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OH MY GOSH!!! I'm speechless re: LOST!!! nt

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I had a lot of trouble keeping up with everything, and I can't find my stinkin' glasses so missed a few details! ACK!


Who was it that the Asian woman (sorry, forgot her name) approached, saying "we were both there, call me when you're ready to talk about it." I couldn't recognize him without my glasses.


Was that Locke in the coffin?


Who is Jeremy?

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Okay, somebody better start posting detailed summaries of the episode. :D


I swear... you gals! I don't even watch this show, but your excitement has me soooooo intrigued.

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Sun approached Charles Widmore. He and Ben are in some sort of battle. He's also the father of Desmond's girlfriend, Penny. Supposedly he is responsible for the plane full of people in the fake Oceanic liner found under the water. He also sent the militia guys from the boat after Ben.


When she said, "We weren't the only ones who left the island," she was referring to Ben. She blames Ben for Jin's--her husband--death, and probably means to lead Widmore to him.

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I wasn't able to watch the first hour re-air of last week's show. Could someone tell me about the additional material that aired? I know it was an extended press conference...


Jack talked about the other survivors. One was Boone, the other Charlie. I think he mentioned someone but I forget. If you watch the show on a regular basis you probably understand about everything that they added. I may have to rewatch it all, I'm confusing what was in the new episode with what was in the repeat.

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Oh, my...


I was jumping up and down when the Six (plus 2) reached that yacht... :001_tt1:


And what the heck... I kept thinking "WHO IS JEREMY?!" and when I saw who was in that coffin... HOLY COW!! :ohmy:


Oh my, oh my, oh my...

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So many more questions:


So how did John get off the island and how did he die?


I also wonder what happened to Daniel.


Are going to develop Walt's plot line more?


Why do you suppose they picked the people they did to list as having servived the plane crash? Did they have anything in common?


Why did they say Jin died in the crash? How do they explain that Sun is pregnant? She got pregnant one month after getting to the island. I am sure that she is not going to say someone else is the father


And I am pretty sure that we can say Claire is dead. But the six do not know that as they just know she was missing. That means that they are taking quite a chance saying that Kate is the monther.


And Sawyer comes through as the hero yet again. Got to love him!


I am sure that I have more questions but I will have to watch it again and think it through some.

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I had a lot of trouble keeping up with everything, and I can't find my stinkin' glasses so missed a few details! ACK!


Who was it that the Asian woman (sorry, forgot her name) approached, saying "we were both there, call me when you're ready to talk about it." I couldn't recognize him without my glasses.


Was that Locke in the coffin?


Who is Jeremy?



Sun was talking to Widmore.


Locke was in the coffin and he is the person that they were calling Jeremy.

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Oh, my...


I was jumping up and down when the Six (plus 2) reached that yacht... :001_tt1:


And what the heck... I kept thinking "WHO IS JEREMY?!" and when I saw who was in that coffin... HOLY COW!! :ohmy:


Oh my, oh my, oh my...


I had a feeling it was Locke, but I can't put my finger on why....


Something looked "off" about his body, though. Swollen, like Claire.


I think Ben's using Jack. Remember he told Locke that whoever moves the island can never come back? (And he *always* tells the truth, right?) I have a feeling there's some kind of loophole, but he'd have to get all of the 6 together to return. I have a feeling it's only for his own sake, though.


On the one hand, I'm SO not surprised that Locke's in a coffin & Ben's still alive. Otoh...I don't think Locke's dead. But then, I've been hesitant to believe *anyone's* died so far, lol.


Could y'all hear what Sawyer whispered to Kate? I couldn't tell if it was our janky TV or if we weren't supposed to hear it.


What about the Boone/Charlie stuff mentioned above? Was there something in the 7:00 recap that wasn't there last week?


And finally, most importantly--*when* does next season air????? :drool::confused1::crying::crying:(:auto: Are we there yet?)

