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Juicing - all hype or big benefit?

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A friend of mine think I should be juicing. She is talking about stuff like kale, apples, other veg and fruits. There is a website she recommends, which has a questionnaire to determine the best combo for me.




She also asked me to watch a documentary called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. Is this an infomercial?


I have cardiovascular disease and peripheral artery disease. This friend is very knowledgeable about --gosh, I don't know what to call it -- non-medical establishment health stuff.


I consulted her because for the past 3 weeks I have had a lot of inexplicable muscle pain, which culminated with my being unable to walk without extreme pain.


I think this is a side effect of Lipitor, which I have stopped taking. I am also seeing an actual M.D. on Wednesday.


Now, if I'm already eating (or should be, have done, will do) whole grains, tons of veg, 2 fruits, no dairy except feta on salads, lots of beans, low fat diet, and so forth ... is juicing beneficial?


What's the difference between juicing (and losing all the fiber from the veg) and just eating the blasted veg?


Thank you for your help,


Edited by RoughCollie
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I use my blender for green mixes right now, but I would love a vitamix. I love it. I feel like superwoman on the days I get a green shake, and that's on top of my vitamins.


Are you talking about putting actual veg in the blender, like kale, or are you buying green powder?


What's in your shakes?

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I don't like juicing, I love blending. I have a juicer, and frankly, I just throw out too much fiber. I use my blender for green mixes right now, but I would love a vitamix.




I like the way I feel when I do a juice fast for a couple of days. But with five adults and one hungry kiddo to feed, it seems rather wasteful (to *me*, on *my* tight grocery budget, ymmv) to toss out so much of the substance of the fruit/veggie. I also have to buy lots more produce just to concoct various recipes and extract a significant amount of juice.


But, well, a juiced beet really can rev me up. So if it fits in your budget and you can borrow a juicer to try before you buy, you might want to give it a go to see how it makes you feel.

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I watched the movie you mentioned a few weeks ago since the guy who "stars" in it has urticaria. He swears that the juicing made the urticaria go away.


As best I could tell, he never knew what triggered his urticaria. Whereas mine trigger is known. I thought it was an interesting premise but I don't know that I'm ready to try it. Right now I'm eating the cleanest diet I've ever eaten in my life but my urticaria is at its worst.

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I think healthy people probably don't need the benefit of juicing, but it could be highly beneficial for sick people! My mother juiced everyday during her chemo treatment for brain cancer. Her blood counts remained very good throughout the whole thing. She never suffered some of the horrible intestinal problems people usually do while on chemo. I really believe it helped keep her so healthy!


The fiber in vegetables is what helps slow down the rate which it goes through your system and helps you feel full. If you're trying to help illness, you would be getting a lot of fiber, but there just aren't that many nutrients in the fiber. Most of the vitamins and minerals are in the juice.

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I did a small juice fast (and I already get 22 raw fruits and veggies in a whole food supplement I take) and it was GREAT! I felt great, my skin and brain felt clearer in 2 days and my next cycle was unusually easy. Now I juice once a day but would love to do another juice fast when $$ is available.


I tried both juicing and blending (with my friends vitamix). I could not gag down the blended stuff. It was just too thick for me. However I put the pulp from my juice into my compost pile so I don't feel like I'm wasting it at all. It just goes into my garden to nourish my plants... which will later nourish my body. ;)


I loved that documentary... I love all of them though. It's so encouraging to me to see people take charge of their health and do hard things with great results. :)

Edited by Wyndie
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We love our Vita-mix and put spinach, kale, collard greens, etc. into our fruit smoothies. I use homemade coconut milk, frozen fruit, greens, what other veggies I might have (carrots, cabbage, etc.). It's a nice thick drink and very filling.


We also have a juicer and love it for different reasons. We make juices that quite frankly wouldn't taste good in the blender - our favorite is a mix of apples, lemons, ginger and kale. We call it our green lemonade and it's fabulous!


So, there are different purposes for each, but I never bought the "just juicing" idea myself...we do both and get lots of veggies, fruits and fiber!



