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How does your homeschool group keep in communication?

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I have somehow become the communications person in our homeschool group sort of by default. I don't mind letting everyone know what's going on, but it's a bit of a struggle because not everyone has e-mail, and some who do have it don't check it, and not everyone has a mobile phone. We have a website that people can check and a yahoo group, but no one is ever on the yahoo group, so that's a bit of a waste, and I'm not sure if anyone accesses the website either. The problem really comes up when plans change on short notice. I don't want to have to phone everyone, and when I do try phoning around, people seem to rarely answer their phones so I have to leave messages and hope that they're received. I recently found out that one woman can't even access her phone messages because they changed phone carriers and the message service is with the old carrier. I send out an e-mail, but then that leaves out those who don't have an e-mail. Sending a text leaves out those who don't have mobiles. Ack! Is there an easier way?

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Wow, that's tough. Maybe a phone tree would work better for your group?


We have ours through Yahoo groups. It's sort of an unwritten acknowledgement that if you want to be in the loop, get your email in. Otherwise, oh well. We're so spread out that it wouldn't make sense to do it any other way.

We do have standing meetup days each week so I guess info could be found out that way, but the email does make it so much easier.

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Hmm that is a hard one. I am in two groups and this is how each one does it


Group A- meets weekly - We have a meetup.com page, facebook page and usually call or text with each other weekly (only 20 families)


Group B- Larger group that has several activities each week available. We have a yahoo group and facebook page. If anything changes the leaders or monthly planners send out emails.


If someone can't get to a computer or have phone access I am not sure how you could let them know what is going on.

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We do a yahoo group. You're expected to keep abreast by checking email or calling someone. We had a few people still not on the new site but I think most everyone else is- I don't feel personally responsible though for everyone. I think if they care enough they will check. I don't feel like babysitting anyone and I won't do for others what they cannot do for themselves, we're all busy moms. That being said there wouldn't be last minute plan changes without good reason- ie weather.

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It's good of you to take on that responsibility in addition to all the other things a homeschool mom has to do.


In this day and age, almost everyone can either access the Internet or they have a mobile phone, and many have both. I think I would be clear with people that if there are any last minute changes, you will text those who have given you a mobile number but no email, email the ones you have an address for, update the yahoo group/website, and leave it at that. Phoning around is time-consuming and I don't think you should feel obliged to do that. As a PP said, if it matters enough, people will check.

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We have a yahoo group and that is the only place I post changes. I just got to the point of being fed up with all the work of making sure people know what's going on. If they want to be involved they need to go to the effort themselves to find out. The other option you could try if you have a mobile and free or cheap texts is to set up a the phone numbers of every one you need to get info to as a group and then text a single message to that group. If people aren't making themselves easily contactable its not your problem.

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I've been right where you are and man, it was a job trying to keep everyone informed. I finally made it everyone's personal responsibility to keep themselves informed rather than mine to inform them. It was the only way to keep my sanity. :001_smile: My kids still bemoan those years that I spent so much time on the phone.


We use a facebook account and email to keep members abreast of upcoming events and activities. It is their responsibility to check in somehow. If they don't have email, they can check it at the library or call a friend who does. This has worked so much better for us and it put the responsiblity right where it belongs-unless you're getting paid to do this of course.;)

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I finally made it everyone's personal responsibility to keep themselves informed rather than mine to inform them.


This. Our group communicates 100% via e-mail. I've often thought that if it came down to having to make calls to communicate, I would not lead the group. E-mail makes life soooo much easier. If people do not have access to e-mail, it is their responsibility to figure out a way to get that information, not yours.

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My group communicates by email. If you don't 'do' email, you are responsible for gathering the information. I can't think of a single person who doesn't have email either at home or the library.


Honestly, I would announce that it is a logistical nightmare for you to call everyone. I'd be willing to send out the info to the group via email and text. However, if a person doesn't communicate that way, they must take it upon themselves to call people. This includes checking in just before an event to assure there are no last-minute changes. Assign buddies if you must, but you can't track everyone down in an era of unanswered phones and full voicemail boxes.

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Yahoo group. Everyone just sends emails through the group, so nobody has to go to the Yahoo group website. We just use our regular email and send it to groupname@yahoo groups.com.


There are a few people that do not do daily email, so they have asked a friend to contact them if something important is sent.


We also use the Yahoo Groups calendar. Anyone organizing an event puts it on the calendar themselves. They set it up to send an automatic reminder email.


I would not like the Facebook or texting options as I do neither of those. A lot of our members ar the same way.

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Okay, thanks for all the responses. I don't think anyone has facebook, so that is out. I will just try to keep e-mailing people, and if they don't have e-mail (or don't check their e-mail - grrrrrr), then they'll be on their own. I love that I can post to the yahoo group by just sending an e-mail. I didn't realize that I could do that. That will make it much easier to post to the yahoo group from my phone. Thanks!

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What you should do is get the word out that ALL communication will now happen through yahoo (including any last minute changes). Then do NOT make any exceptions. You are going to make yourself crazy if you allow everyone to think that it's your job to cater to them.


We run our co-op through a website and I have told everyone that I will NOT call, email or text last minute changes (ex: one week we canceled because all of the teacher's kids were sick). It's their job to check the site. Full stop.

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What you should do is get the word out that ALL communication will now happen through yahoo (including any last minute changes). Then do NOT make any exceptions. You are going to make yourself crazy if you allow everyone to think that it's your job to cater to them.


We run our co-op through a website and I have told everyone that I will NOT call, email or text last minute changes (ex: one week we canceled because all of the teacher's kids were sick). It's their job to check the site. Full stop.


ITA I consider it rather rude really to expect someone else to do that for you. It is a good way to burnout!

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What kinds of things change suddenly?


Most recently it was the forest school. The woman who was going to start a forest school for us decided that she wasn't prepared to do so yesterday as planned. I thought that she had e-mailed everyone but started receiving texts and e-mails on Sunday night checking to find out what time, etc, so I had to send around an e-mail to everyone to let them know, as well as responding to the messages I had received. I just had to hope that everyone got the info.

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All communication for our group happens through a yahoo group. You can get a daily or weekly digest or and email for every post. Most people do the last. Yell them that if theu don't have email the need to find a buddy to call them with last minute changes. Sort of a mini-phone tree, but only for those with no email access at home.

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We have a google group and if you don't check it you are out of luck. We also have a phone tree for emergencies. We have used it for class cancellations due to weather and last minute field trip changes. I still wound up on the phone for a long time with the phone tree. I kept calling and leaving messages until I got a hold of someone to continue down the tree.


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