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Jack talked about the other survivors. One was Boone, the other Charlie. I think he mentioned someone but I forget. If you watch the show on a regular basis you probably understand about everything that they added. I may have to rewatch it all, I'm confusing what was in the new episode with what was in the repeat.



Libby was the other person they mentioned.

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I had a feeling it was Locke, but I can't put my finger on why....


Something looked "off" about his body, though.


Could y'all hear what Sawyer whispered to Kate? I couldn't tell if it was our janky TV or if we weren't supposed to hear it.


What about the Boone/Charlie stuff mentioned above? Was there something in the 7:00 recap that wasn't there last week?


(:auto: Are we there yet?)


Yes, he did look swollen but I think that is a realistic portrayal of how a dead body looks.


I am pretty sure that Sawyer asked her to do whatever it was she did for him in the episode where Jack got mad. I think that it has something to do with his dd.


On the recap, they added a clip where they said that the other people who survived the crash we Boone, Charlie and Libby. ALthough that would equal more than eight which is how many they said survived the crash. Maybe someone else has more info on this.

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Yes, he did look swollen but I think that is a realistic portrayal of how a dead body looks.


Sure. I agree. But...I'm suspicious. :lol:



I am pretty sure that Sawyer asked her to do whatever it was she did for him in the episode where Jack got mad. I think that it has something to do with his dd.


Well, I figured that it was whatever she did for him in the other episode, but I was wondering what it is. (If we're supposed to know???)


As far as Sawyer's dd--I don't think he knows, does he?

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Well, I figured that it was whatever she did for him in the other episode, but I was wondering what it is. (If we're supposed to know???)


As far as Sawyer's dd--I don't think he knows, does he?


I don't think that we are supposed to know yet.


Yes, he does know because he sent money to her mother when he was in prison. I know that he knows her name is Clementine.

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I don't think that we are supposed to know yet.


Yes, he does know because he sent money to her mother when he was in prison. I know that he knows her name is Clementine.


OH!! You're right! Oh my goodness. I bet you're right about the favor being about his dd, then. Oooooh.

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On the recap, they added a clip where they said that the other people who survived the crash we Boone, Charlie and Libby. Although that would equal more than eight which is how many they said survived the crash. Maybe someone else has more info on this.


Eight survived the crash: Sayid, Jack, Kate, Sun, Hurley, Boone, Libby, and Charlie. The three died after the crash, and then Aaron was born.


Wowswers what an episode! It is still all swirly in my brain... the following comments are very disjointed, but here are some of my thoughts.


I was thinking that Jack and Sun's dad were the two she blamed, since Jack made the comment to Ben that Sun blames him. I'm not sure what she has up her sleeve in contacting Widmore, though.


I was SOOOO happy to see Penny and Desmond reunite!!!


As far as Sun getting pregnant on/off the island and Jin being dead, apparently not as much time has passed (or would it be more time has passed), since they think Kate would have been 5 months pregnant when she was caught by the agent, yet Claire was much farther along than that. And they are saying Aaron is, what, six weeks old, when he is really eight. Some kind of crazy time thing.


And Christian on the boat!! What's up with that!


Oh, and that was cool that Hurley was playing chess with Mr. Ekko. I miss him!


So when will this season come out on DVD's??? I hope they don't wait until Christmas time again! I guess it will probably be a few weeks before the next season starts. :glare:


Oh well. I need to get some sleep. If I can. :D

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Eight survived the crash: Sayid, Jack, Kate, Sun, Hurley, Boone, Libby, and Charlie. The three died after the crash, and then Aaron was born.


As far as Sun getting pregnant on/off the island and Jin being dead, apparently not as much time has passed (or would it be more time has passed), since they think Kate would have been 5 months pregnant when she was caught by the agent, yet Claire was much farther along than that. And they are saying Aaron is, what, six weeks old, when he is really eight. Some kind of crazy time thing.




Oh yeah. I keep forgetting that Aaron was actually a seperate person on the plane.


Claire was 7 months pregnant when they crashed and it was supposed to be three months so Aaron should be about five weeks old. Do we have an actual birthdate for him?