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I did a pretty intense juice cycle for about four months while recovering from an illness. I had little ability to digest common foods or certain food groups, most significantly anything processed, starch based, or dairy, and definitely not meat.


It was a lifestyle for a while there.


It did me a world of good and as my family joined in maybe once a day or sometimes twice a day, they all stated benefits such as digestion, attitude and energy.


I did learn the difference between fruit and vegetable juices after about 2 weeks of fruit juicing as a solo practice. There needs to be a balance of the two, after some time sheer fruit juice has negative expressions if that is all you are surviving on.


I also learned that for me, where I was at in it, I could not mix fruits or substances in the beginning, I needed to do solo juices..just carrot..just orange..and it took me a bit to combine them.


There is a noticeable difference in clarity while on a juice fast, and for me, it did affect my sleep as well in positive ways.


My favorite add in is ginger root and protein powders and flax.


Some days, when I'm lazy, I just toss in my vitamins and zap it to get it over with rather than swallow them individually.

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I've known a lot of people who've gotten into juicing. The key is this - they get out of it, too. Juicing seems to be a phase. It' lasts longer with some, but rarely have I met anyone who has juiced for more than 4 years.


Eat fruits and vegetables. You'll be better off.

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Eat fruits and vegetables. You'll be better off.


That's kind of my opinion too.


I haven't really tried juicing, though. I do have a friend that is doing juicing after watching that documentary. She made a juice (apple, sweet potato, beet) & I tried a glass. :tongue_smilie: (I'm vegetarian & love veggies & fruit in general, but something about the smell of the juice was just not good. The smell almost did me in. The taste wasn't great, imo, but the smell made the taste even worse.) I'd much rather eat an apple, a sweet potato, and a beet rather than drink the combined, juiced version.


I have known people who have done juicing over the years. To me, it always seems fad-ish. People do it awhile, proclaim it loudly, & then they quit doing it altogether. I've never really known anyone who has stuck w/ it for the long term.

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Are you talking about putting actual veg in the blender, like kale, or are you buying green powder?


What's in your shakes?


INto the blender goes a huge handfull of parsley, two handfulls of spinach or kale, a good inch knob of ginger, a quarter of a whole lemon and a few bananas. Then I fill it to the top with soy milk or water, and blend it till it's fully broken down (I've learned to add in the lemon and ginger to the bottom of the blender so they get totally liquefied). There may be a small bit of leaf, but it's not anything you'd have to chew. I give my Dh a take along cold cup (the ones with the lids and straws?) and off he goes to work, too so it's like a quick breakfast.



We love our Vita-mix and put spinach, kale, collard greens, etc. into our fruit smoothies. I use homemade coconut milk, frozen fruit, greens, what other veggies I might have (carrots, cabbage, etc.). It's a nice thick drink and very filling.


We also have a juicer and love it for different reasons. We make juices that quite frankly wouldn't taste good in the blender - our favorite is a mix of apples, lemons, ginger and kale. We call it our green lemonade and it's fabulous!


So, there are different purposes for each, but I never bought the "just juicing" idea myself...we do both and get lots of veggies, fruits and fiber!




Now I want a vitamix even more!

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I use my blender, a BlendTec, for green smoothies, among many other things. Like others, I typically fill it up with kale, a knob of ginger, and a frozen banana. Then add it whatever frozen or fresh fruit we have around. I borrowed someone's juicer one time and it was really a pain to use. My blender is super easy and I've had great customer service from BlendTec.

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listening to the juicer whir as i type. dh's been doing it for several weeks (5 or 6 maybe?) and has lost significant weight. we watched the movie also, and loved it. it is highly motivating and inspiring! i don't know if he'll do it long term, but in the meantime it is changing his eating habits and taste buds, plus he's getting a lot of greens he wouldn't otherwise take in. the kids and i juice also, but never fasted like he did. i haven't bought juice from the store since he started. i'm loving that the kids are getting real juice instead of all the sugary stuff with no real nutrition. i think it's a great way to get more veggies into your diet and hope it isn't a phase for us.

