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Is there a harmless tick and mosquito repellant that actually works?

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I have to apply this about every hour, but it works:




How to Make Homemade Bug Spray:

Fill spray bottle (I used 8 ounce) 1/2 full with distilled or boiled water

Add witch hazel to fill almost to the top

Add 1/2 tsp vegetable glycerin if using

Add 30-50 drops of essential oils to desired scent. The more oils you use, the stronger the spray will be. My personal favorite mix is: Rosemary, Clove, Cajeput, Lavender, Cinnamon and Eucalyptus… it works great and smells good too!

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Ticks do not like the original Skin So Soft smell.


If you bath with the oil, shower soap, or use the lotion ticks won't stick.


I've been using when we visited my folk's farm in WI.


The kids will sometimes come in with a tick on their clothing but we've never had a tick bite on any of them or us.


For the mosquitos try Shaklee Basic H. Apply Basic-H full strength on skin - mosquitoes, chiggers, flies, fleas etc. will not bite where Basic-H is applied!


Also if your forgot to use Basic-H beforehand, use it afterwards if you get a bite to stop the itching.

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I tried it last year. Nothing lasts for long with me, though. ugh


I was recently told that if I sprayed Listerine around outside where I'll be sitting, bugs won't come around. I'm dying to try it. P.S. I always use ammonia afterwards and it really does stop the sting.
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I recently read that DEET is apparently not as dangerous as one might think. Here's an article discussing the various options:




Web MD also started allowing Nestle to sponsor their breastfeeding pages. I am a bit confounded by it all.



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We tried lemon eucalyptus (bought it at walmart, not sure of the brand) for the first time this year and it seems to work. I'm going to try the B1 thing too.


Yes, the Lemon Eucalyptus from Repel does work very well and better than some that have DEET. I don't know if it's harmless, but it doesn't have DEET.

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I don't know about ticks, but my sister recently told me that vanilla is supposed to work on mosquitos, so I've been trying it and it seems to be working! And as a bonus, it smells so much better than any of the other stuff I've ever found - hooray! I put some vanilla oil in a small spray bottle with distilled water, shake and spray liberally on myself and all around the patio if that's where I'm at....

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I was recently told that if I sprayed Listerine around outside where I'll be sitting, bugs won't come around. I'm dying to try it. P.S. I always use ammonia afterwards and it really does stop the sting.


This does work, but only for a little while. Also, it doesn't have to be Listerine. The dollar store knock off will do just as well.


We use sweet almond oil with rosemary and lavender essential oils mixed in. Right now I have a ton of the essential oils added in because it is rainy season and the mosquitos are terrible, but most of the year just 10 drops of each in a 4 oz bottle of the almond oil does fine.


Also, if you put garlic juice on your pets' food it will keep ticks off them as well. Fleas too from what I can tell.

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  • 2 months later...
A splash of vinegar in their water seems to help, as well. If your pet is truly thirsty, he will drink the water!


Careful......it seems that a dog getting urinary tract issues from not drinking enough water would be an issue with this. I see a lot of urinary issues in the veterinary field, and this would be a good way to cause one.

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This does work, but only for a little while. Also, it doesn't have to be Listerine. The dollar store knock off will do just as well.


We use sweet almond oil with rosemary and lavender essential oils mixed in. Right now I have a ton of the essential oils added in because it is rainy season and the mosquitos are terrible, but most of the year just 10 drops of each in a 4 oz bottle of the almond oil does fine.


Also, if you put garlic juice on your pets' food it will keep ticks off them as well. Fleas too from what I can tell.


Garlic actually does NOT repel fleas/ticks. They have done several studies on this. fleas actually like garlic.

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