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The Big Bang Theory

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The only comedies we watch regularly are The Middle, Modern Family and Big Bang Theory. I really enjoy all three, but The Middle could be the story of our lives. So many times, Dh and i look at each other during that show because the same thing has happened in our house. Dh thinks I am pretty much a carbon copy of Frankie on The Middle. I think Dh is similar to Leonard on Big Band Theory.

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We're huge fans here too. RegularDad is a satellite operator and he actually works with Physics PhD's all the time. He says their offices are filled with whiteboards with equations all over it, just like on the show.


The first clip I ever saw of it was the classic "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock" bit. I was instantly hooked. So glad it's been syndicated now and I can watch it more often. :D

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A definite favorite here, too. We have two huge whiteboards in our bedroom, LOL. And another in the dining room and another in my husband's office.


It didn't occur to me until I'd seen a couple of seasons that I have my place on the couch, as well, and while I don't freak out a la Sheldon, it does irritate me when someone else sits there.


Our extended family is full of Aspies, OCD types and so on, so lots of it is very familiar.....

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Our OT told me I had to watch as youngest was like a mini-Sheldon. We tuned in for Raj's shirt that played music and have been hooked every since. Have all the seasons on DVD and next season pre-ordered.


Loved the whole chair thing. 'What's the gist, physicist?' :D

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I really like the Big Bang - it reminds me of my brother and his friends (astrophysics).


I also love The Middle and Modern Family. (I think I went to high school with someone like Sue Heck - her type just seems so familar)


On Modern Family - I love Phil. Sometimes when I watch an episode several times before I get some throw away line that is hilarious.

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We are a family of geeks, and we love the show!


There was hope that dd would get the illusive "popular" gene from Loverboy's side of the family, but it is becoming apparent that dd4 is too enamoured with bugs, telescopes, rocks, etc, to be able to deny her nerdy relations (us). She can identify a black widow spider (from watching Nature), and she knows the sound a dikdik makes when it runs away. (It whistles; info from My Big Backyard magazine).


Maybe as a teen, the baby will rebel and become a rock star.:D

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We're huge fans here too. RegularDad is a satellite operator and he actually works with Physics PhD's all the time. He says their offices are filled with whiteboards with equations all over it, just like on the show.


The first clip I ever saw of it was the classic "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock" bit. I was instantly hooked. So glad it's been syndicated now and I can watch it more often. :D


Big Bang is easily my favorite show currently on television. Just about the only show I can count on laughing aloud every single episode.


I read somewhere that they have scientific consultants that actually check and make sure the equations on the board make sense and are mathematically sound. I think that is just too cool. That and Mayim Bialik really being a neuroscientist (and a homeschooler).

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Love the show, especially the red chair episode last night - which is why I referred to it on the monster cricket thread. :lol: I imagined that monster cricket was what bit Amy on the tush. :001_huh:

Can't wait until next week when Sheldon finds the chair in his apartment! :D


:lol: :lol: :lol:


Oh I hope they have the chair as a running gag for a while. I love that they've given Amy her own pad... complete with harp. We love the show, too. My children have begun to demand "Soft Kitty" whenever they feel yucky.

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It's my "must see" along with "The Good Wife."


I used to hang around with some nerdy fellas in college. I wasn't pretty like TBBT's Penny, but I was a social connection to the rest of the world for some of these friends.


Funny. I dated a couple of geeks (they reminded me of my dad, I think), but I married the proverbial cool guy. Our dss are completely geeky. Guess it skipped a generation! :D


(I am having a debate with my own 15 yo Sheldon as I type. Apparently I don't know mythology well enough to discuss it intelligently with him. He's getting quite exasperated with me! :lol:)

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:lol: :lol: :lol:


Oh I hope they have the chair as a running gag for a while. I love that they've given Amy her own pad... complete with harp. We love the show, too. My children have begun to demand "Soft Kitty" whenever they feel yucky.


But I miss the chain smoking monkey. They didn't explain where he'd gone.


One of my all time favorite movies is Real Genius and TBBT reminds me of those guys and girls all grown up.

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We love TBBT. We've been watching since the first episode, and it keeps getting better. I'm pretty bummed because it comes on right at the baby's bedtime, and we don't have a DVR. As far as I know, they don't post it online anywhere, so it looks like I'll have to wait until this season comes out on DVD. :glare:



Our extended family is full of Aspies, OCD types and so on, so lots of it is very familiar.....


Hits a little close to home sometimes, hey? My husband wants to be as "cool" as Leonard, but he's really a Sheldon.

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We love TBBT. We've been watching since the first episode, and it keeps getting better. I'm pretty bummed because it comes on right at the baby's bedtime, and we don't have a DVR. As far as I know, they don't post it online anywhere, so it looks like I'll have to wait until this season comes out on DVD. :glare:





Hits a little close to home sometimes, hey? My husband wants to be as "cool" as Leonard, but he's really a Sheldon.



I think you can get full episodes at CBS.com. Here you go... http://www.cbs.com/shows/big_bang_theory/

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Oh, yeah. It's our current favorite. I let the boys watch it, because most of the sexual stuff goes right over their heads, and they love Sheldon and Howard. They even play Howard and his mother. It's hilarious to hear them shouting to each other from across the house in Howard's mother's voice. They did it at Panera once, and that was a little embarrassing! The boys slept over my mom's on premiere night, and I was hoping she didn't let them watch, because the cyber-s*x stuff was a little too graphic! But, no, they watched. So far, they haven't asked any questions, though.

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I loved the first 2 seasons but when it went in the gutter we were so disappointed. Howard was always a pig and occasionally made me cringe but once they introduced all the girlfriends it became unacceptable to watch as a family. Such a shame because we did all love it.

I was really upset because I think the writers didn't know why people loved it.

I think it was so great because it was funny and because there was a little bit of a Sheldon and Leonard in all of us.

The episode's with Sheldon's Mom were our favorites.

Best Episode ever, The Adhesive Duck Deficiency.

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