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I haven't read any of the other responses - I can only say that my dd31 (chronic lyme disease) and her dh juice every day. They have a Champion juicer, use only organic stuff and they swear by it.


I am always running to get them kale and other stuff - I can only tell you that 7 years ago, dd could not get out of bed in the morning, and her dh had to bathe her and feed her.


Once she began to research and they both began to clean their diet, and she began to doctor when we figured out it was lyme disease, they began juicing.


She is running now, and G-d bless her, she looks like the picture of health. That is not to say that she doesn't have a little way to go - probably another 18 nmos until she is back to where she should be.


I would recommend juicing -- it's worth a try.

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I really love green smoothies and yogurt smoothies in my BlendTec. In fact, I'm currently visiting my mother and she has a BlendTec, too, and that's AWESOME... no interruption of smoothieness. :) That being said, there are times I wish I hadn't sold my juicer, even though it's was just a Waring Pro. There are things you can only get through that method, and times when your digestive system simply can't handle the bulk of the fiber.


My friend was recently diagnosed with rectal cancer, and she's starting Gerson therapy in a few days. That relies almost exclusively on juicing at first, and I look forward to hearing her thoughts on the whole thing when they return from the clinic.


I think it can be done exclusively for a period of time, or partially for a longer-term lifestyle, (one meal a day, one day a week, one week every few months) but not exclusively forever. There are quite simply things that you would miss, either the act of chewing or nutritionally. Remember also that many of the vitamins in fruits and vegetables are fat-soluble, so if you're juicing exclusively add in some sort of fat (cod liver oil? coconut oil? avocado in the green smoothie?).

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I tried juicing, but it made me feel terrible. A friend of mine said I was de-toxing, but as I'm veggie and eat fairly well anyway I don't know how true that was.


I'm not sure why it made me feel so bad (upset stomach and pains), but I'm happy just to eat my greens instead!

you need to start out slowly. I do remember reading that.



As far as the wasted fiber goes, I bought an expensive juicer to replace my Juiceman (I bot the Greenstar Elite) and WOW! I can't believe how much less waste there is with this juicer!!!


There are definite benefits to juicing over eating the veggies, but I'm sorry I don't remember what I read!!! I can tell you that in the past when I juiced, I definitely felt better.


I was just talking to a friend tonight who had all the symptoms you mention and she just went off her cholesterol medication. She says she notices a difference already.

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Hmm. I'm going to have to think about this. We have a good blender because DD likes smoothies. I, OTOH, have never tried a juiced concoction or a smoothie. There is a reason for that -- I think they are yucky.


I guess it won't kill me to try it. Does anyone have a recipe that does not include dairy products or substitutes like almond, rice, or soy milks? I have a distinct prejudice against milk substitutes. It would be better if the thought of drinking this concoction did not make me gag. :)


I hate kale and collard greens, but I would consider kale to be an ordinary, non-exotic ingredient. I don't think people eat collards here b/c I've never seen it in the store.


You all think this stuff tastes *good*, right? You are not forcing it down in the name of health, are you? I already spent 3 weeks acquiring a taste for oatmeal. That experience may have fulfilled my virtue requirement for the rest of my life! :)


Thank you for your help!

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Hmm. I'm going to have to think about this. We have a good blender because DD likes smoothies. I, OTOH, have never tried a juiced concoction or a smoothie. There is a reason for that -- I think they are yucky.


I guess it won't kill me to try it. Does anyone have a recipe that does not include dairy products or substitutes like almond, rice, or soy milks? I have a distinct prejudice against milk substitutes. It would be better if the thought of drinking this concoction did not make me gag. :)


I hate kale and collard greens, but I would consider kale to be an ordinary, non-exotic ingredient. I don't think people eat collards here b/c I've never seen it in the store.


You all think this stuff tastes *good*, right? You are not forcing it down in the name of health, are you? I already spent 3 weeks acquiring a taste for oatmeal. That experience may have fulfilled my virtue requirement for the rest of my life! :)


Thank you for your help!


