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s/o Names you love, but would never use

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I loved Boaz from the book of Ruth and would have loved to use it for a name, but couldn't do it. We also only had one boy! LOL I also loved Zipporah (Moses' wife) and the name Providence, but wouldn't do either of those.


There are just names out there that I like, but wouldn't work with our family, but I have always loved Boaz! He was such a righteous man. :)


We have 2 boys named Boaz in our homeschool co-op! The older one (in hgih school now) is always called "Bo", and the younger one (in maybe 1st grade) is always "Boaz".

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I would love to name our baby Annika if it's a girl, but DH put his foot down long ago. He says it sounds too much like Monica, and he doesn't like names that end in "a." (My name ends in "a," should I be insulted?)


He's also vetoed Lachlan, Declan, and Liam, because of our Scottish last name (he thinks it's overkill). Now I can't remember which (if any) of those names are Scottish or Irish. I guess he's just going by the way they sound with our name. Lachlan is my favorite...I'd love to call him Lach (Lock) for short.


My dd's name is Annika Clare and she loves it except that people always pronounce it wrong at first (they say UH-nee-cuh) I never knew about it being from pippi longstocking (never read it) but many think we got it from the famous female golfer. NOPE, it was the original name of Jeri Ryan's borg character, 7 of 9, in Star Trek Voyager.


DH and I always wanted to use the name Eisley (for a girl, from the city mos eisey in starwars) but only had 1 girl. We almost named our youngest Owen until a friend kept saying all she saw was the lady from the movie "Throw Mama from the Train" yelling it like in the movie. I also like Zosia (Zo-shuh) but my dh vetoed that.

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I really like the name Miles, but my husband would never consider it for one of our children. One of our favorite book series features Miles Vorkosigan, whose mother suffers a chemical weapons exposure during pregnancy that results in severe birth defects. So, yeah. His wife was never going to be pregnant with a "Miles."


We considered Miles BECAUSE of these books.

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I'm right there with you!



Another name I love but have always gotten a horrid reaction to is Jemima. I think it's sweet.


I love Jemima, but the name isn't usable in the US.


We have friends at our church with a daughter named Jemima. She's a cutie! They call her "Jems" or "Jemsie" for nicknames. So I definitely think it's possible here!


I know someone who named their baby Jemima. They liked the name because Jemima was a daughter of Job, and Job had the most beautiful daughters. They call her Mima or Mima Jo. She really is the most adorable thing since Job's actual Jemima, so it fits. LOL





I loved Boaz from the book of Ruth and would have loved to use it for a name, but couldn't do it. We also only had one boy! LOL I also loved Zipporah (Moses' wife) and the name Providence, but wouldn't do either of those.


There are just names out there that I like, but wouldn't work with our family, but I have always loved Boaz! He was such a righteous man. :)


I love Zipporah, too! I even suggested it to our youth pastor's wife, who had a baby girl yesterday. They went with Eliana instead.

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DH won't go for it.


Heh. I named the dolls I made for the kids last Christmas Octavian and Octavia just so I could use the names.


I have a female ancestor named Kunagunda. I've always been tempted...


Wowzers. That conjures up a warrior woman in my mind.





Edited by Rosie_0801
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Nope, I heard this name on a baby names website. Someone asked for opinions, and one of them was something like, "I knew a Dagny. She was the nicest, funniest, most unique person. I've always wanted to name a baby Dagny because of her." I didn't learn about the character in Atlas Shrugged until later (and was secretly disappointed it was going to become a movie starring Miss Jolie -- I didn't want the name to become popular as a result).


You seriously nearly made me cry then! Googling tells me that Ms Jolie is not in the movie - though I didn't even know they had made a movie... Oh I'm scared to see it, if they ruin it I may still cry.


Ok, sorry for that hijack, carry-on!

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Moriarty for a boy, although he'd probably always be considered a troublemaker. And I have a feeling he wouldn't get along too well with someone else's son, Sherlock. ;) When I was younger, I loved the name Gage for a boy, until I saw (part of) Pet Sematary.


I have also liked Aeneas ever since high school, but could never actually name one of my kids that.


I briefly considered using one or several of DH and/or my grandmothers' names, but they were pretty uniformly awful, although unusual. Both my grandmothers hated their names. One used a nickname and the other made everyone call her by her middle name.


I REALLY wanted to call DD Melody when she was born, but DH wouldn't hear of it. It was the perfect name for her, too.


If I had twins, I thought it would be cute to name them Piety and Prosperity. Then I realized one of them would probably be called Pie her whole life. Poor imaginary kid.


I also love the name Ailidh (Ay-lee), but everyone would mispronounce it.

Edited by Aurelia
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I would love to name our baby Annika if it's a girl, but DH put his foot down long ago. He says it sounds too much like Monica, and he doesn't like names that end in "a." (My name ends in "a," should I be insulted?)


My cousins named his daughter that, and I immediately thought of Seven of Nine.


You seriously nearly made me cry then! Googling tells me that Ms Jolie is not in the movie - though I didn't even know they had made a movie... Oh I'm scared to see it, if they ruin it I may still cry.


Ok, sorry for that hijack, carry-on!


