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My Chickadee Is Flying

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This was always part of the plan. When she was in second grade, we decided to homeschool. Even back then, we only set out to homeschool Molly through middle school and have her go back to our pretty decent local high school.


So how did this day arrive so quickly?


She's our only. She tested into AP classes, has been playing oboe in the high school band since January (they needed an oboe and she's played with the middle school band for three years) and she's super excited. She wants to be a music teacher and the school has a great music program. I know she'll do fine.


But I can't believe she's a freshman, and I'm no longer a homeschooling mom. I swear she was just a toddler last week.


It's been a helluva ride, and Molly has been the most amazing student. I'm so grateful to my husband and my mom for helping with homeschooling and supporting this journey. I know we gave her a great start, and I'm excited to see her taking the next step.


But it hurts a teeny bit, and I think I could use a hug. :crying: And I hope you won't kick me off now. I found this board eight years ago before we pulled her out of school and I have learned so much here.



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At some point we all will be making the same transition... I hope with the same level of grace and success you have achieved! You have done an amazing job and given a wonderful gift to your daughter. The good news is that the ride isn't over yet! Off you go to chart and navigate new and wonderful adventures with your family just over the horizon :)



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At some point we all will be making the same transition... I hope with the same level of grace and success you have achieved! You have done an amazing job and given a wonderful gift to your daughter. The good news is that the ride isn't over yet! Off you go to chart and navigate new and wonderful adventures with your family just over the horizon :)




What a lovely sentiment; thank you for your kind words!


And that goes for everyone..... sending hugs back to you all!



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