I do not use milk or milk subs... it's just veggies and an apple for sweetness. I use veggies that are high in water, like romaine lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, carrots. My friend who juices said you can barely get anything from kale so although I love kale, I'm not wasting my time and $$ juicing it.


I didn't like the idea of juicing either. My kids drink smoothies daily but I don't b/c the idea of a liquid meal grosses me out. That said, I enjoy my juices as long as there is an apple in them. :)


One word, it tends to be very cleansing b/c your cells are absorbing almost 100% of the vitamins/minerals in the food so don't start on a day you will be out and about. I didn't have BAD cleansing, I was just glad to be near a bathroom. ;)

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My dad watched the documentary and was motivated enough to try it. He juiced for three weeks and lost a total of thirty pounds :ohmy:. His problems with hypertension disappeared and so did his sleep apnea. He now has loads of energy and looks ten years younger. I would not have believed it had I not seen it with my own two eyes! It is crazy I tell ya.:D

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My dad watched the documentary and was motivated enough to try it. He juiced for three weeks and lost a total of thirty pounds :ohmy:. His problems with hypertension disappeared and so did his sleep apnea. He now has loads of energy and looks ten years younger. I would not have believed it had I not seen it with my own two eyes! It is crazy I tell ya.:D


I wish I could convince DH to do that. Everything he likes to eat is now off his diet because he has had 4 strokes since the end of April. Maybe I can convince him to try it when I do.

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I use veggies that are high in water, like romaine lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, carrots.


One word, it tends to be very cleansing b/c your cells are absorbing almost 100% of the vitamins/minerals in the food so don't start on a day you will be out and about. I didn't have BAD cleansing, I was just glad to be near a bathroom. ;)


I eat a lot of those vegetables already, so that's a plus. Do you know if the juicing thing is healthier because your cells absorb more of the vitamins and minerals that way?

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Here's what I do for an absolutely YUMMY green smoothie:


A bunch of kale and/or spinach - at least half

Whir it with a cup of water.

Add some fresh pineapple and a frozen banana.

Add a chunk of ginger, if you like ginger.

Then add whatever fruit you like. Most days I add a handful of frozen fruit from a giant Sam's bag. Sometimes it's the mixed fruit, sometimes it's the mixed berries


I have gone through times when I'm adding hemp protein powder, flax oil, wheatgrass, and bee pollen. I think the wheatgrass was a bit of overkill. The kids don't like the bee pollen or protein powder. They can't tell when I add flaxseed oil.


I don't add any milk products to my green smoothies. That just seems weird. I do make smoothies with yogurt, but just not green ones.


Let me know if you try it!

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I eat a lot of those vegetables already, so that's a plus. Do you know if the juicing thing is healthier because your cells absorb more of the vitamins and minerals that way?


don't know about that, but i do know that there is no way you can eat as many vegetables conventionally as you can juicing. just the sheer volume that you take in is going to benefit your health. dh has built a relationship w/ someone at the farmer's market who will give him all her "ugly" fruits and vegetable for extremely cheap. there in no way we could afford his juicing if we didn't do this. he takes in so many pounds of produce a day, it's crazy!

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I credit daily walks and the fresh juices my husband prepared two and three times daily in the days prior to my surgery and once or twice daily throughout the last 4.5 weeks of recovery with my good health and rapid healing.


(This is not an endorsement or medical advice, of course; just my feeling on the matter.)

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Hmm. I'm going to have to think about this. We have a good blender because DD likes smoothies. I, OTOH, have never tried a juiced concoction or a smoothie. There is a reason for that -- I think they are yucky.


I guess it won't kill me to try it. Does anyone have a recipe that does not include dairy products or substitutes like almond, rice, or soy milks? I have a distinct prejudice against milk substitutes. It would be better if the thought of drinking this concoction did not make me gag. :)


I hate kale and collard greens, but I would consider kale to be an ordinary, non-exotic ingredient. I don't think people eat collards here b/c I've never seen it in the store.