Yes, the made part of the movie. They are doing it in 2 or 3 parts, so that they don't leave anything out, and they are trying really hard to keep it as close to the book as they can. I wasn't able to see it in theaters (it was a limited relsese) but you can pre-order the dvd.

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Our last name starts with a 'B' and ends with the long-A sound, so some of my favorite names have been limited by pronunciation concerns.


I like the names Benjamin or Sebastian, but saying them with our surname makes one sound like they are babbling. I have always loved the name Anais for a girl, but it would be too matchy-matchy with our last name.


On a funny note, if my first name is spoken with the French pronunciation, my entire name- first, middle, and last rhymes. However, I have always gone by "Amy" rather than "Eh-may" so it's not noticeable. But it does rule out some lovely names for a girl, including my own middle name.


Our last name is also distinctively French, so some first names that are distinctively from other national backgrounds, like Liam, don't really go with our name. However, we've rebelled on the last two boys and given them Italian and Latino middle names respectively, both family names. We figure that middle names are rarely used anyway, and we liked the significance of the names more than we disliked the odd pairing. :D

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I love unusual names that are not popular. Both of my girls have names that are not often heard, as well as #3 that's due in just a few weeks. DH is less adventurous with names but let's me do the choosing. He just has veto power. The only one he's vetoed was Ephram. Turns out it didn't really matter since we've had all girls though.

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I have a female ancestor named Kunagunda. I've always been tempted...


I have a Kunacunde in my family. Always wondered about that one. We also had a Zadoc and my grandfather's name was Orange. I couldn't talk dh into it :). I envisioned a Scarlett, a Violet and their brother Orange.:lol:


Actually I like the names Clothestilde and Matilda but dh is way more traditional. Our kids would all be Bobs and Sues if he had his way.

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We have always been limited by the odd, unpronounceable last name. No one has ever pronounced it correctly. The next problem is Dh has the most common boys name so he wanted cool, unusual names. I have a less common name so I thought saddling the kids with an odd first name to go with the difficult last name would be just cruel.


Dh vetoed Chloe, Zoe, Sophie or Sophia as too "ethnic" and I loved all of them.


Our children have old-fashioned family names that suit them well.


BTW: I have a niece named Genevieve (another family name.) My SIL refused to allow it to be shortened to Gen. The nick name problem was solved when my dd came along several years later & couldn't say Genevieve, so she called her Jelly Bean. After a couple years of Jelly Bean, Gen didn't sound so bad.


Amber in SJ

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I tend to name my kids names that I like, and I generally don't care what other people think of them. They both have virtue names as middle names, and I feel free to make them as ridiculous as I want, because people generally just don't use them. This time around, if I want to use "Comfort" as a virtue name for a girl, I'm a-gonna do it, no matter what my MIL might think. :tongue_smilie: I think the names (at least the girl names) for this baby are...unusual (as in uncommon, not free of vowels or made up), but if it turns out to be a girl, I'm just going to enjoy everyone's reaction until they get used to it. Do you have names that you love, but for whatever reason will never use? Any reason, besides that DH hates it? Which is obviously a pretty valid reason.


By the way, I LOVE the name Finnegan. If this baby were a boy, my list was down to Finnegan and one other choice.

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Btw, dh wanted our oldest to be named Geronimo (seriously, still today gets huffy about it). I'm glad we went with Race.



DH won't go for it.


I used both of these as middle names with very common Spanish first names. Octavio was dh's pick after Octavio Paz and Geronimo was my pick because who wouldn't want to shout his name while parachuting?!?

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We liked the name Skylar for a couple of weeks but we knew people would call them Sky and the start of our last name is high so that was a no. I also have friends that really loved the name maxwell, but their last name was house so that was another no. :-P



Thanks for the laugh! I needed it this morning! :lol::lol::lol:

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We have always been limited by the odd, unpronounceable last name. No one has ever pronounced it correctly. The next problem is Dh has the most common boys name so he wanted cool, unusual names. I have a less common name so I thought saddling the kids with an odd first name to go with the difficult last name would be just cruel.


Dh vetoed Chloe, Zoe, Sophie or Sophia as too "ethnic" and I loved all of them.


Our children have old-fashioned family names that suit them well.


BTW: I have a niece named Genevieve (another family name.) My SIL refused to allow it to be shortened to Gen. The nick name problem was solved when my dd came along several years later & couldn't say Genevieve, so she called her Jelly Bean. After a couple years of Jelly Bean, Gen didn't sound so bad.


Amber in SJ




I was really considering this name, but dh didn't like it so much. After reading this comment, it made it easier to move on to another name option. I'm never going to hear 'Genevieve' the same again.

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We loved the name Aiden, it means firery, which I loved and would have fit our son. However we choose not to use it because everyone else in the world was having an Aiden! We also liked Ethan but someone once told me that every single Ethan they met was whiny. I started running into a lot of Ethans and they were! Lol now I know that has nothing to do with the name but it kind of sealed the deal for me (lol pregnancy hormones!).


My husband (the Irish firefighter) really, REALLY liked Aidan. I am not a "top ten for the past 5 years" kind of name girl... I won that standoff when we finally agreed on a name for boy twin B and it was Quinn. We just couldn't name our boys Aidan Quinn. :lol:

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