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So, who starts school tomorrow?

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We do, too!


We don't actually take the summer off, but we've been on break while we finished some construction projects, then buttoned up for the storm.


I am soooooo ready for my kids to be back in their normal routine. They are losing their minds.

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We go to our full schedule tomorrow. We don't actually take the summer off, doing math and writing year round. We also started chemistry 4 weeks ago since ds15 is shooting for the AP exam in May.


I am not feeling entirely ready for the full schedule, especially since we got a new little furbaby last Wednesday who has disrupted our schedule ever since. Some smart person was giving away kittens at y ds13 and dd9's gymnastics club. I made of the mistake of letting them call and ask daddy if they could one. The kitten is adorable, of course, but terribly disruptive to our schedules and will be for a while since I estimate her age at no more than 5 weeks in spite of what we were told by the person giving them away.


On the up side, my daughter suddenly sees an advantage to homeschooling over going off to public school with the neighbor kids.

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We start tomorrow. We usually don't start school

til labor day, but this year we'll

be traveling during labor day. I'd rather start a week early to accomplish a full

week without traveling (we travel between two states every couple of weeks). I am very ready for us all to have a schedule again!


Have a great first week!

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We are also. As My Crazy House said, we usually school through the summer. However this summer has been unusually busy for all of us. For the sake of my sanity, I let go of the summer schooling. So tomorrow we get more serious about picking up where we left off in June and getting back into our study habits.

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We do, but a slow start. We have a box of books arriving on Thursday, so we'll be on the full schedule next week (with Monday off for Labor Day, I'm sure, since DH will be off). I haven't done anything fun for tomorrow (no cinnamon rolls, no french toast, etc which we've done in the past). It completely slipped my mind until this morning and then we spent most of the day out of the house. I might see if I can make cinnamon rolls tonight (assuming I don't just give in to laziness once the kids are in bed).

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Good Luck and do what you can. That's the best part of homeschooling. Start easy and add in what you can! :)

Thanks! So far, so good. I'm having a harder time with the kindergartener than the baby. :tongue_smilie: He's not fighting doing the work, but it just takes him so l o n g to do everything! I thought waiting until he turned 6 to start K would help with that, but I think I'm finding that it's just his personality. I'm just going to focus on reading, writing, and math with him and let him join in on the rest if he feels like it.

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Well, I failed already. I was supposed to get up at 7:00 am, but didn't get up until 8:00 am. I will just work out tonight instead.


So, off to start.


Have a great day, all! :D


I didn't get up until 830. Of course, I was up until 2am or later, so Night Guy ruined it for Morning Guy.


On the plus side, I DID make cinnamon roll dough last night so there are rolls in the oven RIGHT NOW!

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Going good so far here. Some things took longer than expected and some shorter, so it worked out in the end. Now, dd is painting and ds decided he wants to play with his new b-day toys instead. We still have some music appreciation- will introduce composer and play a piece during lunch. After lunch we're doing read-alouds.


I got up early here, thank goodness, I went to bed early so I'd have a good start and thanks to God I slept good. I need to do some work on the different schedules I have as there not coordinated enough together. Dd didn't care to do most of the stuff I had planned but kept herself busy regardless. She's only 4 though and I don't want to push her, so whatever she wants to do is fine. I certainly didn't do anything formal w/ ds until 5.

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