You all think this stuff tastes *good*, right? You are not forcing it down in the name of health, are you? I already spent 3 weeks acquiring a taste for oatmeal. That experience may have fulfilled my virtue requirement for the rest of my life! :)


Thank you for your help!


If you continue to make changes in your diet, your taste buds will change. I PROMISE!!! :001_smile:


There are a TON of websites out there about juicing, and a good book is Juicing for Life. I bought my book used on Amazon. I really like the book. It's important if you borrow/buy a juicer, you start off making juices you LIKE. Put the kale or spinach in, put in carrot, put in apples. The carrot/apples will make it taste sweeter and more palatable. Again, if you find the right website, there will be recipes for beginners. And make SURE you start off small. Like an PP said, too much all at once is bad. I had forgotten this step and I was doing a detox by having lemon water with cayenne and molasses in the mornings, juicing in the afternoons. By the 3rd day I was a MESS and was RUUUNNNNING to the toilet for a full 24 hours, not to mention the PAIN! Do you know what it's like to have that issue, and to have it while consuming large amounts of cayenne? :svengo: Was I stupid or what? :blushing:


You can get yourself used to juices. Start off with more apples and gradually increase the greens.


I applaud you for your efforts to increase better health!!!

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I wish I could convince DH to do that. Everything he likes to eat is now off his diet because he has had 4 strokes since the end of April. Maybe I can convince him to try it when I do.


Is he ENJOYING what he's eating? He *will* find new favorites, but if he's going to stick to this for the long haul, he's going to need to like what he's doing.


What types of things he now eating, and what does he miss?


Have you considered healthy meats so he can have, say, a burger? Spice up some ground bison and make him a burger. Since there isn't fat, it needs to be under cooked. If over cooked, it will become tough. We cook our burgers on a bed of sauteed onions. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.




The above place is where I buy most of my meats. You can read about how to prepare them if you're interested.


When I was doing my cleansing diet, I was having the detox lemonade in the morning, juicing in the afternoon, then eating a balanced meal for dinner. I never did a 100% fast but maybe I should try it. For your dh, maybe adding juicing in the morning to meals that he will ENJOY for the rest of the day.

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If you continue to make changes in your diet, your taste buds will change. I PROMISE!!! :001_smile:


You can get yourself used to juices. Start off with more apples and gradually increase the greens.


I applaud you for your efforts to increase better health!!!


Roughcollie, I'm to the point now, where if I eat out at a questionable establishment (even a diner that might use fake fats) I will be in the bathroom in a half hour. My body just cannot handle fake foods anymore, no matter how good that grease smells. :D And it's not worth how awful I feel later.


I can taste hydrogenated oils. I can taste preservatives. I never used to before, so your tastebuds Do change, and now, I cannot stand the way premade foods taste.


BUT it takes time. Slow and steady, same with homeschooling, no?


When I'm out of soymilk, I use water, no biggie. :D

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don't know about that, but i do know that there is no way you can eat as many vegetables conventionally as you can juicing. just the sheer volume that you take in is going to benefit your health. dh has built a relationship w/ someone at the farmer's market who will give him all her "ugly" fruits and vegetable for extremely cheap. there in no way we could afford his juicing if we didn't do this. he takes in so many pounds of produce a day, it's crazy!


That is a fantastic arrangement! If I could work out something like this, I would juice more often (but more as a supplement than as a fasting/diet plan).


BTW, jen, your avatar is too cute. Love that adorable baby face peeking over your shoulder.

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I've been thinking about this thread a lot. Especially since I'm in the middle of a particularly bad bout of hives. I think my reasons for not trying it are a little short sighted. The whole, "he and I have different types of urticaria so the juicing won't work for me," is shifting. Maybe it will work. Maybe it won't. Maybe I'm just too afraid to try it.


I signed up at the reboot website. According to the reboot website, I'm supposed to start on the 20th. Probably will start sooner. I'm considering participating longer than 15 days. I have a juicer and I have a blender.


It can't hurt, right? Maybe it will help. Maybe I won't have to spend too many more days medicated up to my eyeballs, and ripping the skin from my body one fingernailful at a time.