They said Kate was 6 months pregnant when the agent got her and that Aaron was five weeks old. Since they crashed three months ago if Aaron was really her baby he should just now be being born. If he is supposedly five weeks old that means he would have to have been born a month early.


In any case, Aaron is a huge baby. He looks like he is five months old. I don't think that is intentional though just the constraints of working with babies.


Same with Sun. She supposedly got pregnant a month after getting there so if her baby is born on time they would have to say her baby is a month early.


I don't know if the pregnancy timelines are supposed to be that complicated (if it is an important part of the show) or if they are just trying to jugle the plotlines.

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And Christian on the boat!! What's up with that!



I don't think that Michael or Jin died on the boat. I do believe that we will see them again. Christian appeared after Michael heard those whispery sounds. I don't know what those sounds mean exactly, though people seem to appear from nowhere after them. I think Christian took Michael wherever he took Claire. As far as Jin goes, I just refuse to believe that he is dead. If I refuse to believe it, that means it isn't so, right? :001_smile:

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Claire was 7 months pregnant when they crashed and it was supposed to be three months so Aaron should be about five weeks old. Do we have an actual birthdate for him?


According to Lostpedia's timeline, he was born on Nov 1.


In any case, Aaron is a huge baby. He looks like he is five months old.


And I can't help but be distracted while watching the show by the thought of "What they heck are they feeding that baby since Claire disappeared?!?!"

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I think Ben's using Jack. Remember he told Locke that whoever moves the island can never come back? (And he *always* tells the truth, right?) I have a feeling there's some kind of loophole, but he'd have to get all of the 6 together to return. I have a feeling it's only for his own sake, though.


I agree, I think Ben has his own plans, he NEVER acts altruistically, so he's got to gain something here. Maybe he wants back to the island?



I was thinking that Jack and Sun's dad were the two she blamed, since Jack made the comment to Ben that Sun blames him. I'm not sure what she has up her sleeve in contacting Widmore, though.



And Christian on the boat!! What's up with that!


Oh, and that was cool that Hurley was playing chess with Mr. Ekko. I miss him!

I miss Mr Eko too, I hope we see him again like we do other deads.

I also think, judging from what Jack said, that he is the other one Sun blames. On the other hand, maybe what Jack said is just a red herring from the writers and she really does blame Ben so she's siding with Widmore in an attempt to get revenge on Ben. In which case, the rest of them are going to have a hard time getting her back to the island. She looks like a tough little mama now.



I don't think that Michael or Jin died on the boat. I do believe that we will see them again. Christian appeared after Michael heard those whispery sounds. I don't know what those sounds mean exactly, though people seem to appear from nowhere after them. I think Christian took Michael wherever he took Claire. As far as Jin goes, I just refuse to believe that he is dead. If I refuse to believe it, that means it isn't so, right? :001_smile:


I think they're both dead. Christian told Michael he could go now, I took it to mean that the island was releasing him, and he could die now.


And I can't help but be distracted while watching the show by the thought of "What they heck are they feeding that baby since Claire disappeared?!?!"

I had the exact same thought, DH and I had a conversation about that. Its been quite a while since Claire died or disappeared, what the heck they feedin that baby???? No wonder he looked grumpy when Hurley grabbed him onto the raft.


And what the heck... I kept thinking "WHO IS JEREMY?!" and when I saw who was in that coffin... HOLY COW!! :ohmy:


Oh my, oh my, oh my...


I had at least a million guesses leading up to that reveal....who was in the coffin??? The person's last name was BENtham so I did kinda lean toward it being Ben, that would've been cool if Ben was talking to Jack while Ben was also in the coffin. Instead its Locke, and now we have MONTHS to try to figure that one out. I wonder if he got off the same way Ben did.



The people on the raft, Faraday and whoever else was on it (anybody know who else?), I assume they went with the island when it moved??? And OMG wasn't that a goosebump moment when it DID disappear. I got chills.


Good show. I have no idea how I'm going to survive until season 5.

