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What is the most loads of laundry you have even done in 1 day.

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My usual routine is to wash a load each time one of the hampers (labeled white, colors, and dark) gets full. Usually one a day.

When we were remodeling I was without my washer and dryer for about a month and it took me some time to get a laundromat routine working. One day I did seven loads. :001_huh:

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I do at least 3 loads every day and many days 4 or 5. The only day don't do laundry is Sunday. How do all of you get by with less?? I guess part of it is we live in the country and people get filthy working outside and then we change to go to town and that gets dirty and then we have animals and people visiting so their are always sheets and towels to be done.



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I get in moods when I want to do a chore, but don't want to work very hard! so I wash towels and sheets and all the comforters and rugs in the house--Sometimes it's about 12 loads. Feels good when it's done, and it really only takes a few minutes to stuff them in the washer/dryer and put them away (I can fold a load of towels in about 4 minutes--yep, I timed myself by doing them during dd's Saxon timed tests! lol).


Regular laundry, tho, is usually 3 or 4 loads, several times a week, and not all done by me.

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I do at least 3 loads every day and many days 4 or 5. The only day don't do laundry is Sunday. How do all of you get by with less?? I guess part of it is we live in the country and people get filthy working outside and then we change to go to town and that gets dirty and then we have animals and people visiting so their are always sheets and towels to be done.




It must be because you live in the country :-)


Once a week I do one load of towels, one load of whites (sheets, dishtowels, washcloths--all white %100 cotton, so I can presoak with bleach), one of dh's and my clothes together, one of dh's undies (bless his heart--he has sensitive skin, and I wash his underwear with a different detergent and no fabric softener). Towels and whites on Friday, everything else on Monday. When dc were home, I washed their clothes together once a week.


There will be occasionally extra sheets and towels because of guests, but that would be only 1 or 2 extra loads. Ditto with tablecloths/napkins used for special dinners.

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On Mondays it's quite common to do 4 *maybe* 5 loads, but 4 is more like it. I don't run any over the weekend. I may or may not put in a load Friday. Generally my last load is done on Thursday, then we start in again on Monday. :)


So the most I have done in a day is probably 5 or 6. Typical Monday mound and bedding perhaps.

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I'm embarrassed to admit that I've gotten way behind more than once... and it usually takes 2 days straight of keeping the washer and dryer going from dawn until midnight to get it all done... Of course by the time I'm that far behind, I've usually got clean clothes mixed in with the dirty ones, so I'm re-washing the clean ones because I'm not sure if they are clean or dirty.


Thankfully, I've had some success getting my act together, and I've been staying on top of it with 2 or so loads of laundry each day for a family of 6. More on Tuesdays when all the bedding is washed. Or on days like today when we're potty training, AND little Miss managed to throw up in her carseat... and has been fine ever since.


So I'll say that the most in one day is around 12-15, but that's on the extreme end of things. I even remember getting up in the night and switching clothes more than once, just to get caught up.


But that was what seems now like a former life... I hope it stays that way. ;)

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I can't remember the worst day - I was soooo tired. I think it must have about 10-12, but they were smallish loads.


My dd (4 at the time) and my ds (newborn) were both sick. My daughter had whooping cough and my son had pyloric stenosis. Both cause the afflicted to throw up - a lot! I think the worst part was I was doing laundry 24/7 for about 1 week straight.


After that week, my son had surgery for the pyloric stenosis and no longer threw up. I still had to deal with all the laundry from my daughter (mostly bed things), but I felt relieved that there wasn't anything else.

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I think it was 8. I was 8 months pregnant and all 4 of my dc and dh had a severe (and never-ending it seemed) case of the stomach flu. I spent an entire week doing nothing but cleaning up sick mess, giving baths, and doing laundry. One of the worst weeks of my life. :tongue_smilie:

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I once did 15 loads in a day. It was winter, I had 5 kids, a husband, a dairy farm, and broken laundry equipment at home. I saved up my loads for a few days and then took it all to the laundromat. It was actually really, really great to have all 15 loads done, folded, and ready to put away in about 3 hours.

On a regular basis though, I do about 3 loads a day. If I skip a day, or even (gasp) 2 days, I have a mountain to contend with.

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Regularly for me... about 8-10 loads at a time.


I would much prefer doing smaller loads -- but my work/home schedule is such that I usually have to play "catch up" on the weekends.


And, if it'w a weekend I have to work... or my mom's weekend with the laundry, I can have 2 or 3 weeks of laundry piling up.


Mix in at least one puke-fest a week, and I have "emergency loads" of linens and comforters (2-3 loads... although I now wash the pillows & cases together, which saved me a load).


I usually have time to get one load of whites or towels done -- so we never run out of underwear... but geez.


My LR right now is a mess of clean/folded clothes and I still have a floor full of dirty clothes (at least 5-6 loads), plus one in the washer and one in the dryer.


I'm sooo looking forward to losing my 2nd job this summer!!!


At least that way, I should be able to do 2 loads a day (one in the am, one in the pm).


Of course, with new baby showing up I was TWO washers & dryers!!!

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