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I have good news!!!!

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Well, it has been a really rough year. As many of you know we have been having a really rough time selling our house since we moved for my dh's work.


The house fiasco ended in a rather strange matter. Basically, no one won :glare:. After the bank negelected to look at our paper work when the house went under it's first contract, FHA got involved. A few months later when we got the 2nd contract, FHA had started a specific investigation into our situation. The bank determined that we did not qualify for a short sale :glare:, but since they had neglected to do the original paper work, causing the house to remain on the market 6 more months without us knowing we did not qualify, and because they verbally told us we did qualify, FHA has officially stepped in and said the bank is not allowed to go after us for the remainder of the loan when the bank sells the house.


The short version is: Yes, we are being foreclosed on and will have to rebuild our credit. The upside is we are out from under the house. :001_smile:


The really good news: Last week we went and looked at a completely rebuilt farmhouse on 210 acres. The house was gorgeous!!!! Redone with hardware and appliances that are true to the original era the house was built (true as in design, I will not be using a 100 year old stove to cook!). Plumbing and electrical redone, a fenced yard, and a 3-4 acre fenced pasture for our horses. There is also a very over grown 1/2 acre garden plot next to the front yard.


After going thru 2 interviews....we just found out we have been accepted as tenants!!!


I am doing the happy dance!!!! :party:


I am so relieved to have found a place with a doable commute for dh, that will allow my kids to have space, and will give us the time to rebuild our credit.

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210 acres.. :001_tt1::thumbup1: :drool: :drool5:




I actually I am somewhat relieved that we are not responsible for all 210 acres. There is a cattle rancher that leases it. I just get to use it for trail riding, expoloration, archery, skeet shooting and anything else I want :D.


We get the house, large storage shed, and about 5-7 acres.


I cannot wait!

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