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And I can't help but be distracted while watching the show by the thought of "What they heck are they feeding that baby since Claire disappeared?!?!"


THAT was driving me crazy too!!!!


And I think Michael *is* dead since Jack's dad appeared and told him he could go. I'm not convinced Jin is dead though. And what about the people in the Zodiac?


AND I KNEW it was Locke in the coffin all along!

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:iagree: about the feeding of the baby - I kept commenting on it! I watched it with my daughters, 2 of their friends and my husband and I was the only one bothered by it. Maybe it is a Mom thing!


I also agree with those who think that Jack is the one Sun blames.


Another thing - Sun must know that helping Mr. Widmore will likely lead to hurting Desmond and Penny. I just can't see her not being sympathetic so she must have a really good reason for doing it. I hope.


And another thing! About the people on the little boat - how can Sayid and Jack be totally sure that they were the only survivors when they know that there was that boat with, what, 5 survivors and Daniel? While I am thinking that the boat may have been close enough to the island to have moved with it (I figure that they would have been on their way back to the island since they must have seen the explosion), who knows?


Poor Juliet - with a sad Dharma bottle of rum. Poor Sawyer - not knowing if Kate was alive or not.


My girls and their friends all were annoyed at Kate - kissing Sawyer and then *loving* Jack just a year or so later, but I can see it.


Was not expecting Locke in that coffin! The whole fake name thing had - still has! - me confused. I mean, why call him that? Just because Locke is using a pseudonym doesn't meant that the other survivors would use it amonst themselves. Weird.


And we still don't know Libby's last name! I wonder if that is significant.


Oh, I am going to miss Lost :(

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What is it about lost that is so very intriguing? I didn't get to watch but I want to know everything. I guess I'll be able to watch the episode via internet. EEEGADs this show gives me high bloodpressure. Who would have thunk up "let's make everyone who watches it nuts, so they keep coming back" "Give out just enough info but never enough" But hey it works.

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I also agree with those who think that Jack is the one Sun blames.

I think so too and I'm glad, she should blame him. He's weak and self-centered. But again, maybe Locke told her that Ben deliberately killed Keamy and that's what caused the ship to explode.


Another thing - Sun must know that helping Mr. Widmore will likely lead to hurting Desmond and Penny. I just can't see her not being sympathetic so she must have a really good reason for doing it. I hope.

I think she's a woman on a mission and she has tunnel vision. She grew up the daughter of a mobster (IMHO) and she is seeking revenge.

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Was not expecting Locke in that coffin! The whole fake name thing had - still has! - me confused. I mean, why call him that? Just because Locke is using a pseudonym doesn't meant that the other survivors would use it amonst themselves. Weird.




:iagree: It doesn't make any sense that THEY would call him Jeremy. ??? Why would they do that? Why wouldn't they just call him Locke, no matter what pseudonym he was using?

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Oh! And what's the deal with Miles and Charlotte talking about her being "back" on the island, and about her finding where she was born?? Was I hearing that right? (Boy do I miss having cable with dvr and rewind abilities!!!)

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What about the people in the gray raft that were on their way to the boat?


-- are they off the island? and where?

-- did they get sucked back onto the island?

-- are they still floating aimlessly on the high seas?


And Charlotte. Was she born on the island? How old is she anyway?


Isn't Christian dead? If he appeared to Michael then I would assume that Michael is dead too, Claire is probably dead and the other person who saw him, John Locke, is now dead. Whoever sees Christian then dies?! So Christian is more like a ghost who turns other people into ghosts?


I still don't think Jin died. He was near the end of the boat and I think that he got blown into the water. He's on the island. He time travels. And he "came" to the hospital when Sun gave birth--only she still thinks he died.


I agree. Ben never does anything for anyone but Ben. He tricked Locke somehow into being the one who never gets to return to the island. But how, when, all those details will be several episodes next season I'm sure.

must. go. back. to. packing - 24 hrs to go. . . . :auto:

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And another thing! About the people on the little boat - how can Sayid and Jack be totally sure that they were the only survivors when they know that there was that boat with, what, 5 survivors and Daniel? While I am thinking that the boat may have been close enough to the island to have moved with it (I figure that they would have been on their way back to the island since they must have seen the explosion), who knows?


