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Sept. 6...most terrifying 13 hours of my life

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I'm sorry, too, for the traumatic birth, but I'm rejoicing with you and your babies!! Your family will be in my prayers!


HUGS! That sounds so scary, and I know the pain of a c-section very very well. Please be kind to yourself, and take your pain medications as directed. Also, ask for stool softeners, as the pain meds and surgery will bind things up otherwise. Not something you want to find out a week from now! Please realize that a traumatic birth like that can cause PTSD, and take action if need be. Use a pillow over your incision whenever possible, it will help prevent the "my guts are falling out" feeling. You WILL heal. I promise. You are a strong, brave warrior mama, even if you don't feel like it right now. You were brave enough to allow yourself to be cut open for the sake of your children. You are amazing. Give yourself credit, and give yourself space to heal mentally and emotionally.


Hugs again. my prayers are with you and your babies. Please go hold them, touch them, perhaps they can help heal you. And you certainly can help heal them.




Good advice here!

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So many similarities in your story to my Possum's arrival at 25 weeks, including being airlifted! I really feel for you and know exactly what you mean about crying over everything. You are one strong woman!


The first week or 2 is generally the toughest in NICU. The babies will take time to stabilise and you will take time to understand how the NICU works and what you can do for your babies.


If you'd like a buddy to chat to please PM me and i will give you my e-mail or FB details. There is also a FB group that is VERY supportive called pPROM Parents Group. All the parents there have had preterm premature rupture of membranes and most have had premies.


Big hugs to you.

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So very glad your babes are doing ok. Twin pregnancies are different, and you just never know what's going to happen. It sounds like God worked everything out, and your babies sound like they are doing great.


Congratulations from another twin mama. I'll keep all of you in my prayers.


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:grouphug: Take good care of yourself! This babies are going to be just fine! Welcome to the twin club, it's a crazy ride!



ETA: I agree about the PTSD. I had a scary labor, and ppd, and caring for twins is rough! It's not like one baby at all. Make sure you have lot o people in your corner.

Edited by Runningmom80
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Heheh, I do love Amelia Rose. Two favorite posters here have an Amelia and I swooned when I heard their names. Rose is just cute and oh, so lovely.


Of course it is not my baby girl, but I sort of forgot that!


I agree about PPD. A good friend of mine got twin boys (she had had dozens of miscarriages and had five dd's and just wanted a son due to culture). Got her twin boys and went into shock and was hospitalized for PPD!!

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I'm so sorry about your traumatic birth experience but congratulations on your twins!!! 31 weeks is early but getting past 30 weeks is a great milestone!


As other have mentioned watch for PPD and PTSD. I had a similar experience at 25 weeks with my oldest (med-evaced during labor) but luckily they were able to stop it with Mag. It was the worst day of my life, they were giving my son not very good odds if he were born :-( Then with my twins I started having problems very early and was on bedrest from 18 weeks on. Every day I thought I was going to lose them. By the time I had them I was numb, I don't think I really bonded with them until they were a year old. I just "knew" something awful was going to happen to them.


I knew people that had been through so much worse but it didn't mean that the experience wasn't traumatic for me. I was finally told I had PTSD and started treatment. It has helped but I still feel like I've been kicked in the stomach when I hear stories similar to mine. I think if I would have gotten help sooner it would have helped.


I hope your babies do well in the NICU and have a short stay!





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Congrats on the babies! Make sure you take time to recover yourself and take many pictures as both you and the twins will enjoy looking at them as they get older.

The NICU is difficult but remember they will take excellent care of your sweet babies when you can't be there. We spent 45 days in the NICU with my 29 weeker and she is an extremely happy healthy (and big) 6 yr old now.

Best wishes to you on your NICU journey and I hope that it is a very short while before the babies are home where you can all relax and enjoy getting to know each other!

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Oh my word. The goosebumps on my arms will not lie down.


So glad everyone is here, safe, and well.


And don't feel bad about not wanting to see them at first. I didn't want to after mine were delivered, either. I'm not sure why, but it was a *very* strange feeling - a feeling like, well, like they were here and I could easily "check out now"...oh, I can't really explain (and I've spent a fair amount of time feeling horrible for it). Perhaps it was the meds; twin birth is no easy deal.



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I know how hard it is to have babies in the NICU--but just wanted to give you some encouragement--my dd10 was a 32-weeker. She was basically caught up by 1 yr. and has absolutely no issues related to prematurity. In fact she is in the 95% for height and weight and has no LDs or any other effects, medical or otherwise. Praying your babies can come home soon!

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:grouphug: What a scary ordeal! I'm glad you and babies came through safely, but I'm sorry you were so traumatized. Be gentle with yourself and give yourself the time and space you need to process and heal.


One last thing...in all of my pregnancies/deliveries I have never seen the hand of God so visible. So many things could have gone wrong (delivery in triage in a hospital unequipped for preemies, delivery in the air, no epi which would have caused me to push with breech babies, etc.). These babies have been protected and our family cared for unlike anything I've ever seen. God be praised, He is Lord and all glory goes to Him.


I felt/saw the same with my last pregnancy which had a big scary emergency and ended in an emergency c-section. It's amazing to look back and see the hand of God at work in your life. I'll pray for you and your babies.



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