar.;)



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it's juvenile and unproductive. I still enjoy hanging out here and just don't even bother with a time-sucking, potentially ego-bruising, popularity action that gets in the way (for ME) of adult conversation. Don't care if others want to and hope others understand that if they've repped me (I have no clue unless someone posts to tell me! LOL) I'm not trying to be rude by not returning the rep.


Just say no. LOL

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Gently said:


I think we are taking this rep thing way too seriously.


As I've said, I think the system is hurtful to some people. People whose opinions I value and whose personalities I like. And yeah, I take things like that seriously. I think it's pretty natural to be bothered by some of the things I've heard said in neg reps.


I know you are trying to lighten things up, trying to be a peacemaker. I just think that the things being said here warrant attention and shouldn't be quickly dismissed.

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As I've said, I think the system is hurtful to some people. People whose opinions I value and whose personalities I like. And yeah, I take things like that seriously. I think it's pretty natural to be bothered by some of the things I've heard said in neg reps.


I know you are trying to lighten things up, trying to be a peacemaker. I just think that the things being said here warrant attention and shouldn't be quickly dismissed.


I agree with you and I am not trying to make light of your feelings, I hope you don't think that.:001_smile:

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it's juvenile and unproductive. I still enjoy hanging out here and just don't even bother with a time-sucking, potentially ego-bruising, popularity action that gets in the way (for ME) of adult conversation. Don't care if others want to and hope others understand that if they've repped me (I have no clue unless someone posts to tell me! LOL) I'm not trying to be rude by not returning the rep.


Just say no. LOL


If someone reps you, you're participating whether you like it or not. Especially if its neg rep. And some of the things I've heard left as rep are mean and awful and it hurts people whether they want to participate or not.

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