I think that is why Jack was careful to name people who had definitely died on the island (as definitely as anyone dies on the island) as the other people who "survived" because he's pretty sure they will never be "found" and ruin his story. Had he named anyone else and they somehow showed up later on, then their story would be blown.


I'm not sure that they really believe they are the only survivors, but they certainly want everyone back home to believe that they are.


Poor Juliet - with a sad Dharma bottle of rum. Poor Sawyer - not knowing if Kate was alive or not.


Oh I know. She has really redeemed herself this season. I wasn't sure if I was ever going to like/trust her, but yeah, I felt terrible seeing her sitting there with her rum and the smoke in the distance. And then Sawyer. Sigh. Just like Captain Jack and Elizabeth Swan on the island with their rum.


Was not expecting Locke in that coffin! The whole fake name thing had - still has! - me confused. I mean, why call him that? Just because Locke is using a pseudonym doesn't meant that the other survivors would use it amonst themselves. Weird.


Yeah, I wondered about that, too. I know some of them were using that name because they were certain they were being watched. But it is still very weird.


Walt looked SO different!


So we know that Ben has "infiltrated" Sayid and now Jack in the flash forwards. I'm guessing next season will be focused on the conflict among the six on going back, and then seeing what exactly went so wrong on the island after they left.


Who is left on the island now? (That we care about)










The Others

The dead people


Is that it?

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Isn't Christian dead? If he appeared to Michael then I would assume that Michael is dead too, Claire is probably dead and the other person who saw him, John Locke, is now dead. Whoever sees Christian then dies?! So Christian is more like a ghost who turns other people into ghosts?


But then that would mean Jack has been dead since the very first episode.


I still don't think Jin died. He was near the end of the boat and I think that he got blown into the water. He's on the island. He time travels.


I think this can go either way. I really want him to be alive, but if he were, I think John aka Jeremy would have used that tidbit to lure Sun back to the island. Although I guess Ben and Jack didn't mention him having talked to Sun, so maybe his "accident" occurred before he got the chance.


It seemed like a rather arbitrary "rule" that whoever moves the island can never return. Didn't make much sense to me. And I don't think Ben would be willing to leave the island just to save it if he really believed he couldn't return. He sure seemed irritated with Jacob, though.


And the sky turned purple and made that sound just like when Desmond turned the key. Or was the sound from the numbers not being entered? If Desmond hadn't turned the key, would the island have moved itself then? Was that the purpose of entering the numbers? To keep the island where it was?


No matter how many answers they give us, there's always more questions! What a terrific group of writers!

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I think you are a bit confused about Jin time-traveling to the hospital. That episode was a dual episode. Jin's hospital scene was at a different time...before the plane crash...when he worked for Sun's father. They were flipping back and forth between the scene where Jin was trying to buy a Panda for an important business man associated with his father-in-law and Sun giving birth to their son. It was not the same scene playing out.


That was a good episode!



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I think you are a bit confused about Jin time-traveling to the hospital. That episode was a dual episode. Jin's hospital scene was at a different time...before the plane crash...when he worked for Sun's father. They were flipping back and forth between the scene where Jin was trying to buy a Panda for an important business man associated with his father-in-law and Sun giving birth to their son. It was not the same scene playing out.



Your right but yet I think some of us might be thinking that the Island moved back in time so maybe Jin was able to get off and be at his daughters birth but in a different time dimension or parallel story. It doesn't make sense but we are talking about "Lost". :D
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What about the people in the gray raft that were on their way to the boat?


-- are they off the island? and where?

-- did they get sucked back onto the island?

-- are they still floating aimlessly on the high seas?


And Charlotte. Was she born on the island? How old is she anyway?


