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So, a yellowjacket flew into my shirt yesterday evening...

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through the armhole & stung me 3 times -- once in the armpit & 2 more times down my side.




I've been in a Benadryl haze today....


Sheesh. I'm a member of the hive! I don't think the yellowjacket got the memo! ;):lol:


So, how has your weekend been so far?

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through the armhole & stung me 3 times -- once in the armpit & 2 more times down my side.


eek.gif Ouch!


I've been in a Benadryl haze today....




Sheesh. I'm a member of the hive! I don't think the yellowjacket got the memo! ;):lol:


So, how has your weekend been so far? wink.giflaugh.gif


Oooh, sounds painful. I was once stung by several wasps (hornets? I was only 7 - they were lean and mean and had little stingers...), so I can appreciate how painful multiples stings can be.


But your bolded part? :lol:



My weekend could be better - dh and kids are out of town (out of state!) and I have more than a few hours alone for the first time since...dunno, but years ago, I tell you! Years. Gosh...years.


And...I'm cleaning. [& decluttering.] Cleaning is not fun anyway, but especially not when you could be out shopping!


(For school supplies. I need to go to Ikea...two hours away...too much time away from cleaning....:glare:)

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OUCH! I hate those things. I feel your pain!


Recently I was weeding my walkway (I have monkey grass planted along it) and happened upon a nest. I had set my water bottle down next to me and thank heavens I did. As I pulled this clump of weeds, a couple came out buzzing and I shot off like a fire was under my bum :tongue_smilie:. I was not waiting to see how many more there were. They came out with guns a blazin' popping that water bottle like crazy. I could actually hear the pops as they were hitting it. I hope it bent their stingers :D. Didn't matter much though later, because a can of wasp spray took care of their mean selves. Their nest was 2" across dug into the dirt under the edge of the border grass. I was glad that I found it and not dd. She is very allergic.

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Ouch!! This reminds me of when I was a teenager at the coast with my family. We were having lunch at a local bbq place...eating outside in the garden area. My mom (who is in a power wheelchair) had a wasp fly up her skirt and let me tell you...the dance she did is one I will never forget. She was stuck in the wheelchair, but the skirt practically went up and over her head, while she was screaming and hitting herself. As a teenager, it was so incredibly embarrassing. As an adult, I love harassing her about it now ;)


Hope you feel better soon!

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Oh, ouch.


Last month, my dd10 had a little green sweat bee get caught in her shirt sleeve and sting her about 5 times all around her armpit. She came running in slapping at herself and screeching and RegularDad saw a little green thing fly back out of her shirt as she ran up the stairs. He managed to kill it and bring it to us. After we put cortizone cream on her, we looked it up on What's That Bug, like a little summer homeschool science project. (sigh)


Still, yellowjackets are much more painful. Ugh.


Feel better.

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Sheesh. I'm a member of the hive! I don't think the yellowjacket got the memo! ;):lol:




:lol::lol::lol: OUCH!!!


I once went out into the woods to give dh a hot cup of coffee. He was cutting firewood for the winter. I had one fly into my pajama pants and sting me 9 times!!! Dh didn't know why I was yelling and then just yelled to TAKE MY PANTS OFF!!!! When I did, the stupid thing flew out.


Another time I had one fly into my car through the sunroof, and I was going about 40 mph! Yes, it stung me!!! I somehow managed to pull over and not get into an accident.


I hope you feel better soon!

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OUCH!!!!!! I hope you feel better soon.


This happened to my ds a couple weeks ago. Poor kid. He was stung six times before his friend grabbed the stupid yellow jacket. Wasn't that nice of his friend?


This week alone, my 5 yo dd has been stung twice by those stupid yellow jackets. I think they have nests at our local park. They are SO aggressive.

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The same thing (without the sting) happened to me 2 weeks ago...I was weeding the garden and puttering around the yard when I felt something scratchy on my back. I stood there a few minutes wondering what it might be, and then I remembered hearing a buzz by my ear earlier. I hesitated for 1 second before whipping my shirt right off over my head...all the while thinking *Please, don't let the UPS truck drive up!*. So glad we have a lot of trees...:D Feel better soon!

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So, how has your weekend been so far? wink.giflaugh.gif



Since you asked... Friday we shopped, baked a cake, and sculpted a Smurf house and three apples out of gum paste. Saturday we had a birthday party for Booger planned for 2 pm. I woke up in horrible pain, ended up in the ER (kidney stones) and dh called our guest to move the party to 4 pm. Dh decorated the cake, my mom wrangled kids and my mil decorated the room for the party. My grandma cleaned up my kitchen from lunch. And I made it home in time for the party.


Sorry about your yellow jacket stings. They are painful.

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I have two words for your yellow jacket sting: tobacco juice.


I got stung by a hornet or yellow jacket as a kid, and a kind gentlemen took his tobacco out of his mouth and plopped it on the sting.


Totally grossed me out, but the sting immediately stopped hurting and within an hour you couldn't even tell that I'd been stung.


We now keep a can of Skoal on hand for stinging emergencies. BTW, I DO NOT put it in my mouth.:eek: I just get it wet with some water.


Hope you feel better soon. :grouphug:

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I have two words for your yellow jacket sting: tobacco juice.


I got stung by a hornet or yellow jacket as a kid, and a kind gentlemen took his tobacco out of his mouth and plopped it on the sting.


Totally grossed me out, but the sting immediately stopped hurting and within an hour you couldn't even tell that I'd been stung.


We now keep a can of Skoal on hand for stinging emergencies. BTW, I DO NOT put it in my mouth.:eek: I just get it wet with some water.


Hope you feel better soon. :grouphug:


Wow, I have to tell my friend this.


My dd went to a backyard campout Friday night. On Saturday morning they were out playing in the yard and dd stepped into the yellowjacket lair, apparently. She got the worst of it, but the other girls got stung also. My friend treated everyone with baking soda paste and ice cubes -- I'll let her know about the tobacco!


:grouphug: thats awful!!! lavender essential oil helps take the sting away... for future attacks!!! :001_smile:


We can't use lavender oil on dd. It gives her a rash. Even putting a lavender sachet in a drawer of her clothing makes her itch. We've been using apple cider vinegar, and also epsom salt baths.

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How are you doing today? You haven't been here to respond, and it's kind of worrisome.


Oh, I'm fine! Thanks for asking. :001_smile:


Everything's still sore to the touch, but nothing more....


I knew about the tobacco juice (though I didn't think of it at the time). Chewing tobacco is a good idea as it's in a handy container. (I have a small box of cigars in the first aid kit here, lol.) But, I got the stings while I was out elsewhere, so I didn't have access to my first aid kit when it happened.

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Oh, I'm fine! Thanks for asking. :001_smile:


Everything's still sore to the touch, but nothing more....



Whew! Recently an acquaintance was stung and had a life threatening reaction (I didn't even know that wasps could do that, to be honest), and when I noticed you hadn't posted since last night....


Glad you are doing all right!

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