RoughCollie, if you want a juicing buddy, just PM me.


I'm considering blogging about the experience. Maybe not, it might be too personal.

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I've been thinking about this thread a lot. Especially since I'm in the middle of a particularly bad bout of hives. I think my reasons for not trying it are a little short sighted. The whole, "he and I have different types of urticaria so the juicing won't work for me," is shifting. Maybe it will work. Maybe it won't. Maybe I'm just too afraid to try it.


I signed up at the reboot website. According to the reboot website, I'm supposed to start on the 20th. Probably will start sooner. I'm considering participating longer than 15 days. I have a juicer and I have a blender.


It can't hurt, right? Maybe it will help. Maybe I won't have to spend too many more days medicated up to my eyeballs, and ripping the skin from my body one fingernailful at a time.


RoughCollie, if you want a juicing buddy, just PM me.


I'm considering blogging about the experience. Maybe not, it might be too personal.


Good for you! Absolutely no harm in trying it. In the documentary he makes a statement about how even if someone ends up quitting before the end, it's still a success. He said so many people are like, "Oh I could NEVER do that," but never willing to give it a try. Good luck!

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My journey began many years ago, to reclaim my body so it can achieve its maximum potential. Watching a sister die of brain cancer also helped me rethink how I was raised to eat/drink. I highly recommend juicing, whether you have the fiber in it or the fiber out of it! Both have nutritional value. The juicing enters into your system faster!


We were juicing daily and are actually returning to that (husband & myself). Our kids got scared off but come to me when sick/tired and have taken much of this alternative health learning to heart. I understand how hard it is when a teen and in the throes of 'social eating'! At least they don't touch soda now!


To make your juice taste better, add an apple for sweetness! My favorite juicer juice is celery, kale, cucumber, parsley and rainbow chard. I grew up hating vegetables so it's rather funny how I now eat but I've never felt better! I don't touch dairy...avoid most yeast products...and haven't had meat in a few years but am not against that...I'm just on a path of listening to my body and all that takes time.


For the indivitual who felt sick afterwards it could be detoxing of the body. Most bodies carry so much acidity that it could provoke pains at first. It's best when juicing to avoid sugar, etc....


Bottom line...it's extremely good for you and there are countless ways to mix veggies together for a fun drink. (btw I dilute mine with water...if I have 8oz of juice I add the same amount of water. Stretches it out and for that upset stomach might also help in the digestion of it.


blessings to you

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I've been thinking about this thread a lot. Especially since I'm in the middle of a particularly bad bout of hives. I think my reasons for not trying it are a little short sighted. The whole, "he and I have different types of urticaria so the juicing won't work for me," is shifting. Maybe it will work. Maybe it won't. Maybe I'm just too afraid to try it.


I signed up at the reboot website. According to the reboot website, I'm supposed to start on the 20th. Probably will start sooner. I'm considering participating longer than 15 days. I have a juicer and I have a blender.


It can't hurt, right? Maybe it will help. Maybe I won't have to spend too many more days medicated up to my eyeballs, and ripping the skin from my body one fingernailful at a time.


RoughCollie, if you want a juicing buddy, just PM me.


I'm considering blogging about the experience. Maybe not, it might be too personal.


I am so sorry you're suffering so badly. :grouphug:

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I've been thinking about this thread a lot. Especially since I'm in the middle of a particularly bad bout of hives. I think my reasons for not trying it are a little short sighted. The whole, "he and I have different types of urticaria so the juicing won't work for me," is shifting. Maybe it will work. Maybe it won't. Maybe I'm just too afraid to try it.


I signed up at the reboot website. According to the reboot website, I'm supposed to start on the 20th. Probably will start sooner. I'm considering participating longer than 15 days. I have a juicer and I have a blender.


It can't hurt, right? Maybe it will help. Maybe I won't have to spend too many more days medicated up to my eyeballs, and ripping the skin from my body one fingernailful at a time.


RoughCollie, if you want a juicing buddy, just PM me.


I'm considering blogging about the experience. Maybe not, it might be too personal.


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