Isn't Christian dead? If he appeared to Michael then I would assume that Michael is dead too, Claire is probably dead and the other person who saw him, John Locke, is now dead. Whoever sees Christian then dies?! So Christian is more like a ghost who turns other people into ghosts?


I still don't think Jin died. He was near the end of the boat and I think that he got blown into the water. He's on the island. He time travels. And he "came" to the hospital when Sun gave birth--only she still thinks he died.


I agree. Ben never does anything for anyone but Ben. He tricked Locke somehow into being the one who never gets to return to the island. But how, when, all those details will be several episodes next season I'm sure.

must. go. back. to. packing - 24 hrs to go. . . . :auto:

I;m guessing the ppl on the raft went with the island, because the people in the helicopter didn't see them after the island disappeared. They also didn't see anyone in the water that was on the freighter either. I think Jin is dead.

And that sounds just like Ben to trick Locke like that.

Charlotte may be Annie, except her and Ben have already met, was there any undercurrent between them then? Or maybe she's from Dharma and was born on the island.



It seemed like a rather arbitrary "rule" that whoever moves the island can never return. Didn't make much sense to me. And I don't think Ben would be willing to leave the island just to save it if he really believed he couldn't return. He sure seemed irritated with Jacob, though.


And the sky turned purple and made that sound just like when Desmond turned the key. Or was the sound from the numbers not being entered? If Desmond hadn't turned the key, would the island have moved itself then? Was that the purpose of entering the numbers? To keep the island where it was?


No matter how many answers they give us, there's always more questions! What a terrific group of writers!

I think its a very arbitrary rule too, so it may be another case of Ben being not entirely truthful. And turning a wheel moves the island...I hope they go into an explanation for how that works at some time.

It was just like when Desmond turned the key, which was probably the same thing that began to happen when Desmond almost didn't enter the numbers and crashed their plane, even though we didn't see it. I guess they use the electromagnetic force to move the island, it seems like whatever the wheel does specifically moves moves the island with that force. Whereas without the wheel doing whatever it does, the electromagnetic force is just released unharnessed. Thats how I'm interpreting it anyway. And when Desmond did turn the key, how come no awful things happened other than the sky turning purple and communications being shot? Wasn't he supposed to be saving the world? If no big consequences come from the electromagnetism being released, why all the fuss with entering the numbers? Just to keep communication with the rest of the world possible? No numbers have been entered since the hatch exploded, is the electromagnetism even still there? I would guess it was, so are they not controlling it now without the hatch?


I didn't get enough sleep last night. I think I'm rambling.

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I don't think that Michael or Jin died on the boat. I do believe that we will see them again. Christian appeared after Michael heard those whispery sounds. I don't know what those sounds mean exactly, though people seem to appear from nowhere after them. I think Christian took Michael wherever he took Claire. As far as Jin goes, I just refuse to believe that he is dead. If I refuse to believe it, that means it isn't so, right? :001_smile:



Im not sure about Michael, but I wonder about Jin too.... in an earlier episode, he was brining a panda to someone in the hospitol.... do you remember that?? That has to play into the "future"somehow.....


Just like earlier when Jack and Kate met outside the airport and talked.... and when Jack went to the funeral home to see... well now we know it was John.....


OH! And what is with the name Jeremy?? Is that because he was supposed to be dead??


I have read a few responses so far, and someone mentioned Ben using Jack... I 100%%%%% agree......


Jack is dealing with pride issues, and being wrong... I can see why.... he didn't believe Locke when he told him a miracle was going to happen.... and that they need to stay.... then in the raft when Hurley was telling what just happened, Jack denied that the Island moved.....


So many mind tricks in this one.... I need to watch it again....


OMGosh!!! It was good.... I hate that the season was cut short and now we have to wait months for the season premer... tarter sauce..


Now I hope this all made sense....

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Please refresh my memory as to how Sawyer has a daughter. I vaguely remember that!





It was with the woman he conned but then actually fell for. (The same woman Kate met who helped her see her mom again.) Then the woman visited Sawyer in prison and told him about his daughter.

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